20 -25 mins for a 4 meg file ??? is'nt that a bit too slow ? is the same on phones like N6600 & N6230 ? i need some one to help me out here. and how is the data cable included in the package, is it any faster?
smooth-because nobody wants to sell their E398.Its better than it's immediate competitors,the K700 and the 6230.
for anyone interested, check out the motorolae398@yahoogroups, the links to the new firmware 98r is out.
Here's one for the moto e398 fans...ever strolled down telecom alleys where they sell 2nd hand phones? How come I always see used K700i and nokia 6230 but no Motorola e398? BTW I live in Alabang.
How do i record sounds or anything on my motorola e398? ive tryed everything
Ei could anyone tell me how to transfer mp3s through my flash card??? i have a card reader and the thing ould detect the card but when i drag a mp3 file in the audio folder it keeps on having an error??? how do iu deal with that???could sumbody help me please..
To lola
Trans flash is the only card it takes.
You can disable the lights on the side for everything, eg. incoming call, sms, rythimic, ect.
It can only riabrate first then ring doesnt do both at the same time.
Bluetooth speed i have no idea, It takes around 20-25 mins for 4meg to be transfured from my friends k700i to my e398.
Hope this helps.
Anyone know how much is the fm radio headset here in the phil?
This fne totally rocks! ^o^
to Lola; use google and you'll find answers to all your questions.
To ^_^x or anyone who could help: Does the E398 support any other card besides the trans-flash card ? How fast is a transfer via Bluetooth ( kbps ) ? ive heard that the phone vibrates first n then starts ringing (vibration continues)... does'nt start at the same time. Is it true ? Do the lights at the side of the phone alwayz stay active, or can be disabled ( dont want it to come on ) ? Thanx in advance ...
To Curent-nope...it has a different kind of connection.
To Shah-menu-->settings-->ring styles-->loud detail-->key volume
To raqeeb abdul-menu-->settings-->phone status-->other information-->S/W information
To ^_^x no USB cable i just need to know if it have USB port like this one www.curent.org/test.jpg
how do i know what firmware i have got
how to off the keypad sounds when it is on the loud ring style?.
To Canderous-If you have the software, it's pretty easy...but you do it at your own risk. I haven't flashed mine yet because I don't want to void the warranty...and I haven't had the time to go to the service center to have it flashed so I'm still stuck with good old 34R.
To Shah-you need to put it into the SD adapter, then you can insert it into the card-reader.
Should I have my SIM and Trans flash card out of my phone when flashing?
To shah A SD card reader will work as long as u have the SD card adapter that came in the case with the Trans flash card.
What type of card reader needed to read the 64MB transflash?..Does the transflash card need to be attached to card adapter before inserted to card reader?
Just got this phone yesterday.Really impressive!It's worth every cent.
Now I have been hearing things about the 95R firmware and I wanna get it.Between going to the service center and getting them to do it for me,or doing it myself,which one is better?I guess the obvious choice is going to the service center.
Now if someboday could tell me where or how to get some games for this phone here in .au that Optus has access to, i will be forever in debt to you. any advice, please email me at radiobirdman@gmail.com
oh one other hint thats useful for this phone (and others), when you go to sites like MyMoto and play the sample of the MP3 realtones atc, instead of paying $$ for them, just go fish the file out of your Temporary Internet Files/Opera cache/wherever on your computer, then rename the file and upload with MPT. i did this with a System of a Down tone just for kicks and it worked a treat! FREE!!
for those having trouble with MP3s and Mobile Phone Tools...
you need to remove the transflash card when using MPT so it's really only good for uploading small MP3 files to use as ringtones etc that fit in the phone's 5MB memory.
for uploading MP3s to the TransFlash card, i recommend getting an SD card reader and using that to up the MP3s to the card. this is very fast (less than 1 minute to fill 64MB of MP3s), you don't have the 3MB limit, white-space is allowed (the fileneames can be whatever format you want, but keep them short) and if you know what your doing the whole exercise of removing phone from your case, removing battery + TF card, loading MP3s with your new SD card reader and putting back together can be done in
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