who care whos #1. I've owned them all before.
and dont knock Sammy for doing well.
they work hard to make good products for the world.
fanboys are just so stupid
My fav is the Wave, still waiting to get one in canada.
I hope the developers jump on the BADA bandwagon with cool apps.
Bada will fail, it's just another Android, and Nokia will make a comeback by forgetting about all their past customers.
And no, I'm no hater, I bought a Nokia touchscreen and I do regret it. I like the phone but realized for my money I could have a far more impressive phone. The only real benefit to Symbian is true third party multitasking for a low price. (lolz apple)
ugly like nobody business
Spyroscesarsc, 06 Apr 2010Anton-Indonesia, I didn't say that market share of Sammy is 3 times higher than Nokia's. I sim... morei actually was on Sammy's side, Samsung have remained consistent and have had their sights set for no1 for a long time
nokia's just to full of them selfs that in the last 2 years all we hear is N900 and N97
Nokia will have a major flagship in June this year, something which will look sick, have insane specs and be of symbian 3 nature
but the fact that nokia just sat there for 2 years (and more if you count N96s failure) will have major effects (and already has) on their market share
Sammy's going all for no1
no they can't overtake nokia in terms of market share, their products are nice but kinda cheap in overall, like the handset itself looks cheap and almost all of them are made in plastic. same designs and copycat of some.
Why such a negativity every time there's a new release from Samsung? Or any other phone maker except maybe Nokia...
Let the phones come on the market first, let's see the reviews, impressions, pros & cons and then post oppinions. If you ask me, I don't really see anything better than Samsung Galaxy S right now, except maybe HTC Desire or Evo 4G. Nokia? What's that?
Anton-Indonesia, I didn't say that market share of Sammy is 3 times higher than Nokia's. I simply answered to the guy who said that Nokia launched more touch models than Samsung.
> In reply to Anonymous @ 2010-04-06 04:35 from UijP
Man, at Russia is very possible that Samsung will take the 1st place into 2010. I don't speak about worldwide market... :)
Sorry again if my English is too bad! It isn't my first language.
Wow!, to overtake nokia???? In their dreams. How the hell can they even think of overtaking nokia when they cant even release software updates to samsung phones??????? And did they ever think about nokia's maemo and meego before boasting about their bada os?????? Poor samsung, i feel sorry for them. Go nokia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ))
hahaha Nokia will become no2
Anonymous, 06 Apr 2010So... Let's see! Nokia touch phones: 1)N97, 2)N97mini, 3)N900, 4)X6, 5)5800, 6)5230, 7)523... moreYes indeed, samsung produced touchscreen handphone 3 times than nokia. And i ask u now, are they market share 3 times than nokia? It doesn't matter how many phones that you'd produced, the most important thing is are u capable to sell all of those handphone? Nokia surely did able to..... CMIIW
samsung produced so many phone and only few of it hit the market. Ok samsung star was a hot sale, omnia ii is a very good phone. but the others are suck. With boring features, and now they want to claim nokia throne? The O.S said android-look like, i think nokia still the best in market share, their mid,mid-low, and low range handphone are very good.
I forgot to write my name before. :P
So, 7 VS 19+... I think that Samsung has about 3 times more touch phones than Nokia at last 12 months! :o
So... Let's see!
Nokia touch phones:
1)N97, 2)N97mini, 3)N900, 4)X6, 5)5800, 6)5230, 7)5235. Total=7
Samsung touch phones:
1)Pixon12, 2)OmniaLITE, 3)B7610 OmniaPRO, 4)OmniaII, 5)Jet, 6)S6500, 7)Star, 8)Corby, 9)CorbyPro, 10)M1, 11)H1, 12)B7620 Giorgio Armani, 13)Galaxy Spica, 14)Lindy, 15)Beam(announced), 16)Monte(announced), 17)Wave(announced), 18)Galaxy S(announced), 19)B3410W(announced) etc....
Mr.Anonymous, I think that the winner of this game is Samsung! :)
do u think nokia ppl get frigtened by this graph??????
nokia has more touch fones releasing this year,than samsung,
lets c any way thats only a graph.
bada looks very good i think it will beat the iphone and android
Anonymous, 05 Apr 2010Both maemo/meego/linux and symbian are advanced open source systems. Neither of them are depen... moreWow, so much nonsense in so few words.
Congratulations, that's one sad achievement. The higher ratio of nonsense per word spent.
Symbian is advanced and Android is primitive? Maemo not dependEnt on Nokia (cut the OSS community bs already)? iPhone not being an "operating system"?
Wow... I mean... just wow...
With or without Bada, this looks like a pretty reliable estimate...
Sigh.. if only samsung doing it better with their after sales services here.. :-(
Skeye, 05 Apr 2010Agreed.
Another thing I want to add is SE's due date problem... they really scuk... I love ... moreplease get your facts straight.
Sony had problems making interesting mobiles... They saw the oppurtunity to work with Ericsson. The first phone from SE was a rebranded Ericsson developed, and lot of their products in the begining was Ericsson developed.
P800 is a development of the R380... though added the sony jog wheel. T200, ericsson. T300 ericsson, even if the design look a little japanese. T600 is a rebranded ericsson t66. and the rest of the models.. T610 was ericsson based
Apparently Sony badly needed Ericsson, and Ericsson badly needed some cash-flow for their mobile phone department.
Ericsson is still in top when it comes to cellular network systems. Ericsson makes mobile platforms for other companies, among others Nokia.
Sure SE isnt doing to well, but sony without ericsson would have big problems. Both companies are responsible for the downfall. Wasnt it for Ericsson, Sony would probably have left the mobile phone market... perhaps by now they would have re-entered, but they would have been gone from the market since 02 and for the most part of the 00s.
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