Has the heating issue in Xiaomi Mi 4i now been solved with this update ?
Every one having this Mi 4i particularly in India please just write : Yes or No.
So that it can be confirmed that the problem has indeed been solved.
Has the heating issue in Xiaomi Mi 4i now been solved with this update ?
Every one having this Mi 4i particularly in India please just write : Yes or No.
So that it can be confirmed that the problem has indeed been solved.
Same problem here hiting problems
annamyous, 18 Feb 2016my xiaomi mi4i heats up like fire in it if i use it continuously just for 10 minutes. Is there... moreSame problem here after 10/20 min. My phone heats like fire is there any Sol...
Really when I updated my........ It got excellence.. ... . N hearing problem alxo get... ... very less....... N run very smother n..... Too faster than before......
Plz plz plz solve the heating problem of mi4i .. Worst heating problem I have ever seen in this handset... So plm solve d plm as soon as possible
pleae resolve heating issue
plz solve its heating issues
When come update version in mi4i
This version is not in my mob.
mi4i heating very fast give solution
usman, 28 Jan 2016My after updated then started heating problem plees help me
Even after reading the heating problem issue, why you bought it? Software update doest work here. Its a hardware bug. Be with it.
You can speed down your processor to 300Mhz, May give some relief from extreme heat.. But your phone will slow down drastically.
Rei, 22 Feb 2016I got an update in my MI phone so i did it but after it says updating i have this image just l... moreHeating problem
I got an update in my MI phone so i did it but after it says updating i have this image just like when you opening your phone i waited for almost 30 mins but my phone didn't go back to the original image so i cant use my phone. How can i get rid of this?
annamyous, 18 Feb 2016my xiaomi mi4i heats up like fire in it if i use it continuously just for 10 minutes. Is there... moreNew Updates are available with solution for heating issues.
Update and see.
my xiaomi mi4i heats up like fire in it if i use it continuously just for 10 minutes. Is there any solution to reduce heat?
My Mi 4i also over heating though it has latest update 7.1 stable is there any solution
Anonymous, 26 Dec 2015My phone is heating after updating itMy after updated then started heating problem plees help me
tnvr, 16 Aug 2015I want to purchase mi4i.what is ur opinions Plz tell me.bcz iam going to purchaseI have been using all the brands ...since I have some either some major issues, but after I bought mi4i touchwood such an excellent hanset I have never used before , in all aspects loved to have this phone in entire my family and now every one in my family and my friends are using.. As I'm the user my suggestion is just go for it 100% satisfaction ,
Let me tell this straight. There are 2 types of heating issues.
( case 1) If your phone gets heated up other than network operations ( like phone calls, 2G and 3G). The heating problem can be controlled by installing certain apps like cpu frequency controlling apps etc.
(case 2) If your phone gets heated up during a phone call. Its a hardware bug and no apps can save you. In other words there is no solution unless MIUI launches special updates (10mb or 15mb size) for that particular heating problem.
Your mi4i phone is intended to work with version 6 and never update to 7. That will slow down your phone and drains battery faster. More over you cannot downgrade without special tools.
These kind of heating problem may take place after 3 -4 months of phone usage. So there is no meaning to conclude like "My phone dont have heating problem". Heating problem can come tomorrow.
Phone gets heated up because of hardware issues and not because of your updates. (for case 2)
Heating issue during a call is due to high SAR radiation, not because of processor or updates. Dont use the phone until proper SAR limiting updates get released.
Heating issue during a call is due to high SAR radiation, not because of processor or updates. Dont use the phone until proper SAR limiting updates get released.
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