Uh. and the BT-60 new motorola battery increases verry much the battery life
E1000 was a good phone for the time of its launch. with the right applications (like XPloreME) u can view pictures in fullscreen mode.the joystick stucks often but there are many wayz for making it work. The GPS function it is not that great. if u want to get a correct and fast fix u really need to buy a GPS connector
hi i recently got an e1000 now i have read all the reviews and most of them sat this phone sucks i am here to tell you the truth and nothing more about this phone
now i only had this phone for about 3 weeks it was a temp phone for me untill i got my a1000 :)
but in this time i learned the advantages and disadvantages with this phone also having some tools and knolage and stuff like that modded the phone with the new boot loader and all that stuff
now first ill comment on the joystic:
evil i found it hard to use and somtimes played up also not the best spot to put it nere the 2 & 5 keys pfft but other from that motion was good and didnt feel cheap
now ill comment on the sound
perfict i havenbt herd better sound on a phone ever its just amasing i cant beleve the sound on it its just mega
now for the bluetooth
same thing as most motorolas running on syenergy X
descuverbal only lasts for 60s
the rason for that is bluetooth security is low on motorola espesialy for ones running on motorola syenergy X
again in good light the camera is good quality but only in good light in low light its verry grainy
nice flash light tho can be used as a torch but only if you are in camra mode also when in camera mode u cant use any music or anithing else of the light will go off as the camera goes off
bluetooh headsets:
i have a blueand x5 sterio headset
it worked fine on the e1000 music played theu the fine now it was in mono but both speakers on the headset worked fine
excelent screen wikid amount of pixels on the screen t made every thing look excelent
here is where it gets a bit tricky
java isnt the best on the e1000 is has a few problems with what keys i should use for what
also u needs a few programs to get some java shit to work
like if u want a file thingi or a new java mp3 player u need to download a few programs called mumoto or somthing like that look in fourems for it if u type it in to google ull be lost with some chinese dude
(no offence intended)
vibra call is good on the phone it is of decent quality
thats about all you probly need to know but if you need to know more or need any fostware/hackware to use and update the phone tell me ill give you my e mail
also to go in to boot loader mode when turning on the phone pres the 3 and * key and hold it it will go to a dos like screen any way if you need any software u have my e mail also if u just wanna chat as well tell me and ill add u to msn with my other acount
The phone is great. The new R26LD (83.39.27i)firmware its faster. Some bug fixes. Can u send me on d3m3ntu187@yahoo.com some apps and links to e1000 apps ? Tks in advance
my phones is not recognesing the music files that i send to it what to do
I have this phone on vodafone and i flashed it. When flashed, it is not the same phone. When flashed with the newest software it is faster, better and if you have a motorola screwdriver the joystick is no problem. It is easy to clean it. No problem at all.
A stronger battery is coming. The batery life incrases 120%. It means that the E1000 can stand by over 6 days.
If u want applications for ur E1000 for free, (radio, voice recorder etc) email me @ CronusZA@gmail.com ill b glad to help you out, got a couple of good wap sites...
I m currious about something ......how many colors has the display???Cause I found on someother site s that it has 65k not 265k!and does the memory card come in the package???
listen to me!
this phone sux, he is big, heavy,the joystick stuck all the time, it have many bugs.
dont buy it.
buy nokia 6680 instead.
Why cant i get ringtones tranferred to my fone even with the blue tooth
How do I activate and use the GPS function in this unit?
nope u can't see the wallpapers in full screen only the video's and u can transfer any wallpapers but the biggest wallpapers wich phone will open are 1280x1024 resolution.
Respected Owners of E1000, please help! i wanna know something about the fone. Can i transfer wallpapers to Motorola E1000 and see in the full screen mode?
Crash go with this phone to the service and reset the software
Maybe u have this phone for much years and for much users. This phone i have it from about 1 year and is nothing broked~!~ if U have a piece of crap that doesn't mean this phone is too !@! maybe u hate motorola but u must respect them because their have invented th first phone so enjoy all pieces of crap like sagem, alcatel. By the way nokia re the best but not the first
I've had this phone bout just over one and a half years, and i think its a piece of crap. Initially fell in love with it cos of its superior functions, the whole 3G craze, and the fact it looked really sturdy and came in my favourite black. But then after a while you notice how slow the text appears on the screen, how you always keep getting cut off in the middle of calls cos the network mysterioulsy goes zero, how the phone seems to adopt a life of its own and just turns itself off, how the battery doesnt seem to last you a full day even after a full night's charging, and how that damn joystick just wont scroll properly at all. Being brutally honest, I just smashed the damn thing against the wall cos it got me so pissed off. And now the LCD is broke, but thats reason to dump this piece of junk and get myself a NOKIA. Good riddance.
Hmm phone looks good but has many bugs. Well first of all.. my mp3 player gives errors.. after some 5-6 melodyes... It gives error..and i have to turn mp3 player back on. Other problem.. I lose connection with network even when i have all signal lines. The mobile restarts sometimes. Battery life sux.. If you activate gprs&bluetooth it will run out of battery in no time. Man this phone has to much bugs.. i think if Motorola would have put more attencion on soft side & battery.. it would have been one of the gratest phones. I like the menu, camera, design, what he can do(even if it's with errors). Oh and lots of java applications just don't work.. Only old java application work
i have a problem that i try to connect one apps in but they show me and error cant connect to serve please help me and my i know where to get themes for this moile thank you
I think the battery is crap because it had to be replaced after 1 year because the life was so bad and the next battery started to leak.I only got it because my mum has upgraded phones and it's a bit gay that i'm stuck with a phone with the worst battery life on Earth. What do you lot think? From Jack aged 14
i fink it`s very good luck phone.it` have 3g and ather plus ! very good...
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