Anonymous, 17 May 2011Looks nice, but.... System wide copy paste? Applications? Can Nokia develop a tool to help dev... moreIt's called Nokia QT.
I'm glad Nokia is launching a brand new Symbian (looks like) phone. I love my N95 8GB. My mom's N8 also works beautifully. I don't understand how there is too much people "hating" Symbian. They must never have used it. It gives much more freedom than an iOS phone. And also supports (and improving) Flash and Java.
This phone won't kill anything, but I'll most probabably get it given the amazing experience I had (and still having) with my n900. They just need to optimize the hw.
Symbian or Meego? I bet Symbian. (:
symbian,what is it,i dont remember
This will be the Galaxy S 2 killer! The SGS2's reign as the best smartphone will be short lived. Good job Nokia!
Wow this phone is running the new Symbian PR 3.0 it looks pretty good
Anonymous, 17 May 2011I hope this phone has a dual core procesor, if it doesn't it will suck!Yeah because dual core is what makes phones great. Hey wait a minute, are you saying BOTH nexus phones suck, ALL Galaxy S phones suck, All HTC phones suck, All Motorola phones suck etc because all of those are single core devices as well.
[deleted post]And you know this about a phone which has not even been released as yet? ..... No one is even sure about the official specs of this phone as yet. Up till now most websites have the rumored specs. The galaxy is a good phone but you can't compare it with a phone we know so little about. You would be stupid to make such a deduction at this stage.
it looks like a symbian mobile ... aaarggghhh
e7 is not doing well or to put it more bluntly, its a flop. so what makes nokia think this one will do well? no one is buying nokia's smrtphone anymore. loyal nokia buyers are moving to samsung, htc and iphone. their only hope is their windows phone.
common nokia please don't disappoint your fans! XD
i hope that the new n9 its the best.i like nokia but the last models are very slow and i ve changed for xperia x10 and now for x12ARC
Nokia shoulda had this phone out years ago. They're irrelevant now in the world of Iphones, Androids, and blackberries.
the keyboard looks hell like the keyboard on the mac book pro
This is Meego customized for Nokia, and this device was influenced by Nokia's "design your own smartphone" a voting that was made for the community to chose from and say what would they like in a device and the designers came up with something very similar to the N9 but without the keyboard and much thinner but it has 80% resemblence with the N9. Amazing device, hope to see it soon.
hopefully a good phone.... but for sure a great promotion video.. love it!
This is Meego customized for Nokia, and this device was influenced by Nokia's "design your own smartphone" a voting that was made for the community to chose from and say what would they like in a device and the designers came up with something very similar to the N9 but without the keyboard and much thinner but it has 80% resemblence with the N9. Amazing device, hope to see it soon.
These icons are different from ios icons. They are not like samsung copy cat icons. Ios icons are square with rounded edges but these icons are not square.
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