just a filthy company. apple execs are nothing but bunch of greedy criminals. having ridiculous profit margins and always finding ways to spend less. slave labor in china, tax avoidance, etc. this ped tim crook should be arrested along with every single apple manager.
It is a nature of business corporations to pay less and milk more, not only apple didint pay same with Google or other big corporations, they have best lawyers departments and constantly searching for loopholes so can save billions only paying millions :)
Linas, 07 Nov 2017oh please... "we paid every dollar in every country we operate".... Yes effectively paid 0.002... moreOk I get your point, but just because there are countries out that offer lower tax's or none this still does not defer the fact that they used this to pay less.. It's just plan greed taking play here.
Anonymous, 07 Nov 2017Shutdown Apple.oh please... "we paid every dollar in every country we operate".... Yes effectively paid 0.0021% on their international income in Ireland. I do not blame Apple for it to be honest, it is fraudulent government both in Ireland and other countries which does allow tax evasion. I am sure that corrupt politicians are taking bribes to leave those loopholes there. But I do blame Apple for openly lying here that they somehow are tax transparent company and pays the tax - No they are not! The truth is that they do nothing illegal, but every loophole they can to avoid paying tax... no need to pretend otherwise.
Abe, 07 Nov 2017Nobody has to justify himself if he has not done anything wrong. So going out to defend yourse... moreSo if I accuse you of being an ISIS supporter, you won't defend yourself because "Nobody has to justify himself if he has not done anything wrong". If you defend yourself, you admit you have done something wrong right?
I wonder that country you come from the its legal tradition.
As more western governments waste money on illegal immigrants and buying votes with pork barrel projects, they are more and more inclined to tax when they don't have the legal right to.
Bored of this bs. If loopholes are there, they're gonna be exploited. Governments need to stop moaning and take some responsibility and remove the loopholes
Anonymous, 07 Nov 2017Lol tax avoidance is not illegal. Tax evasion is. If anyone should be shutdown, Samsung sh... moreWas waiting for someone smart to bring this up
Anonymous, 07 Nov 2017Shutdown Apple.Lol tax avoidance is not illegal. Tax evasion is.
If anyone should be shutdown, Samsung should be first http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tax-evasion-bribery-and-price-fixing-how-samsung-became-the-giant-that-ate-korea-8510588.html
p/s: They actually charged him and found him guilty, but released him anyway, because of money.
Shutdown Apple.
If true, what Apple did is actually NOT wrong.
It is right by them, to have as much money and control as possible.
If I was in there shoes, I'd do the same, and so would you!
This is what all (for-profit) companies strive for.
That's how the free market / capitalism works, however, the State implements regulations to limit companies from abusing the system too much and stir competition.
Our system isn't perfect, its a work-in-progress.
These loopholes are getting blocked slowly, the only reason they do not get fixed overnight is because that would hurt the companies, which in turn, will hurt the governments because they do have a formidable amount of symbiotic relations between the two.
MdN8, 07 Nov 2017The company picked Jersey as an alternative after a 2013 crackdown on its controversial tax pr... moreGreat point just to clarify
In the USA, pre Trump the corporation tax is 35%
Apple defer the actual payment by holding it cash overseas in banks
To avoid double taxation Apple will pay 23% (35% less 12% paid to Ireland)
The EU found that Apple and the Irish government made a secret agreement where Appp only paid 12% tax for the sales made in Ireland only
Worldwide sales everything not USA not Ireland were not taxed
Secret agreement Apple has not paid tax nearly €14 billion which Ireland has intentionally not collected and is owed
This is the ridiculous situation that Ireland has been taken to court by the EU for not collecting it
If you want to know what €14 billion buys, the cost to repair the Hurricane damage to Porto Rico is €40 billion so a third of total cost to repair a hurricane ravaged island
Had Apple paid the tax to Ireland @ 12% all it would have been guilty of is lawfully tax avoidance, waiting for the USA corporation tax to be reduced
Other less powerful players paid, any time there is a secret agreement you can bet that it breaks the law, if it were legal it would not have been secret
Taxes are paid for the maintenance of services hospital, roads, schools police etc private individuals do not get an option to delay paying, and if we dud what Apple did go straight jail, do not pass go
When we knowingly buy products from a crooked company WE are the crooks!
Really what we should be blaming is that tax-legislation is so complicated that loopholes exists AND that different countries tries to steal from each other by undercutting the tax-rates.
It must be remembered that a commercial company is not a moral entity as such.
The primary target for any commercial company is to maximize the economic results in any way possible (within the laws). So you could say that any company is OBLIGED to use any loopholes they could find, from a pure economical perspective...
BUT a company also have a moral face by its "Brand value", and when the company does what by most persons would be considered immoral it should be exposed, so the customers can put their business elsewhere (VOTE WITH OUR FEET). And this goes for ANY kind of immoral behaviour: "tax evasions", "planned obsolescence", "child labours", "pour working conditions", "environmental malpractice", "conjuring" et cetera
And NO this (unfortunately) does NOT go for aPple only. Even though they are the ones exposed with their pants down in this specific incident.
lagos, 07 Nov 2017Some people commenting here clearly never ran a business or had a job, cause NOBODY LIKES to p... moreBlame it on corrupt entities. Bet you and your loved ones benefitted from taxes from the government as well. Unless you own your own country. lul
Claim: "Apple has been abusing loopholes in tax laws to pay less taxes."
Crowd: "Ok, so what's new?"
Laim, 07 Nov 2017Taxes are a necessary evil that at the same time produces public jobs, provides education and ... moreThanks for explaining the definition of a public government organisation.
Still doesn't address any of the tax wastage issues I mentioned. Nor does it justify the need for governments to still hire so many people/staff doing menial & repetitive tasks, when technology, robotics & automation can clearly do a better, more accurate job at a cheaper cost with less maintenance.
Governments are administrators/service people, they do not manufacture/produce anything; ALL public services/infrastructures are commissioned/built by private companies. To the point many countries are run by crony companies, supported and backed by said governments.
Apple pays $35 billion to the government but apparently, its not enough and now they want more. Brilliant. If you had to pony up that amount by force no questions asked, and then these "officers" ACCUSE you for NOT PAYING ENOUGH and want to charge you by the law, how'd you feel?
In reality, most taxes/policies today, are made to enforce and justify the vast majority of the redundant/lazy public to continue living/feeding off the few productive ones.
Remember when Tim Cook guaranteed a senate hearing that Apple doesn't move money to Caribbean tax havens? Boy, how time moves fast....
Laim, 07 Nov 2017Taxes are a necessary evil that at the same time produces public jobs, provides education and ... moreAll of this can be done by the half amount of current taxes.
lagos, 07 Nov 2017Some people commenting here clearly never ran a business or had a job, cause NOBODY LIKES to p... moreTaxes are a necessary evil that at the same time produces public jobs, provides education and public services. In addition, it also creates private jobs for the maintenance, construction and renovation of public infrastructures. If everything were private there would be no balance and the end would be either corporate dictatorship and class hierarchy or anarchy in its absence.
Bloody liars. It's not about how much you paid. How much % of your profits that you paid is the concern here. Why can't they state the facts for profits earned and the taxex paid together instead of just saying they paid some money as tax.
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