looks so cheap. and adroid OS sucks.
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2017Why is now everybody copying that dumped iPhone X front??Chill bro. It aint got those stupid horn from iphone X. Its more like LG G6 front.
Sad that the high end version is with edge, but ok, mate 9 pro has it too. Personally I prefer protection on bezels over bezelless edges.
AnonD-633729, 22 Sep 2017Lol. You are delusional.maybe...lol...but they are ugly in my eyes...
xiaomi, samsung and lg did it beautifully...
iphone and essentiall phones are...arrrggg😂
[deleted post]I have to agree with you sir! 4 cameras ??? I really don't believe we need more than 1 or 2 max! All these cameras do is reduce internal space for other components. I really don't see the point of these front cameras for vain people to pose with there pouting trout faces !
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2017Is this 18:9 trend limited to phones or are they gonna make that the new default for videos to... moreYou've been able to buy 21:9 tellies and monitors for years. Cinema format is 21:9. Most PC games also support that aspect ratio these days. So... If you're not used to it yet, I guess you have to get used to it.
(typed on my 21:9 desktop display)
AnonD-473228, 22 Sep 2017Huawei makes small bezels ugly..... I'm sorry but i would take sony big bezel design over thi... moreLol. You are delusional.
Huawei makes small bezels ugly.....
I'm sorry but i would take sony big bezel design over this anyday
*not a sony fan...never used sony devics
Like a G6 :v, 21 Sep 2017Copying iPhone X? LOL Sorry, but Apple didn't invent the bezel-less displays, Sharp did it first.I believe the iphone x screen is the first of its kind in which the screen reaches all 4 corners evenly (even though it has a cutout up top) This gives it that bezel-less all around look. Theres no other phone like it.
The iphone x still has bezels which id rather have than a screen going all the way to the edges. Its more ergonomic to hold with accidental screen touches not being an annoyance. Also adds structural strength and rigidity to the device. Edge to edge screens only looks nice but adds no practicality to it.
Correct me if im wrong
Can't wait till this stupid 18:9 trend dies out. #makecellphonescreengreatagain
MI MIX used to be unique for having bezelless design as it was just a small number of phones after sharp's but then boring 18:9 bezelless virus infected many brands claiming this "FAKE bigger" (e.g 5,8" screen has narrower area than 5,5" 16:9 screen) screen are beauties, unique and future yet the reality is this trending screen ratio give you less for asking you more money, Yeah after all it is the trick of marketing to gain as much profits as possible.
Back to my point, if 1 out of 100 has different design, that's unique but if 100 out of 100 all have similar design, nothing is unique = boring.
Thank you people for letting companies fired their creative designers, thank you for making companies asking you more for less, thank you for this d*mb trend!
For everyone "saying" it's a ripped off design, FYI afterall it is you who make it that way!
Will this Supercharge be different from the Mate 9? Was about to purchase a few for home and truck for my M9 but will wait if it is different. Wish QC 2 or 3 would work on my M9. They are dirt cheap compared to Huawei's Supercharger.
That kinda looks like Samsung C7 2017
I have never been obsessed with anything like my hate for these 18:9 aspect ratio (maniquain) display. Isn't the point of buying bigger phones the want of bigger display. I have never heard of anyone who bought a big screen phone complain about the width but they wanted more display to be cramped into the phone (AKA Bezelles).
Most big screen phone users go for them because they are powerful, can be used for work & play (games) and especially to watch videos. I will just have to rely on someone in the smartphone market to apply some common sense or use the Mate 9 forever since the new ones come width smaller displays and even offer less for media contents
Is this 18:9 trend limited to phones or are they gonna make that the new default for videos to make us buy new TVs and computers?
Looks more like LG smartphones: fingerprintsensor location, 18:9 screen.
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2017Why is now everybody copying that dumped iPhone X front??Sheepness in all its glory!!! LOL
With this bezelless trend all phones look the same this is getting boring real fast, faster than sony bezelles which i think i'm starting to like
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2017Why is now everybody copying that dumped iPhone X front??Apple have copy the Nokia n9 with their screen.
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