Thanks, guys. I don't see why anyone should have to post a comment and face up to the comments of people who simply adulterate themselves with childlike remarks.
I'm just here to remark that Hellomoto needs serious innovation to their phone models. I'm pretty sure they had some fantastic models back in the day when Moto was reigning supreme. But now, all they do is simply change a feature here and there, and pronounce it as an 'all that' new phone model. Which I believe is extremely unamusing. In my point of view, they would have swept the mobile market with their unreleased E1120, but chose not to. Again another mistake on their part. So all these has me concluded that Moto is really in need of some serious 'refurbishment' if they wanna stay alaive in the competeition.
And to Bruce. Phones freezing to what I believe you say is excessive movement? My W810i has no such problems of the like, and I jog ALOT. So lalala yourself.
your opinion counts, i like the way u handle yourself, u got class kid keep it up and it's time to ignore james, don't give him the pleasure of commenting back, its just nonsense, waste of your time. just keep on posting your opinions thats all that matters!
Message to FragBomb.
Good argument my friend. School kid or not, I applaud you. You certainly made James look a little silly.
Keep up the good work dude!!!
James, James James.
What a silly man you are. Not only do you argue with a school boy, you also accuse me of making uneducated guesses and making myself look like a fool. I'm a mobile phone store manager with 6 years experience in the trade.
You say this is the best phone ever. 1.3 megapixel isn't the best. Neither is re-running designs and trying to be clever with stupid names. I mean Rizr? Sounds like someone in the Wu Tang Clan.
Just admit that you are a Motorola pervert. And also realise that people have different opinions then you. Opinions that make a lot more sense then yours. Even when they are voiced by someone who's still at school. Don't forget that a massive slice of the market is made up of younger people and their opinions count.
A quick question to everyone.
Motorola L7e or Sony Ericsson K800i?
I work in the mobile phone industry and i can tell you that the W810i was discontinued because of software problems. This was because the screen kept freezing due to excessive hopscotch. scoolboy lalala !
well sherry,
Any one that shares there name with a drink doesn't count for much in my book, if you want to side with a under age school child, that’s fine
u not worthy of moto, they only for great people like me and the hoff
Innocent, ignorant, youth. Give it a few years, if you wait until you are old enough to walk in to a phone shop and get a phone on contract, it will all become clear, until then stick to making sock puppets and washing your neighbours cars, oh and children's TV is starting now so bout time u log off and put some time in on those cartoons,
Everyone buy this phone it’s the best, show this kid that he knows nothing,
James, you've got it all wrong. The W810i is one heck of a phone. And the fact that it's been discontinued makes it even more of a rare gem. I have the phone in white and it's amazing.
And looking at this convo, in my oppinion only makes me wanna side more with FragBomb. Plainly because he's got more sense than you have. Stop being an uneducated jerk and talk at a grown up level. It's just humiliating to see a grown up being talked down by a student.
Stop humiliating the name of Moto supporters everywhere.
Very interesting the way you prove yourself to be of the working class.
C'mon james, don't ruin MOTO's name with ur sing-along song plz.
The w810 is now discontinued so cant be that great, oh and btw,
"u are a school boy", "school boy" lalala, who does a paper round,u make a sound but no one listens apart from you mum, coz you’re a "school boy" "school boy" lalala, u know nothing bout nothing no one want to know what u have to say coz you are just a school boy, come on every one sing along, Fragbomb your bed time is at 9 you not old enough to drink larger and lime, u get grounded if your not in on time, come on u know that Moto is dam fine,
Moto rule
Reading your comments, I rest my case. Your are indeed childish.
And btw, I'm not read for a Moto('s hangovers). Coz, you see. I have a SE W810i and I believe it's much better than this piece of junk. Having a 2mp cam with flash beats this 1.3. Has EDGE, has a card slot. Has a MUCH better keypad. Has Walkman and a fricken great speaker. And is cheaper I believe than this low grade facelift of an older, forsaken L7.
Sorry, james. But I just don't feel like answering to your childish innuendoes much longer, because. You just seem to throw in my face what I can just counter back easily. It's just not worth my time trying to justify why this phone plainly sucks, especially to you.
If you mum don’t make you triangle sandwiches then you missing sunshine, don’t know why u slag off this phone because you wont be able to afford one on your paper round wage!! Also not much use to you as doubt very much you will have any friends to call, only your mum and coz u a school boy you wont be aloud out late so no need to call her you can just chat to her when she tucks you up in bed and 9pm!!
Me on the other hand will finish work and get in my car (paid for by me) and drive to my house, calling my friends (on the hands free of coarse) arranging my night, I can go where I want like a over 21's night club where I can take pics of me with all the nice ladies on my moto, and be in when I want, all this will be happing whist you are sleeping dreaming about holding hands with the girl next door and getting the latest power ranger toy for Christmas,
Your not ready for a moto that’s why you don’t like them stick to your fisher price pretend phone!!!
Good job, provide amateurish insults, and make yourself look like a fool.
Oh, please. Moto make phones. Thats all. They dont make good phones. They just make phones. Applaud them if you wanna, but the again. Not many people would agree with you on that part. (Read the oppinions) =\
And, yes. I'm a schoolboy and I know it. And no, I make my own meals, not triangle sandwiches which you probably used to forced your mom to make, since you were so hopelessly dependant on others.
Come on, you wanna play who's more childish? I can intro you to my 8 year old sister anyday.
Until you come up with a constrcutive argument, don't make another post, coz you'll still just look like a child to me.
Correction: Moto used to make phones. Now they just make gimmicks.
School boy (fragbomb)
As I said until you reach the time in your life when the school uniform is in the bin and your mum no longer makes you nice sandwiches cut in to little triangles, you have no opinion, try this mobile phone site for something a little more on your level,
Mot make the best phones!!!
Pffft, james.
I'm only a schoolboy. So what? Does that mean my oppinion is worthless? Try to come up with at least a worthy argument before trying to shove others off. I don't see you giving any useful comments or whatsoever.
And next time you decide to say something against others, don't try to do with "I'm more experienced than you, so I know how the world works." kind of comments, coz everyone is entitled to their own oppinion. And I know how the world works, so don't try to teach it to me.
I may be just a "schoolboy", but you're just a "fanboy" who can't provide a constructive argument for nuts.
When I started reading that I thought what a load of rubbish then I get to the end and see why, u are just a school boy, you opinion is worthless, I have a job and lots more life experience then you, so when I say something people will sit up and listen. When you say something its taken with a pinch of salt, so get on with your home work and have a milk shake, this phone is great and will be a big seller and a turning point in the market
All also like nonsense, keep on upgrade, but no difference. Better to name it even FUKR, or SUKR, or LOSR rite? I mean, who care? Change name, stupid peopl who dunno anything still buy coz they think it's cool.
Cannot take this sort of nonsense from MOTO anymore. Got form but no substance.
I agree with Codfather. You Moto fanboys are just desperately trying to prove that Moto is something it's not.
Moto is dying and will DIE if they don't fire their fashion consultant and hire a new one. The RAZR and SLVR look is OLD! OLD, OLD, OLD! And thats the reason so many are criticising LG. Coz they like copying Moto. And Motorolla phones are just plain outdated.
Goodness, I guess some people never heard of "innovation".
And, it's bad enough their phones are outdated, their ergonomics dont get a plus from me either! What the heck happened to plain user friendly keypads? Nokia, SE, and Samsung all get plusses from me. Not coz they have spectacular metallic-flat-hard-to-press ones, but because they have user friendly ones. Whatever happened to plain old user friendly ergos?
And yah, I think this phone will suck, coz: It's just another "upgrade", you see?
Not suprising that only 1 guy uses a Moto in my school. And even his model is a more sensible e398.
codfather, try looking in to things before you make silly uneducated comments, you are just making yourself look like a fool,
this is the best phone the world has seen, you just mark my words
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