Asus doesn't have working drivers in for its notebooks. Asus expects you to visit service center and pay a small fee of $3.99 to obtain drivers. And if Asus caught you having installed more RAMs, another $5.99 or kiss your warranty goodbye.
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2020ROG series intended for gamer enthusiast where price doesnt matter TUF series is for budget-g... moreThanks for the replies.
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2020its not an exaggerated scenario, that was really happen, the thing is you are clueless about t... moreYou convinced me, also I found as many peoples asking for remote computer/workstation than peoples asking for powerful laptop, so I guess it heavily depend on what job the person do, and as you said, in the case of 3D artists, a powerful laptop is better than a powerful remote desktop, I read about some searching for the whole set, powerful workstation + desktop + laptop.
Since you seem to know a lot about the matter, what about small computer that one could simply carry everywhere ? I saw many "Portable Desktop PC", is is their size and power requirement still a problem here ?
Asus are trying out new things!
Well many first ever but still very expensive for a midranger.
AnonD-909757, 03 Apr 2020I talked about games just to say that a clear display AND low latency is not only faisable, bu... moreits not an exaggerated scenario, that was really happen, the thing is you are clueless about this because you never experienced working with these kind people.
Why do you think manufacturers keep updating their gaming laptops but with more simplified design, not too gamer/alien-looking thing? And why nowadays there's a rising of laptops targeted for professional equipped with quadro not standard gforce gtx or rtx? The answer is simple, those because THESE people exist! Not only enthusiast gamers need such laptops, professionals too, the only capable laptop that fit with their requirement recently only gaming laptops, but with gamer-looking thing makes them awkward when doing representation or when meet their clients, thats why these professional laptops also comes out in the market, equipped with quadro and more premium design, these people DOESN'T USE your remote idea because its inconvenience and troublesome for them.
No matter how fast the internet like 1gbps conexion, portable storage are far more RELIABLE and more convenience to use, and faster too, cable connection are far more FASTER via lightning port, usb-c, usb4.0 etc and those internet things depends on carrier if there's no free wifi available, those internet connection are more expensive in long term and maybe not unlimited.
This performance laptop still has better color quality than cheap laptop, some of them even have better colors, these are vitals for those who works with image color quality for example video editor when doing color correction for their videos and need to show the results to clients.
"If they ask you to meet them in a place with a crappy internet connexion, is it really the laptop guy fault?" OF COURSE your fault, you already KNOWS they want to meet you asking your progress and NOT just seeing the result but also asking your files, what if you have done your works, and clients asked it, then when u meet them and you dont bring those files? instead you asked them to download those gigabytes of files? They will pissed off, why you dont bring the files since the beginning? your fault, right?
Animating can be days or even just in matter of hours or faster if the scene are only for short time such for ads or just one single scene which doesnt need complex animation, they have the motion file available and just rigging it, then edited it, no need to animating from the scratch, they just put shrek_character combined with available motion file People_grab_spoon then edit it as they need. Or it can be more simple, you put the start position, middle position, and last position and let the software do the rest.
Bringing all of your workfiles on you are more saving time when your team meet up together for passing works, corrections, coordinating, passing tasks, and all of these activities involved files transferring.. what if your co-worker ask you "hey, bro, I need you to put texture on these models because i dont have the plug-ins" then you replied "ok, I need to upload it first" (uploading 200files and total size 1GB) then you fill the texture, then you download it again, what a waste of time and wasting the quota of data package if no free wifi. Plugging your portable SSD via usb 3 or lightning port are more faster and more convenience
"You can still buy a 5000$+ desktop computer and a 2000$+ laptop if you have that kind of money, I just said that it is better for many reasons to have an expensive desktop and a cheap laptop than the opposite or only a laptop."
In your case, maybe yes, but not for these professional content creators, to them your remote controlling via laptop is an obsolete idea and cumbersome. Few of them also consider the option only having performance laptop only for many reasons. Thats why like I've I said before, dont think your method will works the same to others.
some pro even have both powerful desktop and powerful laptop and it can be double their productivity, one rendering it while you still can works other thing on another device. The reason why you didnt understand this because you never met them or working with them personally. Never judge your way of thinking also works to other people.
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2020I said for content creators like PROFESSIONAL 3D ARTIST or video editor and such who works mob... moreI talked about games just to say that a clear display AND low latency is not only faisable, but that many peoples already use this, many believe that cloud computing is the future, though I prefer having my own computer, I kind of agree, for many peoples, including those who need heavy power but are on a budget, this is a good solution.
What you listed here are exaggerated and rare scenario.
If they ask for an USB drive transfert, this mean you don't have need for the file at this exact moment, and guess what, a 1GBPS internet connexion is faster than a USB stick, but also, having your FTP server or using something like Mega allow you to have access as you wish to the file, including if your USB drive is lost or broken.
This isn't as if laptop have pro color quality, pro monitor with pro color quality cost as much as a gaming laptop, but even there, you can easily download in real time a video of what you just displayed to have the real color quality.
If they ask you to meet them in a place with a crappy internet connexion, is it really the laptop guy fault ?
And where can you, in real time, animate a 3D model anyway ? Animating something take time, this isn't a magic ("Shrek_3D_character grab 3D_Object_Spoon23 with left hand") thing, it can take days to animate a simple motion, MAINLY if we talk about pro animations which need to be highly detailed, and that's only considering we talk about human animation time and real time rendering, because even today, we can spend days, weeks or even month animating a sequence.
You can still buy a 5000$+ desktop computer and a 2000$+ laptop if you have that kind of money, I just said that it is better for many reasons to have an expensive desktop and a cheap laptop than the opposite or only a laptop.
I am not saying that having a desktop or workstation is ALWAYS the preferred option, but I think, it will often be the best, plus with optical fiber, 4G and soon 5G coverage increasing, and tech like Starlink and other alternative networks, having fast internet from almost anywhere won't be an issue for long.
Of course if you are in a country with a crappy internet connexion and you require RAW calculation power, you'll take a laptop...
I don't really know that world and how things are organized, but I haven't heard about pro using computer while requiring lot of computing power actually working on laptop, or even having to meet anyone in person with their laptop...
AnonD-909757, 03 Apr 2020Which is exactly what remote computing allow.
I mean c'mon, we can even GAME at distance, so ... moreI said for content creators like PROFESSIONAL 3D ARTIST or video editor and such who works mobile, not for GAME. What if the client wants the files when you meet them outside? client doesnt want to download those hundreds of MB or even gigabytes, they want just plug their usb drive/ hdd portable then copy from your laptop, it even still needs time to copy. What if the clients wants the raw video files? Gigabytes of files and u told them just to download? How about color correction? your laptop display didnt show the exact colors as your remote pc on home. What if your team when working on short term project in co-working space gave you the 3D files and wants you to render realtime? or they give you Shrek 3D models on usb drive, then they asked you to animate it immediately? If you said: "I need to upload it first to my pc on home..oh your files is about 1,5GB it need half an hour to upload before I could open it" Then they will throw you with their laptop power brick.
COME ON think it that way! Dont think your method will works the same to others, maybe you just working with documents and spreadsheet only or gaming thats okay. Plus, your idea about remote computing is depending heavily on internet, what if your current location doesnt have adequate internet connection or blindspot no coverage? not every place got good internet connection, not to mention other country..
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2020"And yeah, laptop are a totally different story than desktop, that's why I advise on avoiding ... moreWhich is exactly what remote computing allow.
I mean c'mon, we can even GAME at distance, so between video, screenshots and remote access there is more than enough to showcase anything in real time.
And you'll ALWAYS have more computing power on a desktop than on a laptop.
PlayerDead, 02 Apr 2020Can anyone tell me what are the differences between Asus ROG series, Asus TUF series, and Asus... moreROG series intended for gamer enthusiast where price doesnt matter
TUF series is for budget-gamers in mind
Vivo series is standard multimedia/all purpose laptop for mainstream people
But because each of this series has many variants/subclass covering many segments, now the boundary between these series are blurred
AnonD-909757, 03 Apr 2020High end hardware are overrated, a friend who I gave my old computer who had an Asus P6T-SE Mo... more"And yeah, laptop are a totally different story than desktop, that's why I advise on avoiding gaming/production laptop in general and rather have a powerful desktop and a cheap laptop to travel, maybe even controlling the desktop at distance through the laptop to get the advantage of a powerful PC while away from home !"
Tell that to content creators like professional 3D artists, 3D modelers etc who needs raw power on mobile, because they need to meet their client outside or working on co-working space with temporary team for a short-term project.
LilPhone, 03 Apr 2020Need to critizise the lack of webcams in many gaming laptops (such as the Asus ROG Zephyrus mo... more"Need to critizise the lack of webcams in many gaming laptops"
NO ! Actually laptops shouldn't have webcam to begin with, the majority of peoples don't use them and many simply put a tape on them, those are a huge privacy risk.
You can buy cheap usb webcam which do the job as good, or even better as you can move them to show things without requiring to move the whole laptop, if laptops didn't had integrated webcam, thin webcam made to be latched on the top of the display would exist, you could even have an USB port on top which would allow to plugin a webcam there.
Even if I don't buy gaming laptops (or laptop in general), this is a GOOD thing that some models don't have webcams, even if ideally almost all of them should be webcam-less.
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2020Imagine thinking everyone is privileged to have an unlimited fast internet for remote viewing ... moreYou don't need an extraordinary fast internet speed, even with my crappy ~4Mb/s down 0.7Mb/s up ADSL connexion, I can easily fix my mom's computer via teamviewer...
So this mean, it doesn't consume an extraordinary amount of data nor require an ultrafast speed to do that...
I just used NPerf and I am at 144Mb/s average of 4G's speed in one sim, though I'd admit I live close to the local 4G antenna, having a faster speed than my crappy ADSL is quite easy.
With an optimized software which only update when and where necessary, it could save even more data and bandwidth.
But because of my ADSL connexion being crappy, I really often (almost always) use my phone in router mode, and basically since my crappy ADSL constantly crash, when I'm aren't already on my DATA to use teamviewer, I quickly revert to it...
I have two sim card with 50GB of data each, and I never ended up a month without data on both, though I'd admit I am careful to not download huge games or updates on Steam, but that's about it restrictions wise...
I just pay 10€ for each, so 20€ for 100GB of 4G on the best French cellular network is quite good IMO.
And that without counting on all the publics Wi-Fi networks and (I don't know about the rest of the world, but that's something our internet providers do in France) the IP's Wi-Fi, one of our IP "Free" use customer's router to emit a public Wi-Fi (totally independent from the customer's Wi-Fi), and 5G...
Because I hate the mmWave 5G thing and its way too fast speed to be really useful, and the fact that money which could be used for improving 4G and optical fiber network coverage is used for 5G, but at least 5G have the advantage of providing unlimited data.
So actually this scenario is quite realistic for many peoples.
AnonD-909757, 03 Apr 2020High end hardware are overrated, a friend who I gave my old computer who had an Asus P6T-SE Mo... moreImagine thinking everyone is privileged to have an unlimited fast internet for remote viewing purposes.
Jaeger, 03 Apr 2020Desktop maybe. In laptops they are pretty much on par. The nanometers aren't enough to crucify... moreHigh end hardware are overrated, a friend who I gave my old computer who had an Asus P6T-SE Motherboard and an Intel 920 who replaced the CPU with a Xeon (6 cores) who run on LGA 1366 (and which he paid pennies BTW), and with his AMD R9 290 or 290X (don't remember) with a large monitor (so superior to regular 1080p resolution), he basically run really recent games, including Battlefield V like a charm at around 60fps !
His screenshot :
Well...Ok, I have an I7 6700k a GTX 1080Ti and 32GB of ram and I plan to upgrade to Ryzen 4000 desktop...I can't say that this isn't awesome to have high end rig, but it isn't as necessary as peoples think.
And yeah, laptop are a totally different story than desktop, that's why I advise on avoiding gaming/production laptop in general and rather have a powerful desktop and a cheap laptop to travel, maybe even controlling the desktop at distance through the laptop to get the advantage of a powerful PC while away from home !
As long as it is futur proof (and by that I mean powerful enough so that in 5 years he isn't extremely slow like most low end laptops), don't need to spend a fortune on a laptop, except if you don't have the choice or you prefer that of course, the choice is still yours.
Need to critizise the lack of webcams in many gaming laptops (such as the Asus ROG Zephyrus models), think of the COVID-19 pandemic.
At least buying a gaming laptop still makes way more sense than buying a gaming smartphone. And I quite appreciate the shift to the trend in thinner gaming laptops. Gaming laptops used to be bulky, now there are extremely thin gaming laptops (such as the MSi Prestige 14). Makes sense.
Jaeger, 03 Apr 2020Desktop maybe. In laptops they are pretty much on par. The nanometers aren't enough to crucify... moreThe intel processor will likely require much more power to compete with the ryzen 4000 lapop chips and will also probably be inadequately cooled with the higher power draw
AnonD-908380, 02 Apr 2020Laptops with Intel CPUs are DOA. Overpriced, inefficient and weaker than Ryzen 4000 series.Desktop maybe. In laptops they are pretty much on par. The nanometers aren't enough to crucify a processor. For example, my i5-8300H is performance-wise superior than Ryzen 7 3750H.
Anonymous, 02 Apr 2020its like the phones with double screen, totally useless just charging extra money for nothingYou're not familiar with tech massively for sure! Because comparing full size powerful windows pc with a mobile like a dumb.. It's a pro productivity machine while even iPad pro 2020 can't even fulfill 10% professional's demand compared to this or Asus Zenbook pro.. And the multi monitor is using in productivity works (based on computer) for years. Before your birth..
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