Why didn't rim or nokia deny what Apple said that all phones have a weak spot? That's the biggest question. Both of them went on saying that they have invested a great deal with their antennas. Apple never said that they didn't, so why do they even have to explain that? Seems to me that rim and nokia just wants the people and the media to single out the iphone having a weak spot, and they'll just be among the bystanders acting innocent as if their phones don't have weak spots.
That is not fair. Apple has to defend themselves. Apple has been stating that the death grip is common to all phones not just the iphone. How else would they be able to prove their statement if they do not show examples?
I largely blame the media for this chaos. They singled out the iphone on an issue that is common to all phones. And now that Apple put it out in the open and sited out other phones acting the same way when held the wrong way, they make Apple look like the evil one, when Apple is really the victim of media sensationalization to get more readers and in turn have bigger ad revenues. Not fair. Apple did the right thing by exposing the truth.
pitty those who cannot accept the truth that you're on a losing side of the competition, that iPhone still the leading smartphone of the new era. it's hurting isn't? coz it's the truth. don't worry it's a normal to a human being. Oh, to all unsatisfied legitimate iPhone user, you can still return it and be a part of the statistics. To those don't have iPhone, you can get it, return it if you don't like, and be a part of the statistics. How's that? Instead of crying out loud here.
Maybe this will be harder to you st3ve j0b 0ld ma n..
Review turned the news of apple problems on iphone 4..is unreasonable..
This is the best time to ifan to WAKE UP!!!
Anonymous, 19 Jul 2010i think they (RIM, HTC, etc) had their own problem with the reception (not all of their produc... moreThank you! Thank you for agreeing with my point! RIM and the rest do have their own reception/holding issue which is why they wouldn't dare say Apple isn't telling the truth about the other smartphones… which is why they gave a weak response.
And to your second point, the title of this article is "Antenna wars: RIM, HTC, and Nokia strike back at Apple"… which is what my comment was addressing -- the responses from the other companies… which is the main issue of this particular article! So, I was just commenting on the subject of this article, my friend. :o)
By the way, the article is not titled "Why Apple compare their weakness with other brand to defend their product?". If that was the title, I would have written a different comment.
Jobs just dug the hole deeper... "all cell phones have this problem"...LMAO, haha
shame on you sj.. own branding cannot make it use others for substitute.. poor branding no loyalty brand for sure 100percent your phones will not win any awards..
shame on you steve jobs, don't point fingers to other
brands, fix the problem ok ?
shame on you SJ
They used to have Copyright wars way back, now its the Antenna wars. Whats next?
On my opinion,technically what happened to the dropping of the signal is a characteristic of an antenna design that anybody cannot avoid without sacrificing the aesthetic of the phone just like any other normal smartphone. Therefore the phenomenon happen on iPhone and other smartphones are normal. We'll whatever Apple explains, it cannot please those people who cannot understand the technical side of it.
Best of the best for everrrrrrrrrrrr
Well, I think the most sensible thing for Apple to do is to lower the price of their IPHONE 4 for now since the model is not as reliable as what it first seems during launch.
Be honest Apple and learn from mistake. It's not being the best or #1. It's about delivering the promise.. no matter how big or small the promise appears to be.
As nice as the iphone is, Apple should just swallow their pride.
starcknyc, 19 Jul 2010I'm not fooled or satisfied with RIM's response because they did not deny Apples claim that al... morei think they (RIM, HTC, etc) had their own problem with the reception (not all of their product, maybe some), so that's why they cannot say that they doesn't have that kind of problem.
and call apple a liar is a ethic and smooth move to defend their brand.
by the way, the main issue here is why apple compare their weakness with other brand to defend their product? that's not ethical and smooth defend to save their face.
well, but thats all my humble opinion :D
this is what does apple,st3ve j0b does,without any analytical thinking...what could you expect to your consumer?? is that what you call responsible?
i totally cant get understanding what apple does on this stage???
a fam0us company do that and solved their issues/problems likes this ???
please dun say apple products and apple is the bes t company on this earth..no qualifications at all..
everything gonna changed nowaday..
ipad??? i get google tablet..
mp3??? i get sony wal kman..bass
computer??? nokia,dell,acer,v aio
handphone??? sure not the iphone
shamed on u steve.... a $50 phone DOES NOT REQUIRE a 'bumper case' to talk. This is technology AND NOT POLITIC. IF YOU ARE STILL A MAN of INTEGRITY, please be more focus on your problem than to divert attention. IT's better to clean your own backyard first. SHAME..SHAMEEEEEE on U Steve.
I'm not fooled or satisfied with RIM's response because they did not deny Apples claim that all smart phones can, when held in a normal way AND in a low signal strength area, show reduction in bars. If Apple is lying, RIM or any other smart phone company mentioned should NOT hesitate to call Apple "a bunch of liars!!!" If it's a lie, then it's a lie and RIM should let everyone know it's a lie! So by not denying what Apple said, RIM just makes it seem that Apple is telling the truth about the BlackBerry. RIM's response is just to say that Apple shouldn't snitch and keep RIM's name out of this. That's a WEAK response by RIM in my opinion. I'm just saying, if RIM were my company and Apple was lying about my company, I would respond that Apple is a liar! Wouldn't you?!
Has anyone stopped to consider Apple's press releases on the issue and compare them? On the release on their website, they admit that there IS an issue, however it is related to using an incorrect formula when displaying the amount of bars and that they will release an update with the correct AT&T formula to correct this.
However, if this is the case with the issue, why is it that other phones are having this issue?? If the error simply lies in the formula, does that mean all the above mentioned handsets are also using the incorrect formula?
Seems to me that Apple may be contradicting themselves..
Although I dislike Apple and the iPhone this is not the end of Apple. They are doing just fine.
Apple continues to offer truly innovative products that create all new markets. The Personal computer, a MP3 player, and arguably the iPAD are products which created a new market.
the current situation just illustrates how unimportant the telephone is in developing an iPhone. One of the reasons I booted the 3G was it's poor audible performance. Telephony has always been marginal in apples phones. It's hard to place it as a priority when USA service providers just turn off the signal every now and then.
[deleted post]HAHAHAHA..
That what does media does, gozzip, hearsay, gimmiks, without any analytical thinking...what could you expect. Is that what you call responsible?
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