we dreamed of a phone which was a combination of the N73 and N80 and nokia gave us the revolutionary N95, imagine a phone with better specs than the N96 with symbian and multi-touch....its just a dream away.......nokia......all the way..........
I am Zylam
this phone is ...oau...wonderfull..
...NOKIA is the best...
they make the best greatest phones
nokia 4 lyf
NOKIA all the waaay!!
1Q2009 will be too late for Nokia.
NOKIA is a GREAT Brand !
il agree on that.....
Nokia all the way!
sorry i meant 16GB........I am Zylam
you know what its ok if the tube is missing a few features here and there like a 5mp cam and so on, but its got the touch screen which they will only improve remember the first nseries phones, N70 and n90 at that time 2mp was like wow, than the two rivals N73 and N80 cam vs wifi and that the N95 came and changed eveything so eventually we do get everything, i bet nokia are just experimenting with the tube cause whos knows? as many people said that touch is cool but not all that needed, who knows the tube could be a failure or a great success noone can tell, not even nokia but they are smart why do you think its not a nseries flagship? cause nokia has turned the nseries into an amazing series and they don wanna risk it, thats where the N96 comes.........improving perfection........as if the N95 8GB was't enough they made it even better, 19GB SD card, TV it has it all.......nokia all the way...........(all you other brand diehard fans don hate me cause i like my brand after all i did't say anything against your brands).....
I am Zylam
Lets see what happens.......
nokia all the waaay!!
yea Gareth i am ok, but you gotta admit i do have a point.......and yea i agree that 2009 is way way too far ahead it should be released with the N96
i love this phone..
my p1i will be turn soon into Nokia Tube...
i hope it will be launched soon...
wooohooo! I'm gonna look for this!!!!!!!!!!
this is the low end touch phone and high end one will be announce shorty after this one.
"nokia, SE apple run by evil masterminds causing the worlds population to split into brand diehreat groups will we someday take this physical? its amazing right how a meaningless 'phone' can have so much meaning......i can't live without my N95 8GB cause if theres ever a war, i'm gonna defend nokia to the end......i am legend"
Are you ok?
It's about time Nokia brought out a nice touch UI but an entire year is still a long time - too long. They dropped the ball on this one.
looks interesting, but am i correct that its not due till 2009... surely nokia should be more competitive than that??? by then i phones will be like 100 gb!!!
NOKIA all the waaay!
hey you can't have everything however still beats what others make, i'm telling you people, a wars coming..........make sure your on the right side,,,nokia all the way
I am Zylam
Nokia get their batteries from Japan, and becuase Sony Ericsson is their competitor i think Japan is ripping off Nokia with the batteries........
If its battery life sucks like most Nokia's, then I don't think it's good.
were not talking about phones anymore, the word phone is just a codename now, if we all were arguing which 'phone' is better we would be arguing under the 3500 classic review; saying stuff like man the voice quality of blah blah phone is better or the blah blah phone looks better, these so called 'phones' are multimedia computers nokia are right, i mean what is multimedia? sound+pictures+video , we are 'phone' freaks right? i mean thats what my friends always say and i;m sure most of your peoples friends say the same but i always though that if these 'phones' like N95, iphone, k850 did't have the option to call but were just multimedia computers than all of us here would probly of had a cheap phone in our pockets to serve us as a method of communication and a multimedia gadget we would always be playing around with, well these multimedia computers being phones and all do have their advantages like calling on a n95 is a great excuise to saw off your phone, its amazing with chicks around grab that sucker and show the whole world that you call in style, ok ok i admit i'm a diehard nokia fan, got the N95 8GB.......now by me just having said that less than half, actually less than quarter of you people probly hate me.....lol, hahah jus messing......i don know why we are there are diehard fans even being one doesn't help you understand..........is this really a war thats formulating right in front of us, within us? are these companies : nokia, SE apple run by evil masterminds causing the worlds population to split into brand diehreat groups will we someday take this physical? its amazing right how a meaningless 'phone' can have so much meaning......i can't live without my N95 8GB cause if theres ever a war, i'm gonna defend nokia to the end......i am legend
oh yea and i said earler on that a multimendia computer is sound+pictures+video right, N95's got that covered good, amazing pictures and videos......great sound, and the iphone? barly makes it to picture and no video but wow sound must rock right cause your paying so much???? whats better touch screen and no way of capturing your precious moments at school with your friends or no touch screen and the great relief that you caught your best friend flushing someones hat down the toleit on dvd quality.....
I am Zylam (and Legend)
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