EnZz0, 26 Nov 2013The largest screen of all world tablets.It's Sri Lanka haven't this.
But srilanka have transformed laptops.
T100t,Hp,Lenovo.but only have one os.
I like this pc station.
Rey, 08 Feb 2014It would have been good if the tablet has 3G or 4G capable..and also reduce the size of the t... moreyes, need to have 3G or 4G capability. Because this was supose to be a mobile gudget.
This specification should be corrected... the dock and tablet has separate specs if this is pertaining to the model TX201LA
too bad it doesn't have gps nor can have a built in mobile network capability.
It would have been good if the tablet has 3G or 4G capable..and also reduce the size of the table a little bit..
It is running the Core I7 in the dock and the Atom un-docked. The Graphics for windows are Intel HD Graphics 4400
EnZz0, 26 Nov 2013The largest screen of all world tablets.what read at other review, this use haswel and also atom processor.. it has dual windows.. android 4.2.2 and wndows 8.. ram 4gb and also the haswel is i7 or i5..
The largest screen of all world tablets.
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