mudman, 11 Nov 2017For you sir you are hopeless because your jealous nokia is the legendary phone ever made even ... moreSorry but how the F can someone or most of you be so deem stupid ? Ok so basically I will start up a new company and but on it a brand name that is known for long time for everyone. Then I have already the best quality of the market cause I have the BEST BRAND NAME ???
I have 90% of my phones over 20 years been only Nokia phones. Now that there is NEW Nokia that does not have anything from old Nokia brand they need time to proof them selves before we can say that there phones are quality, durable and reliable. Give it time few years when we know the quality.
Right now Nokia new phones with pure android is same as any new Brand that start up this year or last year. The quality of these devices will be seen after few years. The quality of updates will be seen in few years. Does low end to mid end get quality updates after net year when all these 2,3,5,6,7 and 8 models get new model will still have the support ? If there company is small then they have no time to make updates suitable for 12 devices at once or even more when they release more models in after 3 years.
AnonD-703680, 10 Nov 2017I accept that the Nokia phones are overpriced. But you just can't compare Nokia and Xiaomi.
W... moreNone of the Nokia phones have been out over a year worldwide !!!!
How the F you say they are reliable and durable ? They are not like old Nokia phones before MS bought the rights to use Nokia patents. Now Nokia is totally new company and a start up company where quality, durability and reliability is yet to see. After few years we cant talk about the quality of NEW NOKIA !!!
Q, 10 Nov 20171. ALL the 'new' Nokia devices are MADE BY FOXCONN, an OEM company. Nokia is a 'hopeless' com... moreFor you sir you are hopeless because your jealous nokia is the legendary phone ever made even up to now now one can beat when it's com the quality. as fist person say if you don't like nokia that's fine go a head buy some smartphone you want. but you can never have nokia quality.
AnonD-703680, 10 Nov 2017I'm not saying that whatever Nokia does is correct. And Nokia 5, 6, 7 are not crap. Have yo... moreyou are correct and I agree your post
Q, 10 Nov 20171. ALL the 'new' Nokia devices are MADE BY FOXCONN, an OEM company.
Nokia is a 'hopeless' com... moreI'm not saying that whatever Nokia does is correct.
And Nokia 5, 6, 7 are not crap.
Have you used any of the above phones to say that they are crap.
You can't judge a phone just by it's specs.
If you like Xiaomi then go buy. IDC
AnonD-703680, 10 Nov 2017My personal preferences are:
1. Should not be a Chinese OEM ( HMD is Finnish )
2. Pure Andro... more1. ALL the 'new' Nokia devices are MADE BY FOXCONN, an OEM company.
Nokia is a 'hopeless' company now, can't do ANYTHING related to hardware without a contract with OEM company.
HMD? a parent company who does nothing regarding the making of the device.
Nokia? a 'zombie' company bought by HMD to sell its 'brand' to DIE-HARD Nokia fans who couldn't move on.
Nokia 'made in India' in ASSEMBLING ONLY.
Most of the components are from China, as it is CHEAPER.
In my country too, Nokia's devices are made by local companies, assembling ONLY, while MOST of the components are STRAIGHT from China.
2. Pure Android is THE MOST USELESS Android version I ever tried.
I can said that because in my country, ALL Andromax smartphones made by HiSense or Haier use Vanilla Android (I owned several Andromax smartphones), and it's useless without data plan, as most of the time, I need to download ALL the apps available out-of-the-box in MIUI / Flyme.
3. Timely update is a "matter of taste". I myself, as long as I got security patch regularly, I don't bother with Android update, TBH.
Why? Because not ALL Android updates are better than the default ones.
e.g Zenfone 2 Lollipop OS is, so far, the best Android version for Zenfone 2, albeit Asus did release MM update, with LOTS of bugs included.
4. MediaTek offers good, value-for-money SoC. As long as u get urself the Helio series, especially X20 and above, u'll be impressed with the performance. As I don't bother using Custom ROM, Redmi Note 4x (Helio X20) with 4GB RAM is more than enough. It's been almost a year, and the phone still runs like a champ, no lag whatsoever for a US$200 phones (in my country, Redmi Note MTK version is so damn cheap, unlike the SD625 version).
But Nokia, as the 'old' one did, is one hell of CHEAPSKATE company.
No one ever think to use cheap low-end MTK, especially MT673x for US$150 phone, not even Samsung!
5. I don't care if in ur country no other brand except Nokia & Pixel use QC SoS.
What I care is, STOP JUSTIFYING OVERPRICED CRAPS like 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 made by Nokia!
6. Xiaomi, albeit quite late at releasing updates, did support MANY of its devices far longer than ANY brands (especially Mi devices)! And it's FARRR CHEAPER than ANY Nokia devices with the same/similar specs.
Q, 10 Nov 2017Dude, 5 & 6 ARE CRAP, no matter how u stretch it. No question asked.
SD430 with 2/3GB R... moreMy personal preferences are:
1. Should not be a Chinese OEM ( HMD is Finnish )
2. Pure Android.
3. Timely Updates.
4. Must not use a Mediatek processor. ( I don't consider Nokia 3 )
In India, the only company which ticks all the above is Nokia other than Google . (All Nokia phones sold in India are Made in India )
Xiaomi devices get the next Android update almost a year later...
Dont forget guys SD212 is a 32bit processor.. worst choice of hmd mobile to use old SoC on their new mobile
AnonD-703680, 10 Nov 2017I accept that the Nokia phones are overpriced. But you just can't compare Nokia and Xiaomi.
W... moreDude, 5 & 6 ARE CRAP, no matter how u stretch it. No question asked.
SD430 with 2/3GB RAM and Nokia asked us to buy it for US$200 - US$300 is STUPID beyond belief!
Why can't I COMPARE Xiaomi to Nokia? Did the "ONCE-big-brand" matter to u?
Both are Chinese-made Android phone, use Chinese-made components, made by Chinese's cheap labor, sold mostly in China, and so on.
About 7 'worthiness', I can't say anything other than FRAGILE EXPENSIVE PIECE OF CRAP. I prefer device with METAL back, HUGE batteries and SD625 over the SD630 if it means I only had to pay HALF the asking price of the 7 (Redmi 4 Prime, Redmi Note 4/4x, Mi Max 2).
Why? Because SD630 basically is SD625 mk III, little upgrade but brand-new asking price from QC. No wonder Xiaomi keep releasing tons of devices with SD625 and managed to keep the devices worth to buy with their asking price.
How about 8? Well, there are MANY several months old flagships which also had SD835 priced around US$400-600, BUT if the cooling system of 8, which uses Graphite proven to be effective, it would sell, and this is the ONLY device I deemed "worth my money" over ALL the craps made by the NEW Nokia.
Overall, USE ur brain ONCE in a while when buying Android device, so u could avoid buying craps like Nokia devices (except 8) and save some money for other things.
U think US100-200 difference are cheap? I could buy a cheap brand-new Celeron laptop or a brand-new Sony digital camera with it which produces 100x better images than the NEW Nokia camera!
Q, 09 Nov 2017Dude, I watched MANY similar videos like that, for example try searching one for Zenfone 5/6, ... moreI accept that the Nokia phones are overpriced. But you just can't compare Nokia and Xiaomi.
Watch this : Nokia is unique
Specs alone don't count. It's the overall user expericence that matters.
I accept that Nokia 3 and Nokia 2 are not recommendable.
But Nokia 5, Nokia 6, Nokia 8 and Nokia 7 are.
Yeah there are many alternatives. But none are as reliable as Nokia is.
$175 aint so budget!!!!! not for specs.
Q, 09 Nov 2017If u talk about brand, then yes,"Nokia" is a brand under HMD, a Finnish start-up company. B... moreThe quality that Foxconn puts on something depends on the client. The also put iPhones together, you know.
AnonD-703680, 09 Nov 2017Watch this : Nokia 6 : Nokia 8: https://www.yo... moreso it's easily get scratched. i don't get it.
Raphi7, 09 Nov 2017Deary, Nokia phones are durable and mostly don't break easily, plus have fun rebooting your de... moreThat's some crazy future tech your talking about there !!!
If you need to change a battery on a phone and don't need to shut it down before doing it and after new battery is in you don't need to even start up the phone cause it's already started up.
Talk about Nokia quality after few years. Right now they are to new phones to say they are quality work and everlasting. And there are these low end priced devices with unknown names from other Chinese start up companies that will have close to stock android on them and get updates to. I have owned quality brand phones in past and they never got updates or one only update and that was it. But that didn't stop me on my daily tasks. I don't need droid updates.
Mass productions over mass production can not be quality and not every phone get these 600+ tests done one them before going to shops. If all devices would get these test then they would look like crap and really used phones and for that there can go trough lots of devices that have manufactory bugs in them like not working chips or what ever.
And I really don't understand the difference who owns phone company if the company don't have there own factory where they do there product. Oneplus is same like the rest that don't have factory that do there own product and have done only a design and have there android with heavy apps installed on it or stock droid with theme app on it.
Q, 09 Nov 2017Dude, u know that SD410 uses 64-bit 4-core Cortex A53, right?
Albeit the 1st gen, SD410 perfo... moreDeary, Nokia phones are durable and mostly don't break easily, plus have fun rebooting your device every time you swap battery's.
AND they actually have real timely android software update with a pure android that grants tjem longetivity!
They ARE a bit overpriced, but not as much as you people make it look like.........
Anonymous, 09 Nov 2017There are loads of people who just use their phones for calling and SMS. This serves the purpo... moreDude, u know that SD410 uses 64-bit 4-core Cortex A53, right?
Albeit the 1st gen, SD410 performance was good enough that made it a VERY POPULAR low-end SoC at that time (Now SD4xx are positioned as low mid-range, and SD2xx are the 'new' low-end SoC from QC).
And SD2xx? The 'old' one uses Cortex A5, and later upgraded to Cortex A7 (till now!).
And Cortex A7 is A VERY, VERY OUTDATED processor for 2017 standard, no matter how u stretch it.
And, when u compare Nokia 2, even 3, to ANY Redmi devices (1s and later), Nokia 2 & 3 will look worse and worse, it's no wonder some people even call it TRASH/GARBAGE.
And, 4000mAh battery capacity is NO ADVANTAGES when it's sealed.
Many Chinese-made phone for LOWER PRICE have 2000-3000 mAh removable battery which could be swapped ANYTIME it run out of juice/the battery wears down.
That's why people said that this phone actually have no real "selling point" other than the "nokia" brand attached.
Heck, no one would even buy this junk if this was "lenovo", "motorola", or "zte" branded!
Q, 09 Nov 2017If u talk about brand, then yes,"Nokia" is a brand under HMD, a Finnish start-up company. B... moreHMD chooses the design, components and material which largely decides the quality of the product. Foxconn will(!?) use the agreed materials. So yiu are free to choose cheap plastic or bushed aluminium, regular glue or industrial grade glue, thsts the quality you get. And that's the difference between a 1000$ Apple phone and a 100$ cheap phone, both manufactured by Foxconn.
AnonD-703680, 09 Nov 2017Watch this :
Nokia 6 :
Nokia 8:
https://www.yo... moreDude, I watched MANY similar videos like that, for example try searching one for Zenfone 5/6, Zenfone 2, or Essentials. All Those ADS (videos) have the same objective; to show that "our products have survived TONS of quality check & durability test. Does RIVAL'S company who made the same devices have done the same?" which is VERY MISLEADING.
As I said before, phone manufacturers in China have the same STANDARD quality control & durability test, especially the one made by "branded" companies have also exposes to strict durability test.
BUT, it is NOT THE REASON for OVERPRICING their device like Nokia is.
Nokia 6 has the SAME components as Redmi 3s prime (except the display), but priced more than TWICE the Redmi 3s Prime
Nokia 5 has the SAME components as Redmi 3s, but priced DOUBLE the Redmi 3s
Nokia 3? Heck, MOST Chinese manufacturers who use MediaTek SoC nowadays uses MT6750, an 8-core Cortex A53, unlike the CHEAPSKATE Nokia who use VERY-CHEAP 4-core MediaTek mostly use for sub ~US$80 Android phone.
Nokia 2? Heck, HiSense, an OEM company of Andromax brand, able to made ~US$50 Android smartphone which uses SD210/212 SoC, 1GB RAM & 8GB ROM!
BTW, most of Andromax phone made by HiSense is DURABLE, albeit made of plastic & have removable battery too!
In short, when MANY people critics Nokia as "greedy", "never learnt their mistakes", well that's the BITTER TRUTH. NO people buy low-end phone for the price Nokia asked for nowadays, there are FAR TOOO MANY better value-for-money with good durability ever since Android shines in 2010!
There are loads of people who just use their phones for calling and SMS. This serves the purpose well. Redmi 2 with SD 410 and 1 GB ram has got nougat working flawlessly on it. This phone is best for my dad(uses a feature phone). Big battery, small size and plastic build. 100ish$ or 6000 rs and it would be loveeee!!! Was looking at galaxy a3 for compact size. But this is the best phone for his initiation.
Lighting McQueen , 09 Nov 2017The material and the Zeiss camera to build a phone is shipped from Finland. The CPU and proces... moreMaterial from Finland? Zeiss camera?
Oh god, u r STUPID beyond belief
AFAIK, All materials for phone made in Asia are from Asia (China, India, Vietnam, etc).
NO WAY IN HELL Foxconn will import a material from Finland!
Do u think they made ONLY for Nokia? For MEAGER quantity, like 10.000 units?
Zeiss camera? Oh god, u r one of those SMART-ASS Die-Hard Nokia fanboys, aren't u?
For 8, Nokia use Sony's sensor, the same sensors as LG G6 to be precise.
Furthermore, AFAIK, Carl Zeiss is acompany similar to Leica & Schneider Kreuznach, specializes in camera lenses, so THERE IS NO Zeiss camera BS, DUDE!
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