Love the design of this thing. Love the way the phones has overhand at the bottom part, that makes it easy to know it slides and gives it a sleek look.
The first pic looks like a Milestone 1, not a Milestone 3 (or 2)
nice specs, but body looks like first Milestone/Droid.
guyz plz im not blind :S
did an one notice the first image on the right and the first image on the left in the first raw ( the keyboard i mean )
OMAP 4430 is not CPU, it is SoC (system-on-chip). CPU is dual-core ARM Cortex-A9.
the keyboard is ugly !!!
Yes am first.. ;) i think it could be another milestone for motorola. Very good specs, full qwerty slider is treat to use.. With that kind of display using phone without touching its display is really good..
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