I have the older on8. Big mistake buying it. At least that had a full HD screen. This has a 720p screen which is a step back and the price is much higher than the old on8 price anyways. Totally backward launch. Will never buy another budget Samsung device even again.
Wasn't there a Samsung Galaxy On8 already in existence here in India ? It had a removable battery (yes, on of the last available smartphones to have that virtually extinct facility), 3 GB RAM, 32GB memory.
Geric.770, 30 Jul 2018Even if Samsung tries to confuse us with their naming schemes, norms will buy it for the sake ... moreHere is hot problem
Even if Samsung tries to confuse us with their naming schemes, norms will buy it for the sake of the build quality.
Anybody could tell when the Big Giant company Samsung launch J8 and On8 in Pakisan????Its a Graps are sour in Pakistan..............Hay the Honorable Management of Samsung Please also take into the consideration Of Pakistani users.
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