Honestly??? I can never believe these bloody figures.
I've had every HTC since the G1 (the phone that essentially spawned android, Samsung and the rest you're welcome)
And I have to say, after rooting my device, is eliminates all the competition, the mods, the dev's the absolute power and performance of the device once rooted is phenomenal, it's a shame these statisticians don't take these factors into account.
Sales alone, yea not too good, but look at the m9, it's a monster of a phone, offers everything and is miles better than the sammy and iphone (prior to anyone attempting to bash me, i've owned both, for periods of time) they're just not as good in any respect.
Such a shame the rest of the world doesn't recognise class when it see's it.
HTC have the chance to win some respect from users if they do a good smartphone with bigger screen and keep the good construction of this M9 body...this 2 togheter will do it...and doesnt forget: performance is not all!
btw, change the Sense UI, is so poor and ugly!
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