shampoo ? shower then...So maybe some ip67/ ip68 certification ?
Let me explain, oh ... it is hard to explain the relationship between smartphone and the shampoo directly.
It has nothing todo with 'collaboration or some sort'.
The key to understand the invite is 'bangs', bangs are hair that is cut so that it hangs over your forehead.
'no notch, better spec' is written on the invite box and it is almost the right answer, the screen that has a notch is called '刘海屏' in Chinese which means 'screen with bangs'. Because bangs are hair that is cut so that it hangs over your forehead, just like the 'bang-screen' on iPhone X and XiaoMi 8.
So the shampoo just imply that Meizu 16 series don't have bangs or the so called notch, just like the feeling which is very refreshing while using Head & Shoulders shampoo... : )
But, why Head & Shoulders shampoo, not Rejoice, Pantene Pro-V or Vidal Sassoon?
May be ...Because... Donald Trump says he uses Head & Shoulders on his hair. hahahaha
Well, this is an odd marketing with shampoo. Can I get a smartphone and spaghetti collaboration next? Lol.
SohailSays, 26 Jul 2018Meizu will give one H&S shampoo bottle free with every phone you buy. Lol! Yay free shampoo.
Ken Malaysia, 26 Jul 2018anyone who wants to know the Chinese words? it means "no notch, better spec"Head & Shoulders means it has a center pop-up camera; when the camera is up it forms the Head with the frame being the Shoulders.
Ken Malaysia, 26 Jul 2018anyone who wants to know the Chinese words? it means "no notch, better spec"Except for the battery capacity, all the other specs are top of the line. Appreciate the translations!
Chinese companies usually collaborate with... anybody, really. Not sure what the correlation is between shampoo and smartphones, but hey, if it works, it works.
Head & Shoulders shampoo is advertised in China for its powerful removal of dandruff and making the hair more outstanding. The message in Chinese character says removal of the notch and better performance.
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