Note 8, 31 Oct 2017Just being consumer and be active in social media, doing cheap tech support will not take the ... moreI did not say i'm tech support. That's just eew. I'm an engineer. Real engineer that's doing real engineering work and i'm going to canada next year just like any other fellow indians that migrate because of this sh8 country. But majority of our graduates are. Probably even you. Even at "top" universities. And when I say "top", I mean the worst schools in japan usa singapore philippines taiwan korea germany thailand vietnam france canada etc. are still way better.
mself coming from village
AnonD-702955, 29 Oct 2017They run those companies with input from many Americans/westerners within said company that hi... moreNever said it will overtake the US. But it will grow considerably. Take the example of the game cricket. England discovered the game 100+ years before. India was not even a country then. But India now beats England in pretty much every game played at the international level. Same will eventually happen with Capitalism. Indians were oppressed by foreigners for 800+ years. In just 70 years of freedom, the progress is incredible. And yet being a democracy and not an autocracy / kingdom.
AnonD-456831, 30 Oct 2017We're all consumers. Unless everything's turn around where chinia thai tai phil south kor indo... moreJust being consumer and be active in social media, doing cheap tech support will not take the country anywhere! Manufacturing skills, knowledge, engineering skills, know-how is essential for development! Make in India is towards that direction! This generation may not enjoy but future generations will benefit!
ssbatman21, 29 Oct 2017Nothing is happening. We dont have a single industry leading company. Search engines are lea... moreJust like other countries, they also have their fair share of china rehashed phones just like our very own Micromax and lava. Even USA has that, it's called BLU i think. Unless it's released outside our country, we have nothing to be proud of.
Note 8, 28 Oct 2017You have become a consumer ! That doesn't mean anything. India needs manufacturing and enginee... moreWe're all consumers. Unless everything's turn around where chinia thai tai phil south kor indo malay viet etc. is in charge of customer support and us in charge of making the devices and techs of first world countries, it's all gonna be the same.
AnonD-581771, 28 Oct 2017i doubt whether u r indian. First of all india is not a poor country. It is a developing count... moreYeah i'd be long gone by then, just like all the other indians migrating to canada, new zealand, australia, philippines, singapore, thailand, UAE, etc. Why do you think singaporians hate us? 'cause most of us migrate there and leave our country. Why do we leave our country again? If you can't answer that, then I can't help you.
mobileFAN, 27 Oct 2017But the gap will soon be overcome, within the next few years. If Indians in the US can run Goo... moreNothing is happening.
We dont have a single industry leading company.
Search engines are lead by google.
Social media by fb, insta, snap and watsapp.
Media streaming by amazon and netflix.
Videos from youtube.
There is no electronics manufacturer, smartphone or otherwise anywhere near the top.
Forget d top, not even in top 50.
Micromax and lava is the best we got.
AnonD-581771, 27 Oct 2017I'm not talking about phones kid. I'm talking in general. Also xiaomi phones are not that grea... moreBut xiaomi is a brand, so saying it won't overtake branded phones is just an empty statement
AnonD-702955, 29 Oct 2017They run those companies with input from many Americans/westerners within said company that hi... moreI forgot to add AT&T, Verizon, AMD, Nvidia, Western Digital, eBay, Uber and a few more that I'm sure I'm forgetting but you get the point by now.
mobileFAN, 27 Oct 2017But the gap will soon be overcome, within the next few years. If Indians in the US can run Goo... moreThey run those companies with input from many Americans/westerners within said company that hired them in the first place, not to mention it's way harder to start a successful worldwide tech company like Apple, Google/Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Qualcomm, Oracle, Cisco, Yahoo and so on from scratch than it is to run it with other talented people around you lol realistically speaking I just can't see an Indian tech company starting from the ground up and straight up dominating like the aforementioned all-American tech companies anytime soon certainly not in the next decade or two.
HutHutHut, 27 Oct 2017For all the haters and lovers of India... Just wanted to know, who taught you people the term ... moreI don't like it when they use our American vernacular (like son, ni**a, bro, and many other popular lingoes that originated here first) because it sounds so forced and fake and corny/cringy AF and worst of all they don't even realize it lol bunch of western wannabes and tryhards if you ask me.
Akinaro, 26 Oct 2017yey! Now invest some money in proper infrastructure and most important: toilet and proper hygi... moreI agree I've been there a few times already for vacation and visiting people but I wouldn't want to live there not even in the big cities because of overcrowdedness, awful smell, lack of toilets, and human pollution/garbage.
"...due to the low-end smartphone orientation of the Indian market," that explains it the Indians sure do love their cheap, crappy, low-end smartphones whereas western markets is all about quality not quantity, enjoy your new status of second largest smartphone market just based on population alone lol
AnonD-456831, 27 Oct 2017Here we go again with the false nationalism. I own a lot of tech. My car is manufactured and e... moreplease dont say that. im not indians. but i work in european tech company. i have many indian friends. do you know there are many indians working as enginers in tech company? so you should be proud of being indians.
those who say india are poor are just kids, or people who dont have any technical background, or never work in multinational company.
cheers :)
i doubt whether u r indian. First of all india is not a poor country. It is a developing country with huge middle class and also many rich people. Secondly who taught this first world and third world terms to u? westerners? it just shows your slave mentality when u use those terms.
Yes India does not have any good smartphone company yet but that may change in future. Also indians in general are more interested in software than hardware.
talking about cars, do u even know that india produces the best quality steel since thousands of years even and used to export it to other countries and even now. Steel is used as input in many things including your cars however expensive that car maybe. just because steel is a raw material that's why people do not care and talk about it.
also india is much ahead of others in pharmacy.
so steel, pharmacy and software are the main strengths of india at the moment. In future you would see computer hardware and mobiles manufactured in india.
AnonD-456831, 27 Oct 2017Here we go again with the false nationalism. I own a lot of tech. My car is manufactured and e... moreYou have become a consumer ! That doesn't mean anything. India needs manufacturing and engineering know-how! Where is nationalism comes into picture!! Customer support in India is a real joke! That's not a skill any more! Bots can do a better job now a days! China progressed in many areas through piggyback manufacturing.
AnonD-456831, 27 Oct 2017Here we go again with the false nationalism. I own a lot of tech. My car is manufactured and e... moreIndian here too. I actually stood up and looked around. No made in india but a bunch made in china. My smart tv (sony) made in taiwan, Xiaomi Mi Note 2 (duh china), toshiba (japan) ssd made in phillippines, western digital (usa) external hdd made in thailand, my slazinger tennis gears (UK) all made in china lol. But i agree though that 1st world country products trust us with tech support leave the engineering to east/southeast asians. We are the after sales support and we all know that's the most important thing.
Note 8, 27 Oct 2017That's because China had the headstart on manufacturing, least bothered about IP rights, no de... moreHere we go again with the false nationalism. I own a lot of tech. My car is manufactured and engineered in Japan while my motorcycle was made in the Philippines, both Japan brands. I have smart TV by a known korean brand, made in thailand. I got PC parts either made in taiwan or the Philippines or China all either USA or Taiwanese brands. I got shoes and outfits either made in vietnam or indonesia all USA and German brands. NO INDIAN BRAND OR MANUFACTURED IN. I am indian and I am not ashamed to realize that our country is poor and not even 1st world countries trust us to engineer their products. They do however trust us with customer support.
Yeah because even poor people here can afford phones now with China phones xiaomi oppo vivo or local brand chinese re-hashed phones like micromax.
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