i want to buy hphone with 2 sim functions. storage comes later..
can this phone (honor 7 enchanced version) use 2 simcard together or should i buy honor 6 plus instead ? anyone
Tim, 18 May 2016hi all, i just buy this hp last week but still in lollipop version.. who know how to upda... moreJust go to the settings, then to upgrader.. and update. The OTA upgrade is readily available for the set. 😉
Tim, 18 May 2016hi all, i just buy this hp last week but still in lollipop version.. who know how to upda... moreJust go to the settings, then to upgrader.. and update. The OTA upgrade is readily available for the set. 😉
does the enhanced version have NFC?
hi all,
i just buy this hp last week but still in lollipop version..
who know how to update to MM..
when it is available in india and qatar..?
AnonD-489135, 16 Jan 2016What specific website can I get the honor 7 enhanced edition?? Try http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CZ40F8FjvVqOXFteRogPwn6rgCt_bg5RElq73uO8C0dqKsp4DCAAQASCR_bIfKANgy-uBhbgXoAGin4vEA8gBAakCBY__aPGRkD6qBChP0DBaliMMPdcWt2N9gEhO2NZav9pj8g1BF9sT6FwnNXsiguKy2BfAgAWX4LwLiAYB2AYCgAfG4PQ7iAcBkAcCqAemvhvYBwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESIuD2fZCqvFsyutUFdmg4n42y7F5wCvsLTBida2jmGsQQKVc&sig=AOD64_0wy_oRCdVWIl3xmwyKl_OC7seJbg&clui=0&q=&ved=0ahUKEwitp-O22tDLAhXEjo4KHSBxDvkQ0QwIGg&adurl=http://clickserve.dartsearch.net/link/click%3Flid%3D43700010137964397%26ds_s_kwgid%3D58700001134493037%26ds_e_adid%3D98543012590%26ds_e_matchtype%3Dsearch%26ds_e_device%3Dm%26ds_e_network%3Dg%26ds_url_v%3D2%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.11street.my%253F%26_n%3Dmh%26tid%3D1400014010%26ds_cid%3D%5B*CampaignID*%5D%26ds_kid%3D%5B*KeywordID*%5D%26v%3D1
Does the Enhanced Version has white colour?
Hi, would that be possible to purchase it in Italy? where? does it work with Italian network providers?
When a HONOR 7 PLUS with minimum 5.5 inch screen will launch?
What specific website can I get the honor 7 enhanced edition??
where i can bye 64 gb h7 version ..if anyone had plz give some info..
tk, 15 Dec 2015Try to return it and and get cash back.I don't think I can get that from AliExpress or the effort would be too much...
They say the Enhanced is available but not seeing it anywhere yet.
AnonD-449954, 14 Dec 2015Why? the older version will also get marshmallow, rest of the specs are the same. only if you ... moreYes 32GB is better...it's sad that only 9GB is free of the 16GB.
The only thing that is enhanced is the price...
AnonD-386467, 14 Dec 2015This is so upsetting. I just ordered the other version which has now been shipped so I cannot ... moreTry to return it and and get cash back.
I got it a week before and I am very happy with this phone. very smooth UI and feels premium. fingerprint sensor is the most responsive compared to any other phone. camera quality is also very good. not as good as Samsung or lumia phones.
Why? the older version will also get marshmallow, rest of the specs are the same. only if you specifically need 32gb then you have a problem. I have a 16gb version, and I don't need more, but that is of cource personal taste.
Let's hope NFC is on and working on this version..
Good job l held off buying the 16 GB UK version..
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