thx riyan. i'm still considering dis fone. though my fone is great in everythin, it jus sucks in music. so i'm jus buyin dis fone as a music player. frankly speakin i nv listen to the quality of the music from this fone. but if its better than nokia 6230 in terms or loudness and clarity i wuld wan to buy it. so someone shed some light bout it. thx.
hi there, i bought e398 & i discover that e398 is not able to record video. kindly tell me what software or upgrade to do for me to enable video recorder. if you have some software pls send
Thanks in Advance .
William Charles
yong just read my review...i have mentioned all ups and downs of the phone!! read it ,u'll love it ...any doubts just ask me or mail me :))
hi guys. i'm plannin to buy this phone. i am buyin it because of its sound quality. currently i have a nokia 3230. and de sound quality of it sucks. is the sound quality of this phone better then nokia 6230? what problems are there.
well.......the phone has it owns ups and downs ......the ups u can see for sure ...the downs are ..1) no. video rec 2) the phone book prblm these 2 irk me some wat of the prblms are minor ..which every phone has .... Iike bluetooth and DATA CABLE gets disconnect frequently ...other wise its ok ....well ..E 398 can be compared to K 700 i the question is which is the BEST phone....well .....i wud HONESTLY SAY that ...SE K 700 is a very gud USER FRIENDLY PHONE ...since u can download everythin like themes ,java applications ..and other things wid great ease ...u can move around in K 700is GUI very easily and its fun......E 398 is not a USER FRIENDLY FONE may take u a day or 2 to get used to it i mean ...i took me 2 -3 days to get used to it since am a NOKIA and SE user :)) far as i knw ......K 700 is a solid fone ..but E 398 is much stronger than K 700 K 700 has no MEMORY EXPANSION 700 has vdeo recording 700is battery SUCKS K 700is JOYSTICK SUCKS K 700 is a DUST MAGNET .......OVER ALL i WUD SAY E 398 is THE BEST BUY ........ if ur a MUSIC LOVER U WUD LOVE ...E 398 ...if u want a phone just to show off or make others jealous ....... E 398 is the phone :)) ..well...certainly .. E 398 is NOT AN USER FRIENDLY PHONE!!!!! cant download themes or java applications directly....but u can ......which i cant say here ...u can MOD ur stock E 398 enable UNLIMITED VDEO RECORDING( depends on memory) ...increase 4 mb memory to 8 mb...and ENABLE ....APPLE i tunes.......WHAT????? yeah u heard it RYT...:)) mod it to get APPLE i TUNES :)) ........what i read in differnt forums related to modding of E 398 is this fone can NEVER DIE!!!!! yeah....u can revive it if theres some prblm related to the SOFTWARE PART ..which is great:)) ................CONCLUSION: after 10 days of usage i feel that my satisfaction is upto .... 80 % remaini 20 % coz no vdeo recording ,dowloadin java applications directly thru data cable is difficult so is downloading themes...REST IS GREAT . GREAT PHONEE.......this was my review ..... i think it shud help others ..who wanna knw more abt this PHONE :)) see ya peeps .............................RIYAN!!!
: very very good TFT display well balanced contrast and brightness wid 65000 colors with 176*220 reso.(+)
:simply the best ...2 surround sound speakrs rock like anythin !! when the volume is set to full that 7 the whole fone shakes likeanythin(+) but if the volume is too loud the back panel vibrates and makes a annoying sound sometimes i mean it makes a creaky sound some times (-) never mind....great mp3 player can store aprrrox 32 mp3s in 56 kbps comprssd format on the 64 mb transflash card which u get free with ther fone (+). well i miss the FM radio ..but but but............ the earphones that u get with the phone are simply ROCKING ,AMAZING ,WONDERFULLthey rock like anything..just on volume 1 the sound clarity in earfones is crystal clear...on volume 7 the earfones just fall off frm ur ears :)) nice ear fones u wont miss FM radio(+) u get the earphone jack on the top of ur fone but i find the cnnction is kinda loose u really need 2 press the pin of earfones ryt into the jack (-) but its ok .u get 32 preset ringtones which u'll love it and u get motomixer (which sucks )and ringtones..u cannot have an MP3 set as ur ringtone unless u store it on ur 4 mb PHONE MEMORY: ..its sucks (-).
: camera is VGA 640*480 res.which is just ok .but u cant have the image as full screen(-) .and u have small diode underneath the camera no big use of it just ok when ur taking close up pictures ..u get diff.lightsettings like indoor ,sunny,automatic,night and cloudy and u get exposure settings also (+) then u can have the picture taken in diff formats like HIGH(640*480),MMS (160*120) and then medium(320*240).and what i miss a lot is video recording ,no video recording (but u can enable it after flashng it to ROKR E1) which is negative point(-)...WELL I THINK...the camera section misses features like black n white solar effect ,sepia and etc and a GUD photo editing softwre :((
it supports video play back feature but the vides too small cant have bigger than that not even half the size of the screen(-) no use of VIDEO PLAYBACK FEATURE (-). u can store the pics either in the 4mb fone memory or ur transflash card but but ..if u want to have a photo assigned to a name in the fone then u cant assign it if the pic is stored in the transflash card which sucks(-)u need to move it to the phones 4mb memory :((. next point ..MEMORY:
phone memory is only 4MB (-) sucks should be atleast 8 or 10 mb to store more pics on the phones u have secondry storage device that is TRANSFLASH card which u get free with ur fone its 64 mb (+) its of great use esp for storing mp3 and pics and vdeos ,tones !!
the reception of the phone is just average not that great strange thing is when ever u speak on the fone u hear that thing back on ur earpiece it kinda resounds ..but doesnt make much diff.certainly i dont like it (-) BLUETOOTH : its good u can send and recieve pics ,tones ,vdeos ,mp3s through bluetooth the transfer rate is good nuff(+) but the negative side is the blue tooth keeps disconnecting after each transfer which sucks (-). and no INFRARED ..which i dont really regret coz the bluetooth does the job pretty well...DATACABLE: u get free datacable+2cds with the phone one is MOBILE PHONE TOOLS for transferring images ,tones,vidoes ,mms templetes ,synchronize ...e.t.c....u'll like MPT a LOT :)) .
: well the extra things... u have funlights feature like the one in nokia 3220 looks look esp when ever ur fone rings the disco lites or fun lights dance to the rythm which is really cool for few days ultimately u'l get bored of it ;)) (+). next..........
BATTERY: well the main thing........the takes me close tp 4 -5 hrs to charge the phone frm o to full..and the back up is...........SIMPY AMAZING if u use the earphones to listen to the songs...then u'll get back up upto 3 days..if u use the EXTERNAL SPEAKERS to listen to the MP3s the battery might run out in a day ...otherwise great back up ... ...which is pretty good i use my mp3 player a lot ...i mean 2 say....a LOT REALLY A LOT so i get around 3 days ....but u gotta charge this fone upto 4 hrs untill u get the message "CHARGED"..the battery and its back up is simply TOO GOOD !! great back up !!
lets get into the phone now ...first comes the PHONEBOOK it can store 1000 contacts wid photocall ,voice dial tags ,primary and secondary contacts ,ringer id ,special light sequence for special numbers ...phonebooks features are ok untill now ...but the what really annoys me is .... u can search the contacts only with the first alphabet no multiple alphabet search for example if there are 46 contacts under alphabet "a" like ajax, albert...andrews ....AZIZ. and if aziz is the 46 name then u need to move down the joy stick 46 TIMES!!!!! u cannot search by just typin "AZ" to locate the contatct details of aziz ..which sucks big time (-)no MULTIPLE ALPHABET SEARCH AVAILABLE IN E398 :(( rest in phone book is ok . next is RECENT CALL or CALL RECORDS : its ok nothin wrong or great abt the call records feature next comes MESSAGES :well i dont really now how many messages u can save in ur inbox but as far as i knw u can save nuff depending on the memory .next..typin a SMS can be kinda difficult at the starting if u are a nokia or SE user .but after few days u'll get used to it u have copy ,copy all ,paste feature and ITAP feature which is cool (+).well typing sms is fun to me :)) .. next comes the ORGANIZER of OFFICE TOOLS (as mentioned in the phone) .u have voice dial,chat ,calculator ,datebook or calender ,alarm clock ,shortcuts ,dialling services ,activation list under OFFICE TOOLS but ..... what i miss is theres no STOP WATCH AND TIMER !!! very bad motorola (-) which is a negative point and is to be noted. so organizer is ok is the IM feature u need GPRS for it..havent chckd IM feature yet so no idea (?) next is the entertainment PART or GAMES AND APPLICATIONS (as mentiond) nw u get MP3 player in games and applications menu...believe me MP3 player under this menu is crap ..well u cant play the mp3s using ur MP3 player stored in games and applications menu ...which is only plays the ringtones which are stored in fone there u go it gets a big negative mark (-) to play mp3s then ??? scroll down.....:(( next comes the games are good nuff just the JAMDAT RACING games is pretty lame sucks (-) yucks!! then u have a PHOTO FUN PACK 2( photo editor) which too is boringgggg .(-) nothin that great abt it then u have pinball which is ok and someother game like surfing which is ok (+) nice sound in games :)) ..and u can store other JAVA APPLICATIONS that u download under this menu.
next is the WEBACCESS feature for browsing since i have no GPRS cnnt i cant say the performance of GPRS i heard that the BROSWER is slow but i am not sure ( ?)
next comes the MULTIMEDIA SECTON... which is really great. first u have THEMES section u get 3 default themes which are nice ..but downloading more themes is a BIG PAIN IN THE ARSE ..i knw how 2 do that :(( well....the final word abt themes its ok is the camera ...all ready discussed above ... next is the PICTURES store and view ur pictures u can store them on ur fone or ur TF .the zoom under this menu is waste crap. (-) u get some pretty nice wallpapers and screen savers ..which are really cool (+) other wise everythin abt pictures menu is GOOD .(+)..u can move the pics frm ur fone to the TF and vice versa..u can chck all pics at a time and move them together onto ur fone or ur TF which is really nice (+) next is the SOUNDS MENU... to store mp3s tones and other audio formats ...its nice ..and it works very well as MP3 player :)) u can have ur own playlist ..:)) select the songs make a play list and listen 2 to it very nice :)) it rocks buddy :)) (+) next is moto mixer which is crap i dont like it thought its like MUSIC DJ of SONY ERICSSON ... i guess MUSIC DJ is very gud ...but not motomixer:(( (-) next is the VIDEOS section to playback videos that u have downloaded full screen video :(( the clarity of video playback is not that great (-)
PHONE SETTINGS ....under this u get personalise ( to change the display settings ,home keys ,screensavers and e.t.c) is RING STYLES works as profile menu of nokia u have LOUD ,SOFT ,VIBRATE AND SILENT modes ..vibrations in E 398 is top class :)) next is CONNECTIONS ( u have blue tooth ,synchronize and USB Settings under this menu ) then u have CALL DIVERT settings ... next is IN -CALL SETUP ( it has in call timer , last all cost caller id ,caller options and answer options e.t.c) next is
INITIAL SET UP MENU ( u have time and dae , touch dial , display time out , backlight ,vibe sync ,language ,master reset and clear e.t.c settings)
It's a great phone. It never dies. With a software update it gets a videocam and more shared memory. The best phone i ever had
hey guys, i'm thinking of buying this phone. can anyone tell me is there any file size limit for mp3 ringtones and can it play the stored mp3's in trans-flash memory? please help
To SK: Yes, E398 works with any MicroSD-Transflash from 16 MB to 512 MB; 1 GB and 2GB (on 2006) too!
this is the worst phone I ever use. the function very NOT user friendly, the function very hard to find & understand. cannot do video capturing and the worse part is althought it comes with 256M memory card, but the picture & mp3 cannot be used as ringtone & caller's pic in real time. You have to copy the pic/mp3 to the phone's memory and phone's memory is only 3.8Mb, what the heck!!!! I bought this phone last month and yesterday I've sold it out at half of the price that I bought. This is the worst phone i use to have
Hi guys!
Can anybody send me the pc suite for E398 or any other program so i can install games, themes and apps from my PC to my E398. I don't have a USB cable, but I have a bluetooth USB stick. I would also appreciate if somebody could send me a copy of the video recording program. Where can I dowload themes for free? The e-mail:
The phone itself is terrific! Even with 64 MB memory card it outstands the K700i (40 MB). And the stereo speakers with Vibe Sync function and Funlights makes it unique. Two thumbs up!
yes it can use 512 mb u can enable video recording on this fone my modding ur fone to ROKR E1 u wud love it if u upgrade ur R372 software to R373 or called as ROKR e1.chck out or by moddin u can even get apple itunes work on it !!!
i need 2 knoe,can diz phone use
512mb m.card?plz kindly mail me if
u guys knoe,anybdy.thanks!!!
i think it's a great phone, but it will be greater if it has a video recorder
Does E398 works with Transflash above 512MB?
Thank for info.
its my new mobile so it will b great
may i noe how much MB memory card can Motorola E398 support up to?
Hello, 44R(Rokr E1)dowloand in wap? please say wap pages?:) Iam from in lithuanian :) read i email :)
is this fone can record videos? or should i say video recordng?
ravin gill:
go to:HowardForums
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