Anonymous, 23 Feb 2020Democracy in US has been dead for decades now, it's useless to talk to people like him support... moreAnd Since when Communist China has a democracy!.
Anonymous, 24 Feb 2020Go to live in china for a while and let me know about the freedom, fairness and democracy enjo... moreDun matter, just give me the tech now bruh!
S Yu, 23 Feb 2020You really need to work on your language. At least half of your reply is unintelligible. &g... moreAgree with your comment.
Anonymous, 19 Feb 2020Pls can you tell what information you have regarding this topic... I also believe if US is... moreI have no info. I just know the folks who replied before me have no clue what this is really about ;)
Anonymous, 19 Feb 2020All technologies they use for CPU, GPU architectures and OSes are American. Screen technologie... moreThat is why China is supporting their own companies that make those components witout relying on others. And its a good thing the China does that.
Anonymous, 23 Feb 2020Democracy in US has been dead for decades now, it's useless to talk to people like him support... moreGo to live in china for a while and let me know about the freedom, fairness and democracy enjoyed by it's citizens.
humbleforest , 21 Feb 2020How about others order you, Americans to sanction yourself not to eat and drink ? Is it fair ... moreYou really need to work on your language. At least half of your reply is unintelligible.
> Is it fair for you to order others
Yes it is, in the sense that if you don't accept these conditions then don't use American technology in the first place, just like how the CCP forces foreign investments into JVs in many industries in which Chinese capital must hold a majority stake, just like how the CCP forces technology transfer to local entities in many of these JVs. The US leverages its collection of technology in the same way China leverages its largest single market on earth, both unfair, or, both fair.
>American government speaks so loud and proud of democracy
The sanctions operate entirely within the restrictions of democracy, maybe pick a topic you understand?
>businesses are free to compete in doing their businesses fairly and honestly
Huawei does not do business fairly and honestly, not in the least, as I made it abundantly clear that they *make direct use of state capital*, justifying *state intervention* on the American side, and they make false claims of security to con their way into contracts hinging on their current status of political correctness in China, so they can't be touched even for blatant lying, not unlike the 251 incident in which none of the four Huawei employees who gave false testimonies to frame Li Hongyuan were pressed charges.
>abused of international law
You're gonna have to be more specific. It seems to me that the greatest abuse of international law is China's cling to the "developing countries" handicaps in the WTO with GDP (PPP) surpassing the US and whining about US tariffs when its base tariffs are much higher.
humbleforest , 21 Feb 2020How about others order you, Americans to sanction yourself not to eat and drink ? Is it fair ... moreDemocracy in US has been dead for decades now, it's useless to talk to people like him supporting an administration trying to take out people's rights to choose, US has been the land of the free and the home of the brave, but none of that exists in today's government anymore, specially under Trump, it's US against the World, and anyone who goes against US, or go over them, you're gonna get HuaweiED. if you know what I mean
Anonymous, 19 Feb 2020You did not provide any proof. You just keep talking things that were not proven. I don't won... moreyeahh..... no proof but just lame talks like Orange Head and their country xD
Nick Tagataka, 19 Feb 2020The CEO of Huawei used to be working as one of architects in the military (so he wasn't even a... morewell that makes me understand, Huawei has no ties with their own country government xD
which means, The only connection Huawei CEO has with chinese government as an Ex-member / Engineer.
S Yu, 20 Feb 2020>"Accusations" of anything amounts to nothing
In that case Snowden proved nothing. All he ... moreHow about others order you, Americans to sanction yourself not to eat and drink ? Is it fair for you to order others not to deal business with Huawei ?
You, American government speaks so loud and proud of democracy then and now it's a democratic world where businesses are free to compete in doing their businesses fairly and honestly. Is this your way of democracy as what others need to listen to your command and abused of international law ?
If that's your way of dealing then democracy is Dead and American government is a liar of democracy to be a showcase only.
You, American government can win a thousand times but you fragile American government cannot take one out of a thousands times in falling like a delicate humty dumty.
Abhi-Darth-Plagueis, 19 Feb 2020Also, this should come as a wake-up call to not just Chinese but anyone in business with Ameri... moreYou articulated it perfectly.
S Yu, 20 Feb 2020>"Accusations" of anything amounts to nothing
In that case Snowden proved nothing. All he ... moreSnowden contributed plenty and his actions opened the eyes of many.
On the other hand, CCP, competent or not, plan is total domination.
So the US is outsourcing the dirty work to China yet they give China the fundamentals to produce what they need themselves... ( rhetorical statement just saying it though )
ohh the perplexity.. they have created which is now backfiring right back at them.. lol..
Would be logical to just be self-sustainable by building everything right at home and giving back to the community without having to have people migrating like birds in search for a living.. with a proper and glamorous state of the art facility avoiding all the issues of dealing with others outside of your borders whatsoever..
Really simple.. same goes for national values like country specific things such as flags and etc.. US should only produce US flags and that's it. Same goes for China. Chinese flags in in China, Germany, German flags in Germany. UK flags in the UK and so on.. Things like these should be proudly made only in their home country with chip fabrication being given the same treatment to boost confidence that everything is under your control, under your nose and not thousands of miles across the pond somewhere else.
Archean, 20 Feb 2020"Accusations" of anything amounts to nothing .......... period. Every empire accuse their comp... more>"Accusations" of anything amounts to nothing
In that case Snowden proved nothing. All he released was electronic documents, which may as well have been forged, by China.
There exists such a thing as plausible suspicion of wrongdoing, and the strength of evidence required for plausible suspicion greatly varies according to the degree of freedom of the flow of information, whereas information in the US, or actually the whole West flows much more freely than in China, which was settled long ago, early in Xi's reign.
>just to see how much 'subsidies' are awarded to American Tech companies
More trolling. How typical. Contracts are contracts, services and products in return for a fee, incomparable to the majority of Huawei's subsidies from the CCP requiring *only that they dump their wares in international markets* to gain economic and political influence. Aside from the flagrant interest-free lo(I forgot that this word is blocked)ans that sparked anti-dumping investigations by the EU(which only ended due to political pressure from Beijing), Huawei has long been known to exploit their unique position in China as the Party's favorite, winning governmental contracts through fraudulent means, most commonly lying that their ARM based CPUs are entirely secure and developed in-house, while in reality they share common vulnerabilities with all other ARM based solutions. So why are they still winning the contracts? Either the CCP is stu//pid(you tell me how likely that is), or the Party is keeping one eye closed, ultimately feeding Huawei more subsidies under the guise of commercial activity. m/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fcloud.tencent.c om%2Fdeveloper%2Fnews%2F424527&sandbox=1
As for tax breaks, there are incentives for most major companies to operate inside a jurisdiction due to the mere scale of economic activity it brings, no different in China, except China may more blatantly prefer domestic companies, with local governments largely at the mercy of the central government, with little autonomy, unlike the US.
>every country can indeed, prioritize their source of technology according to their needs and security requirements, and obviously cost is a big factor in this
What an apologist. What the CCP is doing with Huawei is bribing clients to lobby on their behalf their respective governments to hand them a key to their bedroom door, no other telecoms provider does this, not Nokia, not Ericsson, not Samsung. They may also hold interest in that key, or they may not, but they compete by the rules and none of them have a policy bank handing them unlimited pocket money ultimately extracted from taxpayers to achieve that.
Spike, 20 Feb 2020You here the same thing everyday: If Trump does it it will help his opponents. But if his oppo... moreoh, and I suppose Obama also? Because, for your uninformed mind, MIT is the one that first brought light to the back doors, while Obama was president. stop talking nonsense
S Yu, 19 Feb 2020Your link is from a site established by a US-hating Russian. Incidentally, their "team" page l... more"Accusations" of anything amounts to nothing .......... period. Every empire accuse their competing one for well almost everything.
Subsidies, Google can be of great help just to see how much 'subsidies' are awarded to American Tech companies......... usual route is "R&D" by defense related entities. Another favorite route is 'Tax Breaks'.
Well, Snowden settled NSA & Cohorts snooping on everyone years ago, so that is a pointless debate for me.
Lastly, every country can indeed, prioritize their source of technology according to their needs and security requirements, and obviously cost is a big factor in this. So simply pointing Huawei with unproven allegations is just plain rubbish.
Anonymous, 19 Feb 2020Pls can you tell what information you have regarding this topic...
I also believe if US is... moreThe world doesn't really know China. All were misled by the western propaganda.
On the other hand, the US has been PROVEN again and again for spying on other countries.
You here the same thing everyday: If Trump does it it will help his opponents. But if his opponent does it of course it will help us! Please stop the BS and acknowledge the TRUTH!
The U.S wants a monopoly on providing 5G technology to other countries. Huawei has always had a firm grasp on this space. This intense interest in Huawei is ti simply get them out of the way.
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