Apple doesn't want it, but Android is about to embrace it - Flash Player 10.1 for Android is in private beta and a public beta is coming soon. The Open Screen Project is about to deliver and enable the full Web on Android phones.
Many sites may have gone iPad-friendly with non-Flash pages (video streaming mostly), but Flash is used in more places than YouTube - from interfaces, to visualization tools and more.
Currently, Flash Player 10.1 for Android is only available through a closed beta program, so only certain developers can test it. But a public beta is coming and it will let anyone give it a go.
Unfortunately, no info about the public beta is provided - no requirements or compatibility list, not even a hint for a release date. You can sign up to be notified when it becomes available. Current info shows that the final product is vaguely slated for second half of 2010.
PS. What's with the squished Nexus One, anyway?
Basically lame is a free open source encoder/decoder no and has never been questioned by fraunhoffner or anyone else. H264 is not open source and MPEG-LA made it clearly it won't be free for open source or free apps the way mp3 is. Hence St...
Nope man. You are wrong. It works. . .i guarantee you. Try it yourself then see. It has full flash and java support. Something very rare in phones.
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