Micromax has launched the highly anticipated Canvas 4 in India. The phone was being teased for quite a while now and was even up for pre-order (without announcing the full price) but it was finally unveiled in an event today at New Delhi.
The Canvas 4 has a 5.0-inch, 1280 x 720 'TRU-HD' IPS panel, a 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 13 megapixel rear camera with five element lens, image stabilization, multiple face detection and vertical panorama, 5 megapixel front camera, dual SIM, dual standby functionality, expandable memory, flip cover option, 2,000mAh battery and Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean.
One of the unique features of this phone is Blow to Unlock, wherein you essentially blow a kiss to your phone to unlock it (yes, that's an actual feature). Other, more sensible features include video pinning to pin videos on the homescreen and look away to pause video, stuff that's straight out of Samsung's TouchWiz. You can also turn the phone down during a call and it automatically switches to loudspeaker mode.
The Micromax Canvas is priced at INR17,999 ($295) and will be on sale this weekend in India.
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