Anonymous, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 have more powerful hardware. But it's software sucks. It will lag after few months like... moreZomg there's a seer in the thread! Quick, ask it when the world is going to end! Ask it before it chokes on its own bull$..t
AnonD-646111, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 is good phone but not powerful then -iphone7 -iphone 7 plus -iphone 8 -iphone8 plus... moreIphone are powerful in what? Only benchmarks results. People forget something. Benchmark results are associated with os used to perform. So benchmark depends on which os used to perform. Iphone users are happy because iphone performs goods results but forget ios is a very simple useless and not complex than android. ios is like using feature os phone. In 2017 ios can't perform real multitasking and you call it os. It's impossible but i really want to see one day android device( at least snapdragon 800 note 3 or snapdragon 801 htc m8) performing ios 11. I bet it will match iphone x on real time performance.
Anonymous, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 have more powerful hardware. But it's software sucks. It will lag after few months like... morePeople act like Samsung and apple are the only options out there.
Nice hardware but crippled by it's unpolished software. What a shame....
WE NEED MOUSE., 15 Sep 2017So what can you do with that power?
Note 8 can be docked, and increase productivity on deskt... moreAgreed, one of many reason i dont IOS because of way to many restriction, screen size, I personally like bigger screen size around 6 inch, and they removed headphone jack lol i mean seriously ? what they are thinking ? I wont even buy any android without headphone jack...
Anyway ive just pre-ordered Note 8, I hope its not fragile as S8.
AnonD-646111, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 is good phone but not powerful then
-iphone 7 plus
-iphone 8
-iphone8 plus... moreSo what can you do with that power?
Note 8 can be docked, and increase productivity on desktop. Play games.
While your iPhone power is STUCK in that tiny 5.5 / 4.7 inches of screen.. With that power.. can't even be productive... So what? Buy a iPad Pro to supplement that iPhone?? That junk can't even support a tiny mouse.. only a 100 dollar pencil. HURRAY!!.. Oh yeah.. you can top off with a Macbook Pro with touchBar and work on a LG 5k display. By that time, you already spent a fortune.
AnonD-646111, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 is good phone but not powerful then -iphone7 -iphone 7 plus -iphone 8 -iphone8 plus... moreNote 8 have more powerful hardware. But it's software sucks. It will lag after few months like any other Samsung phone. So iPhone is better.
AnonD-646111, 15 Sep 2017Note 8 is good phone but not powerful then -iphone7 -iphone 7 plus -iphone 8 -iphone8 plus... moreeven 6s and 6s plus are faster than note 8... but speed isn't everything. If I were given a choice between Porsche and S class.. I will happily go for the later.
Note 8 small version release 5.7 inch
Note 8 is good phone but not powerful then
-iphone 7 plus
-iphone 8
-iphone8 plus
-iphone x
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