When Google screwed the ability to fully use a micro SD card I stopped updating.
Anonym, 03 Mar 2015In case you haven't noticed, KK has over 40% (not 1%). I too am not too fond of some of the n... moreYou're just wrong. Google has worked hard to make Lollipop and KitKat backward compatible with older devices. Just about any phone made from 2013 onward can support LP. It just takes a long time to get Android to work for each unique chipset.
This article cracks me up...in 4 months, 3.3% of Android phones are running 5.0.x. Yet, this seemingly happy-go-lucky article says, "The growth of Android 5.0 Lollipop should hardly catch anyone by surprise." Really? What growth? And Google are already preparing to release 5.1.
I used to be a huge Android fan. My first Android ran Froyo, so I wasn't the earliest adopter, but it was my first smartphone. But my wife got the very first Verizon Droid to come out! We loved Android. But now, depending on the luck of the draw, your 'droid may or not not see support for more than one version, and Google consistently develops at a pace OEMs cannot sustain. Meaning, your Android is almost guaranteed to be left in the dust long before its usable life is over.
The Android release system generates an enormous amount of waste.
I now use Apple - not because I like them or their phones are better, because they aren't, but because they support their phones for several years. I just couldn't take the constant waste anymore. Or the time spent messing with (admittedly brilliant) 3rd party ROMS to try to breath life into an 18 month old phone, only to have Google movies crash, GPS not work properly, etc.
And it's not a surprise the slow transition , as Google is giving little support previous phones, that's what wrong with Android , removing the support old phones and increasingly focuses more on new phones , but that's what Android users loves from them , every time Google releases a new Android Versión people goes and get the latest phone in order to get the new OS, Google - Manufacturers the perfect mafia.
AnonD-62471, 03 Mar 2015I'm using gingerbread in my lg e510my sola uses gb 2.3.4 and xperia z and z2 uses 4.4.4 :)
Nope, Google isn't the first one, look - The Chordettes - Lollipop :D
Lollipop market share to low couse high end device compatiblity
I'm using gingerbread in my lg e510
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2015Honeycomb is tons and lightyears ahead of the current UI. For tablets at least.
1. Waste le... moreIn case you haven't noticed, KK has over 40% (not 1%).
I too am not too fond of some of the new design choices, but facts are still facts.
New Android versions take a long while to adopt not because of costumer preference, but rather because of the manufacturers that just don't release upgrades for their phones (majority of models) or simply because it takes far too long for those upgrades to reach the final consumer (carriers make this slow process take even longer).
The only thing keeping LP of having double-digits adoption rate is the fact there aren't double-digits devices capable of having LP right now.
LP just won't be a hit if another version of Android comes out before reaching that inevitable point (like happened before with 2.x, ICS, JB and KK).
It's really cute to see devices running froyo and gingerbread these days :-) my phone + tab running 4.2.2 Jellybean though...
Im still waiting for lollipop :( im tired of waiting! (I have note 4 sm-910h)
Many android car decks still use gingerbread.
why google won't let users to upgrade like Microsoft, boot, format, install new Windows.
it's indeed not a surprise that half a year after release it's still deployed on just 3% of all devices... that's google after all...
Gut feeling Lollipop will never exceed Kit-Kat adoption at its peak.
Google should make it mandatory for OEM to release latest versions for their units, there should be a guideline for OEM and force them to release current versions, if not they will pay a penalty or something. current phones like the galaxy A series for example has kitkat out of the box, even when lollipop is already out
Vito1, 03 Mar 2015froyo and gingerbread please die already!!Those who uses Galaxy S1 are still many
Android is the only one which always release older versions, for example almost all companies release with 4.2-4.4 kitkat when latest lollipop 5.1-502 is available.
Neither WP nor IOS do this.
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2015Honeycomb is tons and lightyears ahead of the current UI. For tablets at least. 1. Waste le... moreAgreed that honeycomb has a good UI (for tablets). but unfortunately UI is only one aspect of the os. Honeycomb is not a good OS.
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