g800 black is horrible
Samsung G800 its my phone i have it:P
It pwns !
Peoples buy it !!!!!!!!!!!
does any one know when it comes out
what point are you trying to make, yes you do need to say more.
it looks like the LG Shine. Need a I say more ??
@ Math -
Your telling me its a scam. I feel bad for the poor saps who will probably fall for it and get nothing to show for their couple of hundred hard earned squids.
This is a typical scam.
You wont receive anything, not even a sample.
To those of you who have seen the earlier posts in relation to the phones being sold by "HalloLondon" when the phones havent even been released - I have just received this totally random email off them. I did put in an enquiry, which you will see the response to back down the posts along with a couple of others, but now this just arrived. Why on earth would I pay for a sample ?? Its probably been messed with by somebody else now so therefore you will be paying a couple of hundred squids for a second hand phone - NO THANKS !!
"Thanks for your swift response
The samsung G800 is for sale for just only few people cos I have the opportunity of knowing people who work with the samsung company in japan so I got a few samples which I am suppose to sell before november which is the actual month the phone is going to be launched, So why not purchase your own fast."
Nokia phones have always been behind Samsung when it comes to design,but Samsung was a bit behind Nokia if you want functionality.Now Samsung has proved that they can match Nokia's functions and it is the leading brand in terms of style and elegance.I simply adore the Samsung U600 and G800.
yes, the n95 may seem like a brick, but its contents are much more wanted than the g800, the biggest example w-lan
Don't like it. It'll have slow menu's as usual, n be overpriced, and in 2 months there'll be onther new one for you all to blow your money on. The G600's only just come out for god sake... i still say, if ya want a good camera, buy a digital camera n keep the cam on your phone for fun. 2mp is all you need on a phone. The more stuff they cram into, the more unreliable they get. Why is a phone such a fashion item???? So you all look cool down the pub?
Here comes the second attack to SE's K850 flagship!
First being the N95 8GB, and lowering of the price for N95 normal.
Now this. A phone with much better camera and screen specs than the K850.
What adventage has the K850 left to justify its high price?
No wonder spy pic of the K860 was leaked before K850 hit the streets! Yet, i don't think the K860 would be SE's first to have 3X optical zoom!
SE needs to lower the price of the K850 soon!
Let's give it up to Samsung for their excellence. At 3.6Mbps, this phone is practically a mini internet modem with extras ofcourse
To the guy who reffered to the N95 as slim, that phone cannot be compared to the G800. The N95 is brick.
Ahhhh, just wait for the N82, coming up soon
Same phone but the addition of GPS
There is a video of the G800 phone in action on Youtube :
Hope there are skins for the UI because it looks pretty boring to me. Camera sounds great thought.
To the guy who has already ordered the phone via O2
which colour do they have? silver or black?
doees anyone know about other networks releasing this phone? or the price of the sim free handset?
they do not sound trust worthy, you would probably get one of the test models or even dummy phone!! if it was proper seller would have gone to ebay and sold it for much higher price!
Personally I would not touch them with a barge pole. I will wait till released through O2 and get it then. Its only a few weeks away.
To anybody tempted by these companies I would seriously think about it before ordering from them.
Are these websites reputable, I have never heard of them !! Presumably because I live up North rather than South and they appear London based.
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