I Been reading that Tmobile Mytouch is One of the highest radiation phones in the market, oopps makes me think twice to get less radiation for my head ....whoopies.
[deleted post]i reckon... only the 4th time? search the reviews- retarded mistakes are rampant!
this phone aint even popular, why would they think they need to make a limited edition. they are alrdy having a hard time selling the regular one. fail marketing is fail.
here the link to the fenders pic.
Rolo Tomasi, 07 Oct 2009P.T. Barnum was wrong. There's actually at least 50 born every minute. What's next? The offici... moreI hope so... i could really go a heavily LSD-impregnated loaf of rye
P.T. Barnum was wrong. There's actually at least 50 born every minute. What's next? The official Fender edition toaster oven? Does it come with a loaf of bread made just like the one Jimi Hendrix ate backstage at Monteray?
Dude... This sounds awsome. I cant wait to see this one. i get heavy metal gitters thinking about it
this phone is amazing, i'm going to trade in my bold for this! cant wait till it comes out! i'm going to be the first in the queue! thinking of selling my car for this too, anyone want a skoda convertible?..
now I'm second!
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