Mobilemaster, 20 Nov 2020Trust me, the Chinese always are spying on US. They are a global power thanks to USA technolog... moreIt is business strategy every body doing business to make improvements. If you talking spy the Google make is Use World Wide. How do you comment about this. Every where they know accurately where, when how your moments are ALL lock in it. Is this not SPY also. As I mentioned make improvements of accuracy to suit you requirement,.
Mobilemaster, 20 Nov 2020Exactly. They are smart, but they like to copy. I am learning a lot about China from some trus... moreWell, before you are totally convinced on this better you check out the stats of the 5G patents held by each company on this planet and don't forget to support yourself with figures pictures researches etc.. Those patent holders will cover companies from Europe China South Korea and USA, and of course Japan. Then you will be able to understand how the patents were stolen from a company who doesn't have such a patent. Go for it man.
I think it time for the Swed to investigate Borje Ekholm, his direct family member, closest associate, etc for shady investment in China xD
thats just how sick technocrats showing to us how they have mean plan over 5g..we dont need from you any nice word or to say we are conspirators or similiar explain to people how many problems and for what usage u want so faet to implement in all.. normal people dont need 5g except military and fake scientist.. we are good even without that sick technology use fiber optics not something what is wit our body frequencies.. prove me wrong..
atichko, 20 Nov 2020It is cheep to claim that it is right to ban Huawei. Why? Because they are from a country wher... moreWell said
[deleted post]Whatever you invent ,create , developed today will paved the way for China, What you have today , they will have it also but with a different name. You might sell well with your new brand today but tomorrow they will sell more than you have.
[deleted post]Exactly. They are smart, but they like to copy. I am learning a lot about China from some trusted sources(where everything is backed up by evidence, footage or pictures). So I can also confirm they are copying, and there are things I can not say here. But I love the fact they are hard working.
John Smith, 20 Nov 2020That's because there is no evidence, but plenty of evidence of espionage by the Americans... moreTrust me, the Chinese always are spying on US. They are a global power thanks to USA technology and Japanese technology(mostly). I am learning a lot about China from trusted sources bro, so I am not talking non-sense here.
Huawei is closely monitored by china's PLA and that's dangerous.
Dan, 20 Nov 2020Yea sure, they only argue for them because Ericsson has billions of business in China and if t... moreIt is cheep to claim that it is right to ban Huawei. Why? Because they are from a country where the government applies doubtful practices? If yes, let me say this. The good old US of A invented the spying on a global and industrial scale for their own profit. The excuse that it is for security reasons has been a lie for already a long time. It may have started out of security concerns but it quickly became clear that they could benefit out of spying and thus stealing knowledge from other countries. Every major country uses spying to gain knowledge and knowledge is power! China is no difference.
So please, think before you post something.
The only reason why you need to be careful is that Chinese companies are damn quick to develop solutions for customers and this at a rock bottom price. But, they do it in a manner that you are completely dependent from them for support as no one understands the way it has been developed. In short you'll pay double for support.
YUKI93, 20 Nov 2020To be honest, I'm still not seeing any concrete evidence of Huawei collecting and using t... moreThat's because there is no evidence, but plenty of evidence of espionage by the Americans and their five eyes vassal states.
Yea sure, they only argue for them because Ericsson has billions of business in China and if the Chinese government did the same they would face huge losses. If this wasn't the case they wouldn't say anything. And it is right to ban Huawei. They have been competing unfairly and growing very fast due to that, thanks to government subsidies. And yes, if they have been discovered to be spying on people and businesses, they should be removed from the infrastructure completely. Their phone business is now being sold to the government so it's gonna certainly be used for spying on customers. I will never buy Chinese brands due to this spying. Winnie got nothing on me.
To be honest, I'm still not seeing any concrete evidence of Huawei collecting and using their users' data for profit-related purposes. So for now, I'm cool with Huawei.
Why is Huawei being punished just because some people are scared of China.
Leave the company out of the county's doing.
It's unfair.
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2020Geez it's like everyone WANTS to be spied on the CCP.Keep drinking that kool-aid.
He is an industrial insider, his opinion is more valuable than yours.
lewein, 20 Nov 2020oh no, no 5G... honestly not a great loss. As it is now, 5G is not even that fast and has a hi... more5G has disadvantages -> True.
5G is also faster than 4G -> True.
Anyone supporting china - just wants the access to huge chinese market. It can't get more clear than this.
As far as the critical technologies are concerned no single country should have monopoly. It's not good for free and open market.
Eg. US barring Huawei from using American tech
Also Chinese have made their ambition very clear and it's not in favor of world peace that's why world democracies are retaliating. There is a difference between a superpower and a bully. Bully only picks on weak.
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