Ideal phone for the job I do as I'm a Professional Fire fighter
This IS a Symbian smartphone, the "pen" key is on the right hand side of the phone.
The screen is small, but it has a high resolution, a bit higher than the resolution of 1st edition and 2nd edition Series 60 smartphones (5500 has 208 by 208, old S60s had 176 by 208).
Bravo! Thumb up Nokia! Phone 've been waiting 4. Tolu Osi from Nigeria
i wish the mobile was as sexy as 1600 .but it good
it be better if come in a big screen with 3g like nokia n73 kindly please nokia do it to be great because you are ( nokia ) great .... waiting for nokia 3g sport ....
it will be great if it come with a big screen also 3g like the nokia n73 kindly please do it next to be great nokia great ....
Finally a workmans phone with bluetooth, what took sooo long!!!
Specifications say it has symbian, but the OS Version is not declared.
Look at the keypad, can anyone find the "PEN" key which every symbian S60 phone has.
Look at the * key, it tells that this phone also has a built in "flash light". This feature is not announced.
I really like this phone. I think its got every thing i need.
im going to buy one when it comes out. does any one know when its coming out in afghanistan.
All the features of this fone except dust and water resistant, are already in market with sony ericsson and at very low price so y buy this.
yeah it looks good, has a gr8 set of features mouth watering 262K screen..this fone rocks allright!!!
or does it??
the prob with nokia is that they have a bad habit of raising cust expectations to high levels... only to crash them down on terra firma!!! for those of u who don't believe me, chek this out...
case in point- N6600 gr8 looks gr8 features..but screwed up sound quality...screwed up mp3 ring tones(when samsung, SE, motorola had recognised the need for mp3ringtones already) only blue tooth connectivity(believe me transferring mp3s by BT is pretty slow) top it all the N6620 (the US version of the 6600)had a popport..hmmm..wonder why???
case in point- N3230 same old crap about looks and features..this one had a pop port, had FM and even megapixel camera!!!ALLRIGHT!!!
and then i discover that the processor in the fone is pretty slow and that the fone buttons are hard to use...awwww crap.
case in point-N6260 nokia finnaly realised that the public wanted more smart fones so the released a plethora os symbian ones...the 6260 was the first smartfone to have a pop port and FM radio...but guess wat??it had a screwed up 0.3 MP camera and the build quality was pretty bad..though its not that fantastic either...
i could go on and on and on..why the hell do they do this??? the point i'm making here is that nokia have a trackrecord of releasing a fone tha seems to have EVERYTHING...but it lacks some feature or the other which detracts from the overall experience.
you know wat i mean...ur friend will have a lower nodel nokia and while ur comparing notes she sez "oh, ur fone can't send ringtones???but mine can!!! wats the use of having such an expensive fone if it can't even do something as basic as that???"
don't get me wrong , i love nokia for their 6600..i used the fone for a year and other that some small probs it worked fine...once it fell from my hand while i was talkin and hit the granite floor so hard it bounced back into my hand!!!
i hope jorma oulia(or watever) is listening..
I expect this phone. very superb and nice. But what price in this phone ?
from what i read it is a great sexy and perfect phone. and i am lokking foward to buyying it
peace out
from nokia lover
all i want to say is nomstter how many features nokia sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!bigtime!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill tell u buy a sony ericsson nd u will be pleased.
nice phone nokia. i feel it is an avtaar (new version) of nokia 6100. seems handy, lets see what it does when it hit the market.
will it have an in car handsfree kit with an external aeriel connection
if you can ,add magnetic compass to this phone
the best thin is it is water resistant .... nokia rocks !!!!
Congrratulation Nokia..I wish that this phone having double Camera such as N 80 and N 6680 but however I wish the next generation of 5 series having double camera...
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