I've been able to peak download speeds of 12MByte per sec while I was in Korea. And that was a old DMB (non-3G) phone back in 05.
I've yet to see 3G achieve that speed elsewhere in the world, and am rather doubtful how 4G will perform. I remember 3G promising us 'unprecedented' speeds - all I saw was a 10kbyte/sec increase in DL speed... From what I see, it is just a marketing gimmick, and far too early in its development stages (but then, Japan has been at 4G research since 07)
I don't understand why O2 is testing 4G. I can't even get 3G coverage in my own house near the city, only the place where I work and it is definitely not widespread. Firstly, 3G network coverage should be made much more available.
Scandanavia is way ahead in the GSM networks compared to the rest of Europe, in Finland/Sweden/Norway Phone coverage is always FULL
Here in the UK, it keeps jumping and sometimes loses coverage
so Scandanavia FTW
Any info about which mobile handset company are ready or almost ready with LTE handset?
no its just you getting a little too excited
I have had 3G phones for 4 years now, and the government of India has still not allowed private operators to start 3G services!!!
Unless this will actually be cheaper than 3g, then I really odn't care. It just another excuse for phones to be more expensive, this time because of the extra 4G chip....
somebody PLEASE bring 3G to india!
This is a PR-stunt from Telia that has apparently worked its magic around the globe. Their so called LTE-network consist of a handfull of emitters/receivers in the town center of Stockholm and Oslo. They announced yesterday that the first 1000 customers to report interest would recieve a LTE-modem to try it out starting today at 10:00 AM, but have not delivered since the modems are not availible from Samsung until mid january and forward.
The customer base covered by their LTE-network is approx 30000 customers. So to say that the have launched LTE commercially in scandinavia is not correct. They wont launch until Q3/Q4 2010, and even then it will be only in the major cities in Sweden/Norway (there are only 5 major cities in these countries).
In sweden we have telia and in the uppcoming months there will be another 2 opperators that will launch 4G so it will be fun to se how hig the prices will be. telia has now 12 months contrakt and the first 6 months it will cost 4 SEK (0,6 USD or 0,4 EURO) and after that itt will be 599 SEK (84 USD or 57 EURO)
4g is already here while 3g is new in my country+ the 3g speed available is lame
4G really sounds well but it would not be available in india for many years because it is even struggling for establishing 3G network indeed .....
whoah 4G the next generation wow..
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