Nokia haters-americans who cnt accept nokia's openess,selling unlock phones,has the liberty to transfer files over every connectivity medium..making a truly world phone,unlike iphone it cnt never be inserted with local simcard when roaming other only boast multitouch yet no sense of being a multitasker unless jailbroke.
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010 it's not awesome if a baby can use a phone that just means it's ment for people with simple m... moreWhat does your comment even mean? The iPhone has every feature of your grand daddy N900 except everything is easier to access. Is there something wrong with an intuitive GUI? I can't believe some people see UNNECESSARY complexity as a GOOD thing.
Barcode, 25 Feb 2010Okay then please explain to me why you still have to "root" android in order to unlo... moresince when did rooting have ever to do with open source?
seriously, do you really have any idea what you're blabbing about?
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010 it's not awesome if a baby can use a phone that just means it's ment for people with simple m... moreif babies can use iphone, that means the engineers at Apple are some of the smartest around...probably much smarter than those who "try to manage" N900 and figure out how it works...and definitely much smarter than the engineers of N900 who left the work to be done by those who actually uses the phone.
That video is gold! It really shows you how easy it is to use the iPhone.
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010 it's not awesome if a baby can use a phone that just means it's ment for people with simple m... moreDon't know if u are still in high school or college, my understanding, most people, other than engineerings and math professors, most who learned calculus in high school/knowledge would NEVER use the knowledge in their lives again.
The only thing I remember from my high school calculus teacher was, being tough maybe good as my teacher was so tough to the point, when I went for calculus in college, everything looked easy. (so now I've a tough supervior but always be glad as if she isn't tough, my whole team might be gone already). I no longer remember how to prove 1+1=2 or 1/0 = undefine, as do most people.
But people who only know 1+1=2 or 1/0=undefine (but may not know how to prove it) aren't necessary stupid, they all have their specialties and talents...playing music, make movies, (so you can enjoy using your almighty N900) feeding babies (that's how you grew up with your brains to work everything out), serving people at restaurants, prepare the food you eat, etc...
Just because some people like the easy way of life, that doesn't mean these people are stupid. Indeed, I'd view these people are really smart as they'd rather spend the time on everything else, rather than "managing a PHONE".
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010remember (i)diots don't get things done
smart people do
and the maemo platform is fine a... moredeepspacebar,
It's great for you that you don't want a locked OS. Unfortunately, you are not the vast majority of smartphone users out there who want something simple to use. You may think that those people who use iPhones are retards. Unfortunately, that does nothing for Nokia because those "retards" are still voting with their cash. If Nokia doesn't start catering to the "retards" soon, Apple and Google are going to eat their marketshare. Ultimately, catering to users like you isn't going to pay the bills. It's the "retards" who buy smartphones in volume that will pay the bills.
If Symbian doesn't do something soon (a la Windows Phone 7 series) and if Nokia doesn't start coming out with better handsets for cheaper (cause right now Nokia smartphones are almost the same price as an iPhone on contract), then Nokia and Symbian are going to get killed by Android, the iPhone and maybe even Windows.
Don't forget those kids in ESL sometimes have a more lunch money than the kid taking calculus.
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010remember (i)diots don't get things done
smart people do
and the maemo platform is fine a... moreIf you want to drive a car with stick shift, manual windows/door locks/mirrors, no-air con, no power steering, so you get better control in terms of "everything", that's fine and people like that do exist.
I do bet the MAJORITY of the people do WANT automatic transmission, power windows/door locks/mirrors, power steering, A/C, cruise control, so they can spend the time and effort on everything else.
If someday there is a smart system which practically drives the car for the person, it will definitely sell very well.
Technology should simplify one's life, not to make it more complicated.
Oh, sorry, didn't realize you probably don't even own a much of the above may not make sense to you.
Again, all u have to do is take your beloved N900 and present it to your better half as her next birthday gift, and see if she would trade it off for an iphone....
Keith, 25 Feb 2010Ef2M
Well put. This is what techies and the manufacturers dont' understand. You need a ph... more it's not awesome if a baby can use a phone that just means it's ment for people with simple minds and i'm not one of them
i and most of the other people that understand that we don't need to be dumbed down to a simple level to understand
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2010The iPhone 3GS and the N900 have substantially the same hardware, CPU, RAM, Graphics etc and a... moreblah blah blah wait till the next iphone,blah blah blah wait till the next iphone ,blah blah blah wait till the next iphone
is that all i'm gonna hear from you guys
the 3gS should have had an actual physical change
even from N95 to N85 8gb there were alot of changes
never any excuses from a company that can "so called " create anything
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010it's because everyone and anyone can get it you nub look if the iphone was sold at retail pric... moreI'm not an apple fanboy, I see phones for what they are. Phones now a days are 20% hardware, 80% software. The Nokia N900 may have great hardware and a good OS, but it has not third party software developers to back it up. I used Nokia for a very long time but in the end, I stopped using their phones because they feel so limited. I do admit that the iPhone can't do everything stock, but once it is JAILBROKEN, the possibilities are endless. I can remote desktop and play a play a game of poker all while taking a call with palm pre like multitasking with my jailbroken applications. I only like the iPhone WITH the jailborken features, its pretty limited with its sandbox like applications that can't do anything if I'm not actively using them.
I'm not saying that the N900 is a bad phone, it just lacks a good ecosystem of software to go along with it. One the other hand, the 5800 is a terrible phone, everything is slow, they say it has kinetic scrolling but its shit. Put it beside an Android or iPhone and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2010Again iphone isn't designed for the techkies who probably like to spend more time on machines ... moreremember (i)diots don't get things done
smart people do
and the maemo platform is fine and it's simple but not easy to master since you can code the OS and change what ever you want
me everytime i use the iphone i feel stupid cause how simple it is
to people have the same answer to a math equation
but one of them has the full steps do you know if the other person didn't just look at the guys final answer
i know when i use a symbian platfom device i know it's done correctly
with the iphone it doesn't come close to happening
so cheating is not my forte
i rather take steps then hope with out looking
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010it's because everyone and anyone can get it you nub look if the iphone was sold at retail pric... moreThe iPhone 3GS and the N900 have substantially the same hardware, CPU, RAM, Graphics etc and are both way ahead of the 5800.
Wait until the next iPhone in Summer it should have a custom multicore CPU just like the iPad.
Apple didn't buy PA Semi for no reason, chip design takes time.
No need for Qualcomm Snapdragon, Nvidia Tegra or others, Apple will roll their own.
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2010Again iphone isn't designed for the techkies who probably like to spend more time on machines ... moreEf2M
Well put. This is what techies and the manufacturers dont' understand. You need a phone that's easy to use. That's what will sell well. It doesn't matter what you can do with your phone. 90% of people out there don't use most of the features on their phones. It's how easy it is to use.
On this front nothing beats the iPhone:
...and this is coming from a guy who loves his Nokia 5800.
Anonymous, 24 Feb 2010Nokia will not sit around to let others to eat their market shares!
Actually they did very... moreAhhh, but they will sit around and even if they worked their butts off, it'll be very hard for Nokia to turn this ship around.
It's not about how many phones or flagships you have and how many megapixels the camera on there is. It's about the ecosystem (how many apps are built for that phone?) and about the user interface. I am not even an iPhone user, but I'll readily admit that the iPhone is king on these points.
Nokia can make a phone with the best camera, amazing video and sound quality. It can be light as a feather and thin as a sheet of paper. And it still won't sell well if it doesn't have a good UI and a good supporting ecosystem.
And the biggest mistake the others will make? Thinking that they have to pump out phones to compete with Apple. Look at what Apple does with one phone a year. And that's why they are so competitive, because they only have to develop one handset and re-jig to manufacture one handset every year. The others could learn from Apple on this point.
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010 it's not the phone it's the provider cause i have the N900 and i can's hear people sometimes... moreYou just can't admit the "relatively poor" voice quality from the almighty brand...vs. the REAL best in the industry.
FYI, my friend's N97 and my other friend's U9 are both using the exact same network service provider.
A cheap cheap Moto U9 (now around US$110 unlock without contract) beats the hell out of N900 in terms of voice quality, period.
deep space bar, 25 Feb 2010it's because everyone and anyone can get it you nub look if the iphone was sold at retail pric... moreAgain iphone isn't designed for the techkies who probably like to spend more time on machines vs. people....
My understanding iphone is like a car with automatic simply does everything well. For those who wouldn't mind, stick shift is still available on many cars, just like the high-tech phones.
If u ask any non-tech oriented iphone users, e.g. the ladies in your office, and see if they'd take iphone or N900, I can bet the answer will NOT be the latter...
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2010Then why none of the almighty brand's phone offers technology similar to Crystal Talk of its c... more it's not the phone it's the provider cause i have the N900 and i can's hear people sometimes
so it's not the phone at all it's the provider and the crappy service or lack of cell towers in the area
It's not about the phone. It's about the ecosystem. That's what the iPhone offers. They've got the app store, iTunes, etc. Nobody has been able to match that yet.
Google may come close with all the integration they have in Android with many Google services. And Microsoft may come close too with Windows Phone 7 if that xBox Live integration pans out and they manage to port that Zune unlimited music pass over.
Nokia's Ovi app store was a failure. As was all the Ovi cloud services. They really need to have much better integration with the handsets to make this stuff popular. And they need to sort out country wide services. For example, Apple has a US app store so all you see are comments and ratings from American users. Subscribers in France have a different experience. With Nokia, it was all a jumble.
And then there's the Blackberry. Thankfully for them, one trick ponies have long lives. Nobody can beat email on a Blackberry and Blackberry Messenger. No matter how good or bad the handset is, BBM makes every Blackberry a potent instrument.
your welcome iphone users i bet your all wishing you had this and or "waiting "for it on the 4th OS of the iphone cause it will look the same
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