IamD3V, 18 Sep 2017And Again..Sony proves to be the leader and Samsung follower..!Well said.
In the end it only matters that you surpass the competition in performance, is equal who did it first, copy and other stupid comments. Better for them if they manufacture the best sensors for their cameras and even to sell, less money to pay to other brands.
Anonymous, 18 Sep 20172018 : 10 years of first Xperia.
Imx500 will be the surprise gift at IFA... Way better tha... moreAndroid also turns 10 next year. I want BlackBerry to release a 10th anniversary of the Bold and Google calls the Pixel the Dream X. Google should buy HTC already!
Google turns 20
Android turns 10
T-Mobile G1/HTC Dream turns 10
Xperia X1 turns 10
Bold 9000 turns 10
Sony Xperia FOREVER, 18 Sep 2017i'm an XZ Premium owner... i held the S8 in my hand and put it against XZ Premium in the other... moreTo be fair, the bezels on the Sony's are just gross. They don't feel good in hand at all, either. Enjoy your bezels.
Sony's high speed sensor tech is FAR from perfect.
1stly 1Gb of RAM may be too little for writing all the information and thus the LOUSY quality 1080p (which is Most Likely 720p disguised as 1080p).
2ndly the QUALITY (speed) of the DRAM must be LOUSY too.
3rdly Samsung is the Industry leader in RAM, whether for smartphones, or laptops or desktops. It should incorporate some of its fastest DRAM into the sensor itself, and double or quadruple the memory on the sensor. So that instead if the 2 Seconds that it does right now at very lousy resolution, it does like 10 seconds or so at good quality 1080p.
2018 : 10 years of first Xperia.
Imx500 will be the surprise gift at IFA... Way better than imx400
Also no more f2.0 ...
As expected, put Samsung and Sony together in the same article and the usual people get triggered. Get a break!
Sony came up with so many innovative ideas but always failed at capitalizing them. They should learn a trick or two from apple and just get rid of those huge bezels!
Sony Xperia FOREVER, 18 Sep 2017i'm an XZ Premium owner... i held the S8 in my hand and put it against XZ Premium in the other... moreand how about the pixelated display of the 4k screen of xz premium like the iphone 3Gs days?oh common you cant deny it.
xXENDER FREAKXx, 18 Sep 2017Ikr copying others, using it as a selling point and central point of attraction, it seems like... moreWhy is it copying? The article genuinely acknowledge Sony as the first to build mobile camera with on chip memory - for those who obsess with who is first. Samsung is only looking to build something similar with their own in-house factory not copying. All this while Samsung had been buying Sony's sensor. Sony should be grateful. After this Sony will be abandon completely as a supplier if Samsung make this new camera sensor work.
Anonymous, 18 Sep 2017XZ premium sides are plastic lol stop dissing samsung and know your facts boy Totally agree and just for your info sonyfanboybitches, I have just got rid of that chunk of cheap plastic worthless crap called an Xperia Z5 the worst investment I have ever made in my life!
I have my Note 8 which is by far the most best looking phone I have had in year's and feel like a premium handset unlike the Z5!
Also after a couple of months I know my Note 8 will be still worth it's purchase price which unlike any Sony phone will have lost 2 thirds of it's value !
I doubt I will ever buy a Sony phone again unless they get back with Ericsson .
Sony Fanboy Bitches, 18 Sep 2017Samsung used glass for ergonomics? Lol. Last time I've checked, the XZ Premium feels a lot mo... moreXZ premium sides are plastic lol stop dissing samsung and know your facts boy
Sony Fanboy Bitches, 18 Sep 2017Sony brought waterproof smartphones in the market first, but ask an average phone user to name... morebrainwashed or not, doesnt important. those are just companies. stop being a sony extremist dude
[deleted post]Lol...the truth is samsung is nothing without sony innovation and japaness tech,samsung is using sony camera sensor and sony battery on their s8 and note 8....and this next step by samsung is fail without sony expertise,or maybe samsung just have to beg again like hobo for that stacked sensor like they did before for s8 but sony dont want to give it...lol
Anonymous, 18 Sep 2017U know, given all your knowledge and expertise, u guys should put on your resumes about being ... moreHahaaa nice one!!
Sony Fanboy Bitches, 18 Sep 2017Just like how their Sony a9 destroys every cameras from Samsung, Apple, LG, and every mobile p... morejust like their distorted xzp got beaten by samsung.
Why bother I thought most non Sony users branded 960fps as gimmick?
U know, given all your knowledge and expertise, u guys should put on your resumes about being expert commentors so u can get a job in these companies and help them. They really fire those guys who doesn't know what they are doing.
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