The fourth generation Galaxy S smartphone was launched with two different processor variants, one with Snapdragon 600 chipset on board and the other with the company’s own Exynos 5 Octa platform. The folks at FoneArena have got their hands on the Exynos 5 variant of the device and put the smartphone through quite a few synthetic benchmark tests.
As the name suggests, the Octa-core variant of Galaxy S4 has eight processing cores, with the four powerful Cortex A15 chips clocked at 1.6 GHz and the four power-saving Cortex A7 chips running at 1.2 GHz.
The benchmark tests involved Quadrant, AnTuTu, Vellamo and GLBenchmark, which covers pretty much every component of the device.
The Exynos 5 powered Samsung Galaxy S4 is right at the top of the Quadrant benchmark and has a huge lead over its other competitors which include HTC One and Sony Xperia Z.
The latest flagship smartphone from Samsung failed to beat the HTC One in the AnTuTu benchmark 2.9. However, the Galaxy S4 device managed to aggregate 28,018 points in the AnTuTu 3.0 benchmark, whereas the HTC One managed only 24,259 points.
Samsung Galaxy S4 is right behind the HTC Butterfly in the Vellamo 1.0 browser benchmark tests with a score of 2461 points.
Next up is the GL Benchmark tests and at the onscreen evaluation, the Galaxy S4 managed to top all competitors with its PowerVR SGX544MP3 GPU clocked at 533 MHz. The device scored an impressive 39 fps in the test.
Thanks Pankaj Lalla, for sending this in!
Nope.It is like the phone operates mostly on the lower end cpu as it provides performance as well as Battery saving.But in case of 2+6 it is like the phone more often has to hotplug the 6 core cpu.You may experience lag during normal phone operations...
I managed to get a score of 12,981 with the Quad-core version of the S4 available in the UK. It's a fast phone, but have noticed some lags once a lot of applications are open, still, much improved from the S3 that I had previously.
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