Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021"Mainstream News"
So you believe some random conspiracy religionists living in th... moreNo, I believe the actual footage that is unedited for tv.
Candid videos of what really happened.
I don't hear one thing and run away with it. I research it and come to my conclusion that way.
Mike, 07 Jan 2021Trump was elected THANKS TO SOCIAL MEDIA. That's a fact. The whole trumpist movement grew... moreTrump was elected because he travelled to all the smaller communities where the rural people are often put to the side for he money making cities. I remember driving down to Florida from North Dakota and all you seen were Trump signs on 99.9% of all lawns and smaller billboards. The people who supported Trump put them up. The only Clinton signs you seen were the large billboards that cost a lot of money to advertise on.
It wasn't social media that elected Trump, it was the people who looked past the lies spread about him. Those lies followed him for the next 4 years as president, none of which were ever proven true.
If anyone thinks democracy exists is really deluded. One votes for a candidate based on them implementing their belief in change improvement. That's where democracy ends because after the candidate is elected and in office that candidate function on behalf of the goverent to implement their own personal policies and those of the corporates and control the little people and obstict and delay wherever they can. The system is broken and there is no use voting, it means nothing when those in govt just do as they want anyway.
Have people on The Left forgot they spent the last 7 months encouraging BLM and Antifa to riot?
Dismissing entire cities being burned down as "mostly peaceful"
It's almost like encouraging violence wasn't a good idea, it sets a precedent
Also interesting to see all the people on The Left who say they are against police brutality openly celebrating the police for shooting a woman dead from near point blank range
twitter is full of po*n and racism, what actions did they take against those evil things ?? nothing
Mike, 07 Jan 2021The president behaves like a kid, not the Twitter CEO. Naughty kids should be punished.Are you kidding me, Jack Dorcey is a lying p.o.s. Caught in a lie about removing pro Trump tweets saying it never happened when showed the actual screenshots during a live interview. He was speechless for about 5 seconds before some idiotic reply of that's not the 'rules' that twitter follows.
Twitter too bad... Trump no worry, kindly open Tiktok or Wechat to express your feeling to supporter :)
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021"Mainstream News" So you believe some random conspiracy religionists living in th... moreWell, Germans did a study a year or two ago and actually it's the leftists that usually live with their parents. Some 90% of radical left activists is still leaching of their parents.
Sun Sand, 07 Jan 2021True, he is one of the better pres US of A has had. The nation was getting great again till th... moreWell I believe many would disagree with you but of course you have the right to express your opinion.
Trump kept on making these claims of election fraud ......but where is the evidence ? He's been behaving like a tin pot president of a banana republic.
Sun Sand, 07 Jan 2021True, he is one of the better pres US of A has had. The nation was getting great again till th... moreLeave the drugs alone
Long ago.. control the media, control the mind of the people.
Now no longer the case.. Internet nowadays contains tons of crazy news and conspiracy. Weak minded people fall prey to it. And with well tuned search algorithms, pushing said individual deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.
But its easy to spot such groups. Look out for "The Truth", "Do your research", "Do not listen to the experts", "I am the savior".
But then again, facts and majority always wins.. and those under conspiracy will find themselves alienating more and more people.. rejecting facts.. like the entire world is against them.
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021The mainstream and social media turned a blind eye on pro-Democrat rallies of Antifa and BLM b... moreTrump was elected THANKS TO SOCIAL MEDIA. That's a fact. The whole trumpist movement grew on it. Lies and fear mongering spread by uneducated people on social media led him to being elected. He wouldn't have been elected without his tweets, and without uncle Joe's rants on YouTube about "mainstream media".
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021He's actually not crazy. If people didn't follow mainstream news they would realize ... moreTrue, he is one of the better pres US of A has had. The nation was getting great again till the virus came. The first pres in decades to actually shake hands & speak to N Korean leader. Took out ISIS. Record wallstreet gains, Wall across Mexico to prevent illegal crossing,,,,and so much more. He did so much more that stereo type conservative Presidents of past.
OwnFix3, 07 Jan 2021This is what happens when CEO behaves like kids. Never let feelings come into business. The president behaves like a kid, not the Twitter CEO. Naughty kids should be punished.
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021He's actually not crazy. If people didn't follow mainstream news they would realize ... moreIt's funny how people that complain about "mainstream media" are willingly fooled by social media. Uncle Joe' s rant on Facebook is more reliable than professional, educated journalists are CNN for some reason. The whole trumpist movement exists thanks to lies spread throughout social media, mostly from uneducated people targeting uneducated people.
I'm just waiting for gsmarena to remove politically charged comments in a political news story.
[deleted post]In the Last 4 years, more than 2 black people were killed by police. It's just that those 2 were filmed and went viral. Like this stupid saying "the straw to break the camel's back"
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2021He's actually not crazy. If people didn't follow mainstream news they would realize ... more"Mainstream News"
So you believe some random conspiracy religionists living in the basement of their Mom are the Messiah announcing "the truth"?
I'm a Trumper and will never vote again. Waste of time. Big tech will just censor us. Cities run by Democrats will just cheat.
It really doesn't matter if Biden is the next President and he won it legitimately or not. The country is very divided and we could have another Civil War. Trumpers aren't going to fade away. Over a half a country who voted Trump doesn't just disappear.
It's the Divided States of America. We will never be united ever again. There is no real winner. No side is going to budge.
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