If we fallow that reasoning, Google, or rather Alphabet company(that is just fake business of google to pay less taxes) is just a advertising company.
Uber provide just a platform, software application that gather people: people with car and people who need a ride. Uber doesnt provide cars or any actual transportation method. It provide full platform with all necessary tools that can be used by people.
All problems with Uber is that it aimed for business that was occupied by old angry taxi drivers that made nice cozy place for them with their own rules and payments.
And now when someone new shop up with better prices and quality they got angry and run crying to courts.
This is truth about it: its fight between new business better for people and old business better of people behind that business.
Taxis are old and inefficient, filled with old guys that do shady business and fix the prices. Uber provide something that mess with that and they dont like it.
If that's the case then the better stop f***ing around and make Bitcoin an official currency...
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