JayrBars, 11 Sep 2020provided that one manufacturer makes 10millions phone that you like (phone without front cam o... moreExcept for the ten of thousand minimum peoples who desire those smartphones.
If smartphones like the LG Wing got made despite being even more niche than a phone without front camera, there are no reasons why a phone without front camera couldn't exist.
And technically, those already exist :
Nubia Z20, Asus Zenfone 6 and Zenfone 7 & 7 Pro, Galaxy A80, Huawei Mate X.
And last time I checked, those sold quite well and some like the Zenfone are really popular.
You guys remind me another one in a French news websites I argue with who refuse to accept that there are peoples desiring smaller smartphones despite me showing him tons of evidences, between a lot of sales, many articles and user comments and the new iPhone 12 with a small sized variant, but yet he insist that no one want it and that this isn't how "supply and demand" work, despite me never talking about how it could be profitable, but only about how it would be nice to have, and yet, it is common knowledge that many peoples hate tall and large phones and want smaller bodies, not slimmer, but smaller.
Here you all do the same, as if, because you and the majority doesn't want something, everyone else have the same opinion and tastes.
Plot twist : I prefer pop up (if properly implemented), but if one fit me well, I'd take gladly a phone without front camera.
AnonD-909757, 05 Sep 2020Me, many peoples would like that some options exist, meaning some models, even a little dozen ... moreprovided that one manufacturer makes 10millions phone that you like (phone without front cam or any alternative). 10 months after release 9,999,999 were just lying on the shelves of the retailer stores..
Nick Tagataka, 10 Sep 2020Yeah, getting rid of a front camera makes your phone cheaper by $10 or less. That would defini... moreCompared to underdisplay camera, it will be more about 100€ to 200€ cheaper, don't get fooled by the ZTE Axon 20 5G low cost, it is to kick start their sales while having huge attention by medias, and it is probably sold at loss as a "beta test bed" for the next generations.
Because you don't understand that I talk both about regular phones at which we remove the front camera (requiring no changes) and phone models designed without front camera, which will allow more space.
Conspiracy theory ? Seriously ? There isn't a single week without a scandal about data collection or their missuses, but I guess Facebook having been caught multiple time doing so is a "theory", so is Edward Swnoden revelations, a simple "theory".
Based on Android Authority alone, here is the latest one :
Before that :
And before that :
And before that :
And before that :
And before that :
And I could go on and on and on for a while with a ~7 day delay between each of those, only on a single website that doesn't cover all news.
Bonus :
That's why I consider overly skeptical peoples to be actually further from the reality of how things are than the crazy conspiracy believer.
Ignoring everything that doesn't fit your vision of the world and thinking it is crazy theories isn't the most accurate representation of the reality.
Yes, because having a led to shine a light on the display, under where the camera is, will totally not make the pictures even worse than underdisplay camera already are...
And yeah, the low power requirements camera will like to be powered by the same circuit to a LED, and users that will want this OFF will adore this thing...
Also, there is way more than just spying about front camera, removing them would open many doors.
No, I mean, those who will buy the crappy ZTE Axon 20 5G will get themselves into a world of illusion with excuses such as "it will improve with time" despite already having a crappy one, as if future generations improving will change their bad camera quality they will already own.
For all the peoples who don't use the front camera, and many not wanting one, it is clearly the worse possible option, a useless constantly spying costly and poor quality camera, why would anyone choose that when they can live without front camera ?
Yeah, sure, but still, it prove that there is a market for it.
And who are you to tell to peoples wanting someone that they can't have it just because you don't want it ?
Isn't it a hugely arrogant, egoistic and egocentric attitude ?
That's because of peoples like you that it isn't done, the same way that, despite the MAJORITY of peoples wanting the 3.5mm Jack back, all those idiots who pushed for it being removed despite having no pros and only cons at it caused it to maintain the trend, that now, when peoples have voted with their wallet, is "strangely" getting back.
If you want a phone without Jack, fine, there should be SOME without it, the SAME WAY there should be SOME phones without front camera, that you are happy or not, many peoples want such phone, and the front camera may be at a single marketing strategy decision away to get ditched in favor of a Bluetooth camera, because except the few but extremely noisy haters like you that want to fight until their death to prevent other people's desires to come true, many peoples actually don't care about the front camera and will adapt easily to a phone without it and provided with X or Y solution.
AnonD-909757, 08 Sep 2020Well, because removing the front camera isn't only about privacy but also about many othe... moreYeah, getting rid of a front camera makes your phone cheaper by $10 or less. That would definitely affect people's purchasing decisions significantly lol.
"more space for better main camera setup"
That would require companies to revamp the internal design quite significantly, which contradicts with your "they can just release a model without selfie camera and keep everything else the same" argument. So cost effective, wouldn't it be?
"WANT to spy on you"
"(including the phone makers)"
I'm not here to listen to a conspiracy theory. Next.
"there are many instances of indication LED on webcam being turned off"
Not if it's directly connected to a circuit between the camera and the motherboard.
"with excuses such as "the tech will improve" despite already having one"
Wait, are you suggesting that the tech has already been improved and matured? For real??? And if anything isn't it still better than not having one at all, functionality wise?
Oh, and I'm pretty sure "many" people bought Essential Phone back when it was released. Also I believe "many" people still like and buy HTC phones as well. If "I see a lot of people having the same opinion as me in a comment section" is the definition of "many" that you think smartphone companies acknowledge, then I guess you're being a bit too self conscious regarding your opinion and the influence it has. If there was no reason not to do it and if it was profitable then someone would've done it. Full stop.
AnonD-955101, 10 Sep 2020I have a cousin who is also a programmer but with the same arrogant behaviour like you.
And g... moreOr maybe he knew what he talked about, because, ya know, this is his job, but in front of him was someone like you who think he know better despite evidences.
I wouldn't be arrogant and aggressive if peoples like you were not actually the one being arrogant and aggressive at first, thinking you know better despite me literally giving links proving what I say, laughing at what as say because you think is it stupid, only because you don't know what is or not relevant, etc etc...
Considering I am my own boss, and that I don't plan on firing myself...
Also, not only those are terrible advise during the current pandemic situation, but also, I never needed to socialize, I live with my girlfriend and I talk with my friends and family from time to time, it is more than enough for me.
What I witnessed though, since the pandemic began, peoples on internet are super irritating, they constantly try to reasons about exemples, totally mix up facts and their own believes and consider other people's facts as believes and other things like that that was way more rare.
My life basically didn't change since the lockdown, nor did my attitude, but a lot of peoples, waw, they really changed, they can't handle a little isolement...
Anyway those two comments will be deleted since they are totally not the subject.
AnonD-909757, 10 Sep 2020I am not forcing you to read them, I just don't understand what is the point to answer to... moreI have a cousin who is also a programmer but with the same arrogant behaviour like you.
And guess what, that smarty pants behavior got him fired.
I fear it's gonna happen the same to you.
So get your eyes away from those codes, go outside, make some friends,you know, socialise your self a little.
AnonD-955101, 10 Sep 2020Dont read your comments?
Keep making them longer, im sure some peopole are willing to waste t... moreI am not forcing you to read them, I just don't understand what is the point to answer to a comment you don't read, just write a big "too long, didn't read" and wave off.
No wonder your answers always seem off and completely out of the point despite me explaining things 3 times in a row...
You don't want to read, fine, at least just watch the damn videos, THEN talk about "tapes" and other laughing at what privacy and security experts literally advise what yo do.
But maybe you know better than them.
AnonD-909757, 10 Sep 2020I LITERALLY already answered that, it was quite easy to figure out what you were gonna said.
... moreDont read your comments?
Keep making them longer, im sure some peopole are willing to waste their life reading your offensive long nonsense wisdom essay.
But hey, if you want to play a bloger of influencer that let it be.
Every kid has his favourite game😂
Btw what is your favourite type of tape for the ffc? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
AnonD-955101, 09 Sep 2020Sorry i accidentally posted my comment not finished.
All of your personal information is alre... moreI LITERALLY already answered that, it was quite easy to figure out what you were gonna said.
You often either don't read or don't understand what I say, I don't see what you keep answering while doing this...
I literally said there is a HUGE difference between what YOU, and WILLINGLY post on the internet VS what is STOLEN, which can happen during talking about extremely sensitive subjects or being in a really sensitive place where image leaks can have MASSIVELY bad results, this can goes from corporate secret that can cost up to billions of losses if the information leak, to a country turning rogue and getting closer and closer to dictatorship and you leaking plans and other people's faces.
This can also be literally you in the toilets where a hacker take a picture of you and blackmail you with it.
And pop up camera, by activating when certain websites were visited or apps opened proved that it do happen quite a lot.
Yes there is few pics of me on the internet, but not many that I decided to upload, but not much more, and no I don't take pictures with my friends nor do video chats.
If you think being filmed on adult websites is the whole extend of privacy, it prove you haven't even read the title of the videos/articles I linked, which literally are about experts in the matter telling otherwise.
Actually my sexual life isn't a concern of privacy for me, if one day someone tried to blackmail me with "caught images/video" I would answer by literally filming myself in front of adult movies, because this is not at all why I take privacy seriously, this is for way more dangerous potential outcomes, literally our own freedom.
For example brain machine interfaces are coming, Neuralink is only a beginning, in 5 years the first wide use will began, in 10 years it will be as common as Smartphones, and in a little more time after that, the first MANDATORY use will began, such as requirement as "anti lie" devices to open or keep a bank account, for insurances, for taxes, for any legal issues, for many public prestances, etc.
Do you REALLY want to be in a future where we have both tech that literally will access your whole brain able to read and write informations on it, and at the same time have extremely intrusive privacy infringement with illegal means of doing it and illegal and often immoral use of those data ?
With the current Pandemic having pushed more strict surveillances practices and have and will still make many companies loose money and goes bankrupt, in turn draining governments of their funds, you should really seriously consider the threat of lack of privacy.
And if one day all that happen and we all get spied upon by a dictatorship government, despite all the warning I gave about privacy, I won't worry for myself, because I will actually help them.
Because warning peoples should be more than enough to make this impossible, but sadly peoples are stupid and don't take that seriously, so I don't see why I would bother getting in danger for helping peoples that didn't listened or even laughed in the first place.
So in short, this isn't even for me that I doing all this, but for everybody, you included, and my advise is to take privacy way more seriously and do everything you can to defend it, because once it will be completely lost, everybody gonna regret it and there will be no going back.
AnonD-909757, 09 Sep 2020Sorry but that's a stupid argument, that's EXACTLY because they already have many da... moreSorry i accidentally posted my comment not finished.
All of your personal information is already on the internet ready to be used by the major brands.
Literally everything, and you are concerned about somebody getting access to your ffc to take pictures of your face?
Like there isn't already a couple of them on the Internet 😂
You don't take pictures with your friends, you don't video chat?
You need to get rid of those adult websites bro😂
AnonD-955101, 09 Sep 2020Well they already have your all live stored in the cloud.
Your social life, online shopping, ... moreSorry but that's a stupid argument, that's EXACTLY because they already have many data about us that we should prevent any further private data collections.
What you don't seem to realize is that there is a HUGE difference between what you willingly post on internet, and pictures and conversations of recorded without your consent.
Yes, those data stolen from the microphones (smart home assistant got caught multiple time listening to users for example) and your camera are a huge privacy intrusion and the consequences of those are way greater than what you let out by yourself on the internet.
And there is no "lesser" data collection medium, regardless if it is your location, audio or video; that's exactly how we got into a total surveillance situation, by letting little things that didn't seem like much grow out of control.
So yes, a small front camera actually is dangerous and can change a lot.
You don't seem to realize how much privacy is important and what terrible consequences the lack of privacy can get, here are some links about the matter :
AnonD-909757, 08 Sep 2020Well, because removing the front camera isn't only about privacy but also about many othe... moreWell they already have your all live stored in the cloud.
Your social life, online shopping, gaming, 6everything.
And you think that 2
Nick Tagataka, 08 Sep 2020Ok, so why not just under-screen selfie camera with an indicator light then? That sounds more ... moreWell, because removing the front camera isn't only about privacy but also about many other things such as reduction in cost by removing something that many peoples doesn't use or even want.
A phone made from the ground up to have no front camera would have more space for better main camera setup (it wouldn't affect battery though, because of the location).
There is also the fact that not only companies (including the phone makers) WANT to spy on you so you have to trust them, and there are many instances of indication LED on webcam being turned off (yes, you can do it) literally making it useless, plus underdisplay camera have a lot of flaws and are expensive.
Don't by fooled by the low price of the ZTE Axon 20 5G as it is almost surely sell at a loss and is the equivalent of a beta test as the tech is far from good enough for mass market introduction, it just give them free ads and tons of user feedback from peoples not even realizing how bad the tech is because of the hype, and despite owning an underperforming one they'll reassure themselves with excuses such as "the tech will improve" despite already having one.
Removing the front camera would allow for many improvement that its presence hold back.
Many peoples want phones without front camera and there is NO REASONS to NOT make some models without front camera.
AnonD-909757, 07 Sep 2020This isn't about companies, but Smartphone companies, another market where there is a lot... moreOk, so why not just under-screen selfie camera with an indicator light then? That sounds more reasonable than creating separate product lines for two very similar products, doesn't it
(I don't want to be rude, but your comma spliced sentences were damn awful to read and I couldn't understand what you were really trying to convey so I can't reply to all the points you made)?
it would be hard to put a room of 108 sqm and a memory of 1 tb
AnonD-955101, 07 Sep 2020each user could literally swap internal components like cameras if they fit inside the phone a... moreYes, my OnePlus 6t have a selfie camera, and that's why I would like at least a phone with a pop up, I'll wait to see if something better than the Poco F2 Pro come out, otherwise it will be my next phone, but if one without front camera is to be released, I'll buy it instead.
And my car have 0 camera, why ?
What are you even talking about ? What does my memory have to do with this ?
AnonD-909757, 07 Sep 2020AGAIN, I am talking about streamlining the SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS distribution process, not the ... moreeach user could literally swap internal components like cameras if they fit inside the phone and just download the driver. Is your memory realy that much deteriorated?
AnonD-909757, 07 Sep 2020AGAIN, I am talking about streamlining the SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS distribution process, not the ... moreI mean is there a selfie camera on the phone you are using?
And with how many cameras is your car equipped?
AnonD-955101, 07 Sep 2020What you are suggesting already failed. Look at project ara.just out of curiosity what phone a... moreAGAIN, I am talking about streamlining the SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS distribution process, not the hardware.
Making Android phones capable of using the same core Android and only have to add model specific softwares and drivers on top, like Windows do for Laptops (that, like Smartphones, aren't modular or supposed to be modified by the users).
I don't get what you mean about cars and phones?
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