AnonD-625621, 10 Jan 2018So why are they even allowed to sell unlocked phone in the US ? If they are a security concern... moreIt's dirty politics.
Goddman americans
China and your email address should be the least of your worries considering Trump & Co ties to Russia.
Anonymous, 10 Jan 2018If they really found something inappropriate you think it wouldn't be plastered all over the i... moreIt will be plastered, if and when they find it.
I'd be weary, too. China's government bans social media and news services it cannot control and it does engage in espionage, too....
Knock knock.
Who is it?
OK come in.
Knock knock.
Who is it?
I don't know, no one in particular.
Al right that's it! You are banned!
America doing one thing and telling everyone else to do something else.
china spys govt long misuse china produced mobiles cell industry worldwide ...pity ..
So why are they even allowed to sell unlocked phone in the US ? If they are a security concern then they should be barred from selling a single phone imo
Anonymous, 10 Jan 2018Not first time Chinese branded phones were caught sending information back to Chinese servers.... moreIf they really found something inappropriate you think it wouldn't be plastered all over the internet? This is clearly politics.
Pot calling the kettle black. I bet NSA is heavily spying on Huawei users to find evidence that Huawei is spying on the very same users.
AnonD-669148, 10 Jan 2018iPhones... are made in China, so if USA really fear Chinese espionage then iPhones... should b... moreIt's assembled in China but the source code and all the programming coming from USA.
AnonD-669148, 10 Jan 2018iPhones... are made in China, so if USA really fear Chinese espionage then iPhones... should b... moreNot first time Chinese branded phones were caught sending information back to Chinese servers. Of course this is an issue
iPhones... are made in China, so if USA really fear Chinese espionage then iPhones... should be banned from the US market! This has nothing to do with "espionage", it is all about protectionism where USA do not want to allow foreign companies to compete against US companies!
The big problem with espionage is NSA... in USA, so every country in the world should ban proven espionage products made in/by USA/NSA, Windows 10 from Microsoft and Google search and iOS and...!
Those concerns are completely justified. The Chinese officials are explicitly forbidden to use Apple products and have completely moved to Huawei phones exactly because of concerns over security and espionage. And it would only be natural for a government that is already openly spying on its citizens through domestic messengers and social networks while blocking all foreign services to also extend that to phones as well.
Where is the proof? Dare to publicize it? Last year a Hong kong guy told me huawei phone has back door program , I asked him to show me the proof, he told me everyone is saying that so he believes.
Also, last year, oneplus phone was found sending data to `unknown` server, all by tech enthusiast. So the question is, is huawei stupid enough to spy average American people risking being caught pants down while trying to break into the 2nd if not 3rd already largest smartphone market? Make no sense to me.
Fair enough. No one wants kinda open source.
Hahahahaha Americans think that their shadows are spies as well. Only dark instead of red.
Blow for Huawei indeed, tho.
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