mini hd camcorders
Yani, 13 Jun 2011How did you get a +1 rating!?
It's like giving +1 to this guy for saying: "This news ple... morethat's easy.
because phones come from china, and the closest market is usa! milions and milions of consumers with a single language and network configurations. english!
europe is to tricky, and we've got lots of countryes with diferent rules, so bottom line.
it's more easy to build devices to the usa market, and europe is just a second choice.
by the way.
nokia is failing because it builds features phones.
since i got my hands on the first htc smartphone, back in 2004 i believe, never came back, why? simple.
why keep buying crappy phones with single features if you can buy a phone with everything?
most people just care about design, is not about using it. so don't blame nokia for that.
nokia just did what the market wanted, stylish phones.
as for me, smarphones 4ever :)
Anonymous, 13 Jun 2011So basically then you are a "fanboy" and have just admitted, in writing, nothing wil... moreI think you misunderstood him..he isn't saying CPU speed isn't a problem.. I believe he is saying it isn't the biggest problem out of many. And yes a single core can sell in this market(for now). But Nokia reminds me of Converse .. the top shoe company but became complacent and was killed by Nike (Samsung/Apple) .. It's sad when you are on top then realize too late to stop your steady fall... A co-worker believes Microsoft will buy them out, has anyone heard anything about this??
Nokia wont listen - they are untouchable!
Ignore your customers needs and input at your peril.
We have been talking and commenting, but no-one listens- now you see how it afects your bottom line! I am a fanatically loyal Nokia User since 1997. Come on guys wake up and listen- we want you to succeed!
Make your smart phones have all the best features and stop dumbing them down. get & Keep the Lead with a REAL Communicator replacement. Have the guts to make systems to make VOIP phone calls easily accessible and cheap from a normal cell-phone and connectable to normal phone networks in a way that moves phone calls into the data realm and away from specific gsm calls. Keep legacy features like GSM fax available for those who need them especially for tablet devices where they have become the new poratble office. Make your phones have the best features way ahead of the competition, like you used to. Fire bean counting bureaucrats as a matter of company policy. Get back to the original values that made Nokia great!
AnonD-10443, 11 Jun 2011nokia is right..noka shouldnot adopt the buggy os andro..this company is going to blast by win... moreHow did you get a +1 rating!?
It's like giving +1 to this guy for saying: "This news pleases me." ?!?!?!
Yes, Android is a little bit buggy sometimes, but your "...symbian u can do anything with is the most stable os till now..." part should get you a -1 rating! Everyone I know with a Nokia's Symbian phone has had some kind of problems. They all had a bad experience with Nokia, and yes there are some good Nokia phones, but the bad ones outweight them!
And now for the most constructive comment up until now :)
Why are all the top operating systems (Apple, Google, RIM, Microsoft) from USA and none from EU? What is happening with EU's IT? Why isn't anyone asking himself that?! Is it bureaucracy? Limits in innovation? What? This is what I'm asking myself and also should all the europeans.
Today I was downloading a game within my ovi store app...
I thought why not start an Angry Birds Game until download finishes... After all, 2 apps can't hang the mighty N8. Can it??
How wrong I was! The game started skipping frames upon download completion. With a great deal of difficulty, I closed Angry Birds and completed the installation.
Now, where is that guy from Nokia who stressed that, 680 MHz is more than enough for a Symbian Device?
I think I should sue him and earn some money!
But again, Nokia are already in pathetic state for ignoring us...
Nokia should understand that users are not fools. If we say we need 1 Ghz, then we are right, no matter what! Stop dictating us what we need!
Anonymous, 13 Jun 2011So basically then you are a "fanboy" and have just admitted, in writing, nothing wil... moreactually i'm more like a hater, not fanboy. I always hated Nokia for their "elitists" behavior. They never produced mobile phone i might like. Imagine what happens now when from all vendors it's Nokia that manufactures device closest to my expectations. By the way i admitted i will not spend money for "yet another gaming console". I witnessed GHz battle between INTEL/AMD, then GPU battles between ATI/nVidia and silent joy from Redmond because MS was the real winner allowing them to rule over even bigger market of mini supercomputers, which became more and more bug prone, and more and more power hungry.. for what? playing CS game with 100 fps instead of 98? No thank you. I do not want to see such mindless battle in hendheld world.. because i really do not think i need GHz cpu to run my calls or simple callendar application, having that i had this functionality on my old Sony-ericsson k600. You said something for center of London - i suppose you work for some financial firm managing some stocks/shares/currencies and you need all changes in financial markets syncked to your devices on the second they happen (or better 30 min earlier :-) however neither me, nor most of other users have the critical need websites to open for 2 seconds instead of 5 seconds. I hate that now is "trendy" to have supperfast mobile for gaming and all vendors jump after that "new beat". The simple and rock-solid smartphone is dead. Now i have to charge my HD2 each day, or it might not live another, and speaking on it is quite an effort without hads-free. (why i bought it - i use it mainly as mini tablet for internet browsing because of better resolution). As conclusion - Nokia gave last example showing that Apple way is the "right" way and all opposing will die. I am not happy because i strictly believe mobile phone are communication devices, not jewels or cool gadgets.
Anonymous, 13 Jun 2011So basically then you are a "fanboy" and have just admitted, in writing, nothing wil... moreWhat I am saying in essence is that Symbian is a lame duck and the fact that Nokia are now going to sell Windows devices proves what we all knew ages ago. However, if they do not curn out somes erious up to date hardware they can forget it!!
simple user, 13 Jun 2011well nothing will convince me that i need extra-mega fast multicore cpu for my phone.. unless ... moreSo basically then you are a "fanboy" and have just admitted, in writing, nothing will change your mind? Look at IoS, Android and Windows. They all have better hardware from the manufacturers and consequently run better. I had the Sony Ericsson P990 running UIQ 3 and even as their flagship device back then browsing the internet was just not a serious option. I stood in the middle of London in a good reception and simply could not get the devcie to do anything that was vaguely usable. So what has really changed since then from Nokia? Frankly not that much really! They simply have not kept up and are now paying the price.
AnonD-40, 13 Jun 2011Stop lying. We all know that even on the N8, Nokia's default browser is really bad let alone o... morewell nothing will convince me that i need extra-mega fast multicore cpu for my phone.. unless it runs Android.. then i might need one, or better two cpus ;-) Java runs smoothly only on Suns workstations ;-D Anyway - believe me CPU speed is not the Nokia's greatest problem.
Nokia have out of date software and hardware. They still have no dual core models and are quite happy to churn out 680 Mhz devices. Just look at the new X7. Even 18 months ago it would have been out of date and they are just brining it it to the market now! Hardly suprising they cannot compete is it.
This news pleases me.
simple user, 13 Jun 2011i compare n82 with htc hd2.. i see no noticable difference in browsing, or office apps. Actual... moreStop lying. We all know that even on the N8, Nokia's default browser is really bad let alone on the N82. Just see for yourself how behind Nokia is. Watch the video below and you'll see how bad the N8 is when it comes to browsing. It's unusable. It's so bad that even the web browser on the first iPhone released in 2007 is way faster and better than what Nokia came up with in 2010.
mms, 13 Jun 2011Right, symbian runs fast if you use it to scroll contacts and system menus. But if you start u... morei compare n82 with htc hd2.. i see no noticable difference in browsing, or office apps. Actually i see difference but that is sceen size and resolution, not performance. (i blame nokia for low-res displays since 2005).
WTF? Symbian was amazing 2-3 years back, it had everything i needed. If somebody says symbian is crap etc they are probably sick in the head. Nokia made a massive mistake fighting with android. Meegoo was a good idea but it was left aside. No new ideas and reheated phones like 5230 5800 e5 e71 e72 and same hardware thts what killed nokia. Symbian 3 is the biggest mistake ever! Symbian 2 is the best system in old days. Wait a bit and people will get bored with android aswell, im already bored with it...
Nokia will always be known for having reliable phones, because I have a lot friends who have had Android phones and there were always problems with the software. Apple phones come out to replace older models way to quickly and the fact that there are hardly any major changes is boring. I'd rather go for a blackberry if I don't like the new Nokia WP7 phones.
simple user, 13 Jun 2011fact is that symbian will run equally fast on 1GHz and 680 MHz cpu. and Nokia is EXTREMLY stup... moreRight, symbian runs fast if you use it to scroll contacts and system menus. But if you start using some third party apps or even build in browser, you get it to the point where CPU becomes bottleneck.
Nokia is what we grew up knowing, who can forget Nokia Connecting people? But indeed they went to sleep. I am currently using RIM’s Blackberry and i don’t see myself moving to iOS or Android, too many devices released every now and then for android as for iOS i don’t want to be locked into the world of itunes, Bluetooth limitations to cut it short, I don’t want to be a zombie. I believe Nokia and Microsoft should work on a new OS, could be an off-shoot of WP7 but superior. They have money for R & D, there is still time for catch up, people trust the reliability of Nokia and can go back with ease, i certainly would. So Nokia i am waiting for your comeback, but for now I am RIM.
Only Android might help!
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2011in the past a nokia phone was like your first bike, very tough phones great battery life and n... morein fact Nokia have the solution - Meego would sledgehammered to pasture all competition ... only if it was ready on time (2 years ago). It can certainly run any other mobile OS in emulation mode on appropriate hardware. Or at least cometition apps :-) (again in emmulation mode)
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