Elop you are the man ..make wake up Nokia ..3 years nokia costumers was sleeping
Looks like the end of a long journey..
It's alright as far as Nokia comes up with their plans with MeeGo soon and also, launch their Windows Phone 7 project soon enough.
The word Symbian shall no longer be accepted as a New Gen Smartphone OS anymore, as it sounds & looks ancient now.
We need change. Just hope the WP7 and the MeeGo become as successful as the Symbian was when it came into existence.
I think the motive behind putting an end to Symbian is to encourage new buyers as they would actually be buying something NEW, rather than a face-lift of something that's ancestral.. :P
Do you people know how to read and comprehend at the same time?? Or do yall just read a certain part and paragraph and just stop reading and start posting? Nokia is going to continue to work on Symbian and Meego platform. All they're doing is moving some devs to Accenture to keep the symbian patform going. Yes they are laying off some devs here and there. But they still gotta shipload of symbian phones that they're going to continue to support.
Basically they're just getting some new developers and reorganizing.
Nokia will suffer if they continue with symbian. They will die if they change to windows phone. They will be successful if they focus on maemo or meego.
I think this is a step back, I have had nokia phones for 12 years and I have loved each, I have used IOS, and WP7, and all I can see is restricted environments with more Eye candy elements, I'm outraged with Nokia, I plan to by the X7 as a replacement for my 5800, but I think that phone will be my last with them.
If nokia want to survive, Stephen
Elop should be fired. Nokia made an historic mistake by recruiting him as CEO...
Nokia will never learn....They lost their market share due to ANDROID and still they haven't learnt about people craze in ANDROID and they donot want to partner and release phones with ANDROID.Nokia already has an increadible name in the market so it is very simple for it to be a market leader again if it takes ANDROID...
And also tablet market is swelling up very high almost every other company is realising an tablet but nokia just seem to not think about it..The near future seems very bright for TABLET PC and if nokia does not enter the market it will be a looser in the long run...
Eventhough Nokia says that this is not the death of Symbian, at least some hints are there showing that Symbian will die in the near future. What Nokia should do is to make Symbian available to common people by making the Symbian Smart Phones in 100$ and above phones.
I think the 3000 developers can actually develop/improve a much better Symbian OS. But I suspected some of the developers had been bribed to maintain the OS so the it doesn't excel the performance of other OS. This could be just like a Mafia thing like "You do this thing to certain level of performance but not exceeding the performance of other OS" "You do what I say and you will be paid this much" This is a mere suspicion.
However, I noticed there is a new improvement on the NOKIA's SYMBIAN ANNA OS. With good marketing and promotion, the SYMBIAN ANNA can be the next OS choice. With this being said, Nokia must stop producing tiny phones. Take NOKIA E6 for example, I see the interfacing is superb but the phone is too small. Nokia have to understand that all the phone buyers out there are mature adults and not small kids. Most mature adults are growing adults meaning their body size increase and the same goes to their fingers. So when fingers are big, it will be a burden for them to adjust to the tiny keyboard buttons. There are not many mature adults out there having slim / tiny fingers.
Nokia having their own OS and the W7 os is not bad. Actually its good thing as the changes of getting market share is there.
Nokia always end with failure..Especially N900's Maemo, end with nothing..look on the Samsung's Bada site..not a huge success but the result did impress people..Wave series is getting more and more...If Nokia really in big trouble, Android could save their ass...Just like how Motorola climb back from hell...Too bad Nokia chose the wrong side...I do hope Microsoft can save this company eventhough I know WP7 have no match with Android and IOS :(
Nokia will never beat Android with Windows mobile OS or Symbian. Ultimately Nokia will have to take Android or come up with another new OS. sorry for those unfortunate workers. They should join google or android.
How can this convince people that Symbian is still alive,an how can Nokia be able to still sell a the 150 million symbian phones,as people now might stop buying symbian phones an buy something alternative,Mr Elop since he as taken over at Nokia as not been helping the Shares an Sales at All,Why?couldn"t he have kept the Microsoft deal silent until Nokia had a Windows ready for Release an Shock the Others by doing this,then people would have still bought Nokias Symbian phones but not now,even the Symbian 3 updates are not being released early by Nokia, seems like a Company going down the Drain
The first and the only symbian phone i owned ever since was a SE-P1i, with Symbian UIQ 3.0, as most of you know that no versions followed it later despite it was introduced as "symbians future" or as a major step onwards. As soon as Nokia acquired Symbian, simply shut it down. Other versions of symbian was not compatible with it either. I dont blame SE but for me, no more SE or Nokia phone and no more any of Symbian phones in rest of my life, never. I am more than happy with Android (HTC Desire)for a year. And very upset for those who are about to lose their jobs due to some other losers' bad strategies.
hope nokia sell Symbian :)
Anonymous, 27 Apr 2011Nokia would make the Symbian a better OS with its 7000 develeopers and it would pass over Andr... morewell... I don´t think you know how the market looks like and how popular are smartphone with symbian among real smartphones users... not a common people which use their phone to take a photo or call mom
Definitely lookin forward to wp7 nokia phone.From my experience wp7 is more interesting than symbian.
this decision can be eqated to a farmer spitting fruits he has grown through hard labour for a few sweets from a stranger. Hahaha.
My opnion: i think just Nokia is really planning to get off Symbian slowly. To do this, they dismiss this 4000 employees to recicle ideas and put this partner to manage others 3000 symbian develop. All this for not fall down faster this Symbian smarts.
But, of course that Nokia will manufacture other millions Symbian. After all, Nokia have a lot of followers and makes a lot of Phones year by year.
They will eventually loose their jobs.. Good for them! 3 thousand man power and cant even make a decent Interface.
this is not unusual for a big company, especially if they want to start over.
at least they will take care of those workers, unlike 99.9% other companies
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