David, 08 Jul 2011I never said that Samsung is only reason for Androids marketshare. HTC Androids are coming up ... moreApple hasnt lost any share to android. They have been continually gaining share. BUT isnt it funny how the entire android community of phone makers is made up of like a multitude of companies all competing against little old Apple. If android was so great apple would not STILL be gaining market share and wouldnt outsell androids biggest most popular devices.
AnonD-1825, 08 Jul 2011i Have you only one question, have you owned iPhone? if don't, dont act you would understand a... moreI never said "ALL" iPhone owners, i said "most". Are you denying the user segment of most iPhones are the one i described?
AnonD-1825, 08 Jul 2011i Have you only one question, have you owned iPhone? if don't, dont act you would understand a... moreI have never bought a Samsung and never will because the brand just does not appeal to me. I went from several Ericssons, to several Sony Ericsson, to several Nokias, to 2 iPhones, to several HTC and have never looked back. Now i own a HTC HD7 which by the way most of the people does at my current job bacause we get it with the employent.
AnonD-1825, 08 Jul 2011i Have you only one question, have you owned iPhone? if don't, dont act you would understand a... moreThe only reason i saying this is because i have both a iPhone 3G and a 3Gs in a box my closet and know everything about Apple, iOS and how things work very well. Both of them i got from my former employment. Also my sisters daughter who is 9 years old have iPhone 4. So the usual tragic only defence "you have not owned a iPhone" soed not work anymore. Or the classic one, Poor people that can't afford an iPhone are the ones that complain.
David, 08 Jul 2011It's because Android owners are mostly objective and open about the positive and negative side... morei Have you only one question, have you owned iPhone? if don't, dont act you would understand and stop talking those brainwash etc.
That same could use with all brands. I never understand why if you like your samsung phone, it's ok and good because it's best etc. When iPhone user like their phones, (which most users does) it can't be true, it has to something with brainwashing or denial about iPhone problems etc trash talk. Why can't you accept that iPhone is great phone, and sells more than others and won test over and over again. Bad phone doesnt win almost every test's
Most of iPhone users understand after bying iPhone that you should not believe everything what reads on internet about iPhone.
Haters gonna hate, but hate after you OWNED the iPhone.
i Have used same iPhone for two years now and biggest problem with iPhone has been random app crashing still its only shut down the app nothing else, never needed to reboot, nothing else. Why i cant give five star and be very happy with that? do i need to invent problems so i dont look like brainwashed iFan?
some people, in some countries, start to behave like spoiled children as they get elder and elder... some of them like very rich children...
Anonymous, 08 Jul 2011Yet the first one despite being their one and only device could not forward text messages!! Pa... moredid i understood you right, are you saying that iPhone can't forward text messages?
It's works fine.
[deleted post]It's because Android owners are mostly objective and open about the positive and negative sides of stuff. Most of the Apple user are a brainwashed sect.
You do everything Apple says. Like If you need to buy a cheap 2 dollar chinese bumper case from day one just to make you brand new 600 dollar phone even work or make phone calls, and still say that you love it, than something is seriously just not right...
Same people/users who defend Apples way of locking down devices for the good of the phone, just to win an argument with other fans are the same people who later say that they are so happy that the new jailbreaking worked. Hipocrates? Yes, MAJOR!
It's just the tip of the iceberg on why i don't see most iPhone users as objective open debaters, they usually have no clue and live in a kind of naive cocoon created by Apples "Reality Distortion Field".
I am a Windows Phone 7 user right now and if the OS will casue me problems then i will ditch it and will deservely critisize it also.
Of course there are some pretty objective and decently fair iPhone users, but most are social wannabes, 14 year old high school girls, women with chihuahuas and trendfreaks.
They can't even explain what it is about the iPhone the love, usually it's becasue someone else told them to do it and it's also probably their first touchscreen phone after using mediocre Blackberrys Curves in before 2007.
I can't get over the fact that having just been forced to pay out Nokia for ripping off numerous technical patents of their's, Apple are getting all precious that Samsung made a phone that looks and operates similarly to theirs. Okay perhaps a little more then similar, but still what is worse stealing cosmetics or stealing major technical components?
"requesting to stop the import of all flavors of the first generation Galaxy S phone - Captivate, Fascinate, Infuse 4G and Galaxy S 4G, the QWERTY droids Intercept and Transform, and the Galaxy Tab and Tab 10.1."
this proves how much iCrapple is scared of Samsung..
Someone, 08 Jul 2011Only 4 years making phones. Only 4 models made so far. 80 million phones sold worldwide.... moreYet the first one despite being their one and only device could not forward text messages!! Pathetic does not begin to describe a company who cannot get their one and only device to work properly from the outest!
David, 08 Jul 2011I never said that Samsung is only reason for Androids marketshare. HTC Androids are coming up ... moreYour right the folk around me are upgrading to android fones and not iphone,,its a few different reasons but cost is the main factor and the stifling apple system ,,most people just swap stuff via bluetooth and so on but apple stifles so much they cant stand it no more.
bad bad handset details
Apple is so desperate that that they want to ban galaxies. the truth is, galaxies are hurting apple products, since they cannot compete with it, they tried another tactics. why just apple improved their products and let the people decide which mobile is the best, and if the people decided to buy apple because its the best for them, then apple the winner but if the people feel that they were cheated by expensive iphones with less specs compared to other smartphones, then apple shoule wake up. poor apple....
one can't rly say tat samsung copied apple becuz there are still differences in both os. u could oni say tat samsung took apple's ideas and modified it to pass off as their own. Lastly, as far as i know, patent infringement only occurs when 2 products of different companies happened to be built based on a similar patent design. It is even MORE obvious that samsung phones had a different patent design. However, just like mentioned earlier, the galaxy series phones may be built frm a modified version of apple's patents. Simply put, as long as one built a product based on a modified version of a patent, tats not considered patent infringing as it is considered "new and different".
And no i nvr owned a samsung phone becuz i doubt it's quality despite the hummingbird n exynos processors are currently one of e better processors.
Everybody copies but the way samsung copied the iphone is obvious and annoying.
David, 08 Jul 2011I never said that Samsung is only reason for Androids marketshare. HTC Androids are coming up ... moreSo Apple, rather than try and improve their products to compete more effectively, they try and sue everyone and stop them producing better devices! If you cannot beat them sue them!!!
Someone, 08 Jul 2011Only 4 years making phones. Only 4 models made so far. 80 million phones sold worldwide.... moreAnd now others are catching up and over taking them they sue everyone to try and stop it!!
Anonymous, 08 Jul 2011Samsung's ONLY phone to ever sell 30 million was NOT an Android phone, nor is it a smartphone.... moreOnly 4 years making phones.
Only 4 models made so far.
80 million phones sold worldwide.
Completely changed the phone industry.
AnonD-1825, 08 Jul 2011"Of course Apple is scared of Samsung. Just look at Androids marketshare, it's slowly eat... moreI never said that Samsung is only reason for Androids marketshare. HTC Androids are coming up as a big player. Samsung Android phones are selling in big volumes and very steady every day, while HTC just is selling like hotcakes right now and gaining marketshare everyday.
HTC will probably in the near future be on par with Samsung Android sales figures. It's pretty obvious that both these companies Android phones scares the living daylights out of Apple.
You may think that Apple gained some percent of the market share, which is sort of misleading.
Agreed that iPhone took some marketshare from RIM Blackberry recently, but they first lost like 8% share directly to Android in the first quarter and then gained 2% from RIM. So the fact iPhone lost 6% of the market.
I personally know five people that upgraded their from their iPhone 4 to Android devices, three of them are Samsung Galaxy handsets. I can even link you to their facebook where they have photos and talk about the upgrading.
According to Scandinavian Finance (Dagens Indistri), Volvo and Sandvik Industries (biggest employers in Sweden) recently cancelled their coporation with Apple and ditched iPhone as the company phone for their employees.
The employees can now choose between Samsung Galaxy S2, HTC Sensation and Sony Ericsson Arc (all of the them Android).
The reason that Iphone 4 has been causing alot of connection and call problems. These big companies needs devices that don't drop calls and have connection issues.
This is just in Scandinavia, but i have no doubt that Apple is loosing ground to Android in alot of other places too.
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