Well, finanly my precius phone arrive! So fall inlove with it! God, where was my head when I bought the stupid Nokia 3650?! Spend so much money on the mobile phones but with this one I gotta say that I never look for another! Sexy slik!!!
Chea Wong.. You and your phones SUCK!!!!
what a piece of cheap shit!, i cant wait for the chea 6600 rip off
So this is where faulty Nokia 8310's go to...
nice 8310
Wanna get one, how much is it?!
My 168 is fantastic!
Overall great! :)
A brize to use terminal with all the godies, I can't understand why everybody said that Chea made shity copycat?! Briliant menu, far better than N 8310, slik body look, ligtweight! I'm glad that this one is so hard to find in the store, becouse I hate to have a commun mobile phone that everybody have!
Owned it for a year now and still amaize me! Never look back for another than Chea! I cannot wait for these new color screen, it would be just so brilliant! Thanks Chea, keep on going no matter what!
What is this? It looks just like my son's toy phone he bought for $2.00!
You people are dumbfucks... it isnt even color screen'd... no gprs... LMFAO BETTER THAN MY 6600 AND MY P900?! i dont think so!! LOL! 8310 is better!
Serious business and fashon phone, all in all supergreat! I'm glad that I can recomand such a smart, cute little phone! Never regret the 250 euro spent for it... for this kind of money all can I get is N 6600, 6100, but Chea 168 is better! Thanx!
is this for kids?this phone sux for shure people get real
Kik Nokia 168 ass by far!
So cute!
no.. this is the nokia 8310
I trade my old Nokia 7650 for this Chea 168 and I never regret the tranzaction. 168 rullz!!!
hey..it's a nokia 8310
wots with the pink!!!!!!!!!!
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