The Seers consent management toolkit is perfect for GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliance needs. We have the perfect extension for Joomla websites that works smoothly and consistently with all relevant laws present in the EU and the UK majorly. Apart from this the extension also works well with privacy and cookie laws in the US and some other parts of the world.
joomla cookie consent
AnonD-762416, 28 May 2018The classic, "I'm smart. I've never fallen tailored marketing!". The easiest sucker for them. Why is it that tech and gadget sites usually have the least functional designs? Press back button to get double posts. No edits for mobile users on a mobile tech site... 😝
Tango., 27 May 2018Yeah... if you lack culture, initiative and your mind is an empty jar... of course they will c... moreThe classic, "I'm smart. I've never fallen tailored marketing!". The easiest sucker for them.
Anonymous, 27 May 2018It’s what they do with your data that is important, they way they interpret it and create your... moreYeah... if you lack culture, initiative and your mind is an empty jar... of course they will condition your opinions - Nothing is ever free in life
Just having a beer, 26 May 2018of course it is for milking big companies. While it is great idea, there isnt specific way on ... moreIt’s what they do with your data that is important, they way they interpret it and create your online psychological profile, and then it’s the way they use this against you in order to generate clicks, get you to change your opinions as they see fit (as in to generate the most profits for them) and then “guide” you around the internet so as to make you think you ‘want’ to do certain stuff, ‘want’ to buy certain things, ‘want’ to vote a certain way, etc. by showing you certain search results, certain news posts, certain social media posts, and so on. Thus influencing you on a subconscious level on your decisions.
Those who control what you see and what you don’t see on the internet, control the internet and implicitly your view of the world. And more than half of people are prone to this.
AnonD-753178, 26 May 2018It.s all about EU authorities trying very hard to take money from American Data companies, as ... moreCan't say if sarcasm or really stupid.
There is no such thing like 'free service'. Think a bit, please. From search engine to one of richest company? Data mining gives you that kind of power and money.
Anonymous, 26 May 2018Perhaps the EU can indeed create it's own "social network" with the fines paid by these big co... moreWhen facts are exchangeable with alternative opinions I guess you're right. In reality, the UK is already losing on trade deals with old commonwealth countries to the EU as (surprise, surprise?) the EU is a much more important market than the UK. Who would have guessed? And why would the EU use fines to start a private company? That logic is so broken it sounds like it's taken straight out of Farage's number two. Yes, it might fund some development of the low income regions of Europe, but I don't see how that is a loss for anyone?
Good!! Stop stealing our data you a holes
Anonym, 26 May 2018So? Leave them and create an alternative rather than demanding them to give you free everythin... morePerhaps the EU can indeed create it's own "social network" with the fines paid by these big corporations. Or at least lower taxes of member states because the EU is becoming very expensive to live in.
I still believe that in the long run Brexit is a "good thing". As over time the UK will be a better (cheaper) place to live (and work) than some primary EU-member states which used to be good places to live in the past. The UK should cherish their relationships with commonwealth-members much more then they are doing right now. Spain, Italy, Germany (and nearby states like Austria) and France have become increasingly expensive. Belgium already had one o/t highest tax-rates in the EU so in that particular case The Netherlands is/was IMHO a better place to live. And the Nordic states are ridiculously expensive to live for people outside the EU (and most EU residents).
But I'm afraid that the money gathered from these fines will end up in politicians pockets and bank accounts instead of providing better welfare for generic EU citizens. Oh well, I can now ask FB or YT to delete my account and start using IRC/email again. Or perhaps learn to use that ancient dust-gathering machine called the telephone.
The problem is "not collecting data" per se but collecting "data for other use than required by the service". In this case we're talking about collecting (additional) data for marketing purposes.
In the case of Google/Youtube they already have a draconian gestapo way of removing channels. I already lost half my subscriptions due to supposedly violations of their rules (which seem to change every week). Needless to say I have no sympathy for these companies.
In the case of Windows 10. They indeed seem to change and allow EU-users to opt-out of marketing data collection which is a good thing. While still allowing the "service" to run. I suspect/hope that eventually M$ will re-instate full retail-channels in EU since they now will have less revenue of adds. But than again these big corporations have enough money to employ a full-time "Data protection Officer" anyway so this GPDR panic is probably no more than a storm in a glass of water.
So? Leave them and create an alternative rather than demanding them to give you free everything (without expecting them to recoup costs and turn a profit so their own ways).
good. go eu!
AnonD-753178, 26 May 2018It.s all about EU authorities trying very hard to take money from American Data companies, as ... moreActually this is because US companies are doing stupid things in Europe like else where. And because some people are watching amer8can movies and want to sue other people for millions and ruing their lifes because this is the AmWay of prosperity. It is very pitty the worst from the US is coming to us.
If these companies want to play hardball on this, they just need to cut Europe off completely, no FB traffic or that of affiliated companies going in or out, until GDRP goes away.
of course it is for milking big companies. While it is great idea, there isnt specific way on what should be shared and very often, it is impossible to share. I personally don't care much about the data as the companies have it well hidden and dont share it with others. Why not? Well, that is how they make money and those info arent shared with eu too..
Akinaro, 26 May 2018I told everyone, this new law is made just to milk bigger companies, it have nothing to do wit... moreI kinda disagree from my point of view. Sure, I got the GDPR files on my desk at work and I have read it before I started working on these, and they DO seem too suggestive and unclear. But I do believe people have the right to control the information companies collect for seemingly no clear reason.
I told everyone, this new law is made just to milk bigger companies, it have nothing to do with user "experience". If anyone of you actually saw what this ""law"" look would know that its really bad written almost-like suggestions with nothing specific that create chaos and force lots of companies spend money on lawyers and changing systems, and they will need to get those money back by taking them from users as "excuse" for "better user security"
AnonD-731363, 26 May 2018What to say.
When humanity is lack of problems they makes, creates some.
This is a good ex... moreHahaha
So true !!!
When humanity lacks problems, they create new ones !!!
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