I'm ready to dump my favorite brand (Samsung) just to avoid on screen buttons..
I have a Huawei x2 and despite its huge screen still the on-screen buttons get in the way.
My S7 Edge is absolutely prefect.
experienced xperia for 4 years (zr, z3c) and one of incovenient thing is on-screen back-home-recent button, take some of the resolution for button when it has big below bezel.
switch my phones to S7 & redmi note 4 and i feel great, the screen are totally used.
AnonD-664474, 29 May 20171. I already tried Xperias with that thing, and admit it or not, it's truly by far the best lo... more1) It's super beneficial because it can be used both in hand and on table without any gymnastics. Agreed, back fingertip is weird and bad, especially S8's implementation which is the worst of all. Side fingertip is not as bad but it's pretty bad because apart from being harder to those using the opposite hand to handle the phone, it *does* require hand gymanstics when on a table. Imagine what not being right handed means in that reader, it's ridiculously how badly though is it. Also it require a certain thickness on the phone that will soon be regarded as unseemly (phones get slimmer in the long run).
2) You can't accidentally touch them, they get hidden on games. They're always on when they're needed to be always on, like in most apps where rapid interaction is not needed and in wide aspect ratio movies.
3) I didn't say the same about FT scanner, by that time there were always excellent scanners out. It was all a matter of miniaturization therefore time. There are no conductive/vibrating speakers that are good. We *know* it doesn't work, physics do not allow for it. They would always be worse than the standard design of speakers which are again vibrations but in a directed way . It's a giant step back. It's better in the sense that the "speaker" is bigger, it's (far) worse in the sense that the sound is not directed so you lose the low frequencies. It would always sound tinny and bad... You cannot fix physics, you just give up in bad ideas... Terrible idea no 3
4) 17:9 is *the* original standard ratio. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K_resolution
It's been used since ages before what we now regard "standard resolution" and with soft buttons on it is flexible. As it allows for one standard aspect ration w buttons on (16:9) and another with them of (17:9). It's the ultimate aspect ratio.
It allows for native movie viewing (according to the DCI standards) *and* standard youtube/TV/app standards with soft buttons on.
...heh, 4 on 4...
Savor , 29 May 2017The Aquos Crystal was a horrendous phone to hold with too many mistakes because it lacked palm... moreRight. LG G6 bezel size is perfect, but in a conventional 16:9 ratio.
Anonymous, 29 May 20171) No it's really bad , tried to use it. It's terrible, too small and often does not recognize... more1. I already tried Xperias with that thing, and admit it or not, it's truly by far the best location I've ever seen from a smartphone. My thumb naturally touches the reader, whereas Samsung and Apple have theirs on the front that requires thumb gymnastics. And I don't even want to start how terrible is the reader on the S8 duo. Back fp reader like on the G6 is okay, but is impossible to unlock when laid down on a surface.
If the reader will be built into the screen, it will definitely increase the phone's price so much because of how complicated it is to manufacture, just like how OLED screens cost more than IPS screens to be manufactured.
Sure it's cool, but isn't super beneficial and we don't have problems with the current one we have yet. I'd rather want an improvement to Iris Scanner than improving Fingerprint Scanner that is already on its best stage.
2. The main problem with always-on screen keys is that you can accidentally press them especially when playing games. Just make it standard 16:9 and put the capacitive keys because they don't take too much space at all tbh. About just the same size as the bottom bezel of the S8 duo, which isn't even that large.
An option of capacitive keys and on-screen keys would be the best thing, and OnePlus is your choice.
3. Like I've said, every new technology always needs time to improve. I bet you have said the same thing for fingeprint scanner, but look how good is it now.
I do know smartphones will have poor quality speakers, but at least offer us something good enough. Just because they're smartphones doesn't mean they don't have to try to improve their quality of audio.
4. See that's what I'm talking about - weird screen ratios are irrelevant and needless, including 17:9. Maybe someday when all contents are already made in that ratio, but not today.
The Aquos Crystal was a horrendous phone to hold with too many mistakes because it lacked palm rejection. Then when Samsung added palm rejection, it still causes problems during the typing on the side of the keyboard.
I really don't care as long as it isn't a curved display and bezel-less on both sides. This bezel-less nonsense is from pure shallow stupidity like curved displays and thinner phones with smaller batteries.
Waterproof smartphones will/should require a physical key, especially a dedicated camera button...
AnonD-664474, 29 May 2017-FP reader on the side is by far the most convenient. Can be used on the table if the phone is... more1) No it's really bad , tried to use it. It's terrible, too small and often does not recognize the finger correctly as it is in an angle. It's hit or miss when on a table dues to the smaller surface. Underglass fingertip (not yet released but close) is the best as it uses no bezels and can be as big as you want it, no weird angles when the phone is on a table. Just tap and go.
2) On 17:9 screen , buttons are always on (unless your purposefully swipe them out of existence). So no two taps are needed, it's the same as with capacitive buttons. Heck they *are* capacitive buttons , merely on a useful screen instead of a useless bezel. In the off chance that you need the extra space you can have it (say when watching movies or VRing), you can't do this w bezels. Bezels are dumb plastic/glass basically.
3) I did understand. From the one example I have from said technology is that it is terrible. It may get better but I have no faith in it. No need to reinvent the will anyhow. Phone speakers would always be bad due to how tiny are they, it's simple physics. We merely want not to be downright atrocious, and the Mi Mix's implementation was exactly that unfortunately.
4) Ultra wide is a terrible fad that will die in a terrible way (if we are lucky). It solves the black screen on movies and introduces it in everything else. What we need is no black screens in everything else (16:9 + soft buttons means no black screen on 16:9 content) and minimed in ultra wide content (soft buttons get hidden in movies).
It's by far the best aspects ratio. A bit of how 3:2 is on tablets (good for reading + media). Compromise ratios would always be the best, best of both worlds...
Like I said ... 4 on 4. 4 better counterpoints...
vrvly, 28 May 2017For one-hand use, things like - bezels, sharp edges/corners, phone being thick and too wide -i... moreI'm just looking forward to a beautiful device with good STB Ratio and is durable at the same time. Mi Mix and G6 are close ones, but I want their ergonomics to be in one - Mi Mix side bezels with G6 top and bottom bezel size.
The issues of smartphones being fragile has always been existing, and it's so disappointing that no one is ever trying to figure out a way to fix that.
21:9 ratio is preferable, but better if the extra space that is unused by a 16:9 content will give us useful functions like triggering apps, screenshot button, time/date/weather information, and some bonus stuff like better camera controls with the extra space provided.
Would also be cool if we can have 3 screen multitasking and two camera modes (can record a video and take a picture in full resolution at the same time) so that the extra space won't be wasted.
And give us an option to have the screen be stretched up completely if we don't need or want the bonus features.
Anonymous, 29 May 2017Side mount fingertip is the worst, can't be used (easily) while holding, can't be used on the ... more-FP reader on the side is by far the most convenient. Can be used on the table if the phone is laid down or facing down its screen, and it's located where your palm and thumb sits the most. I don't get your justification to it - either you hate Sony or you hate me overall.
-Hardware capacitive keys do make a little bit of bezel but it's not so bad that your phone cannot be used with it.
On-screen keys take a hit or miss and takes a second when you want to go out to something. I can go to the Home Screen with my capacitive keys whereas I have to swipe up to the bottom of the screen before I can go out of something. Again your justification doesn't make any sense.
-You didn't understand what I have said, huh.
I said make a way to make that thing in stereo with better sound quality, and of course it's still not the best because it's still in development stage, and once it get developed, I'm very sure you'll always look for it everyday.
-17:9? F* that! Just go directly to 21:9 and fix your long-existing problems. And say hello to the unused black borders of your screen.
If only CLEDIS of Sony, that allows us for a free aspect ratio display, is available on smartphones already.....
4 bad ideas or 4 ideas you only disagree with?
Two different things, and you must scientifically prove to me how they are bad ideas before I accept your conclusion.
- Flat front (Sturdy, unlike Apple's rounded sides, or Samsung's curved display)
- Add a second speaker on bottom bezel (a la Alcatel Idol 3)
- Shave the bezels to ~80% Screen-to-Body Ratio (a la LG G6)
- On-screen buttons (software means they are USER CUSTOMISABLE)
- 16:9 screen (most popular content, no need to alter/rewrite Apps)
- Fingerprint sensor under the display (just middle-bottom portion acceptable)
- ForceTouch/Advanced Vibrational Haptics (feels like clicking on hardware button)
- 3D Touch/Pressure Sensor (like "right-click"/extra options for objects)
- Rounded-Pixel corners (a la Xiaomi Mi Mix)
- Symmetrical design (power, volume, user button)(speakers)(front and rear cameras)
- Slim Kickstand to make it a truly portable console/entertainment beast (a la HTC HD7)
AnonD-664474, 28 May 2017Small bezel only makes the phone more compact and look that bit better.
But small bezel is ... moreSmall bezels don't make the screen taller. The Koreans made the wrong implementation of it.
Sharp does zero bezels much better in both looks and function (you don't lose one handed use).
Umbrella, 28 May 2017None.
-Xperia-like side-mounted fingerprint reader, the best possible place of it, along with... moreSide mount fingertip is the worst, can't be used (easily) while holding, can't be used on the table. One more boneheaded idea from Sony.
Hardware buttons s the worst, just make the screen (slightly) taller to include where hardware buttons were meant to be. That way that space can be used for buttons (like w hardware buttons) but also for other things (it's reprogrammable and buttons can be hidden when not needed)
Mi mix has vibrating speaker. It's easily its worst feature. Bad sou d quality and probably bad for the integrity of the phone in the long run. Stereo sound speakers are the best. No space is occupied on the profile and allows for night quality stereo sound.
16:9 aspect ratio. Again it's bad. When soft buttons are used the screen gets smaller. 17:9 is the best . First it's the film standard aspect ratio (4k and 2k are ~17:9), second it's better for VR (when the screen is halved), thirdly when used with soft keys you get the standard 16:9 for apps. Fourth doesn't make the phone too tall to use one handed.
4 bad ideas (w reasons). 4 out of 4 ... Congrats.
I stronly prefer on screen buttons either on a 16:9 or 17:9 screen. Taller than that is awkward for reach and hold one handed as is buttons below a 16:9 screen.
Very displeased with this article
Just give users the option of using on screen or off screen, very simple. OnePlus and Huawei have done it.
Saw the image in the gallery and thought its pathetic
I prefer hardware buttons.
Anonymous, 28 May 2017What I would like: 16:9, razor-thin side bezels because those are the ones making a phone feel... moreAnd really, nobody likes on screen buttons because they block your content.
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