LG G Flex2 is powered by the latest Snapdragon 810 chip. It offers an octa-core 64-bit processor with four Cortex-A57 @ 2.0GHz and four Cortex-A53 @ 1.5GHz cores. It also comes with the most powerful Adreno GPU to date - the Adreno 430 as well as 2GB or 3GB of RAM depending on the storage flavor you choose - the 16GB or the 32GB model.
We were able to test the CPU performance via the latest GeekBench 3 and it turned out great - the best score produces by a smartphone to date. It seems those eight cores will be providing stellar performance. Note that this unit is running on a pre-release software version, so the performance could be even better on the retail unit.
Higher is better
LG G Flex2 runs on Android 5.0.1 Lollipop skinned with the latest LG launcher. In addition to the native 64-bit OS support coming from Lollipop, the highlights of the proprietary launcher include Gesture Shot, Gesture View and Glance View features.
LG G Flex2 runs on Android 5 Lollipop
The Gesture Shot allows you to capture selfies easily, recognizing your hand from 1.5m. Gesture View helps you view the last shot, while Glance View displays key info on the display when it is off (Samsung offers the same within the TouchWiz UX).
Here is a short hands-on video showing the G Flex2 in action:
LG G Flex2 kicks off later in January in its homeland - South Korea, while the rest of the world will get it in the following couple of months. It will carry a premium price tag over the LG G3 flagship, just like the Galaxy Note Edge does over the Galaxy Note 4.
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