Wanted to put it out there, that i'm a Vodafone employee for Vodafone UK. at present o2 have exclusive rights with the current handset, for now. as the 3G version still hasn't been announced there is no confirmation that voda wont sell the 3G iphone, as is there no confirmation that another provider will. Vodafone are also not allowed to mention any plans of selling the current handset if they are going to in the future as this would infringe apples contract with o2. no promises, but they can in the future. The other thing is, the iphone works perfectly with vodafone wap services. Take any unlocked iphone into a voda store and ask them to type in 'iphone configuration' on the search box on their in store intranet. wap and mms settings all there.
If i was in your shoes other voda people, i'd probably feel the same
Well, nice to see news regarding Vodafone. I think it's better treatment for Apple. About the Spain problem, I'm spanish and we are quite accostumed. Even in Spain the number of mobile phones it's 50 million for 40 million of people seems like Telefonica who got the iPhone in UK through O2 and in other countries do not want to release it in Spain... Curious
And technology always arrive late, for example EEE from Asus(7 inches edition) will arrive in this month of May... Incredible but true
guys just in case any of yous are wondering the apple iphone bought from america but to be used in ireland or uk actually works best on the VF network as it is pre-configured.. and if bought in america to be used on o2 network it doesnt work as good as it would on the voddafone network. how funny is that LOL
Really overhyped and this is getting really boring ... let's see where this goes ...
Hey cool Voda is getting iPhone to India....i was wondering when i can touch the iPhone.I was infact planning to go to US to get one.....Voda and Apple hav made a smart move by makin iPhone available to all....esp to India.
Hi guys i work for Vodafone Ireland, and we wont be releasing this handset. i can also confirm that what Voda_guy says is correct. sorry guys, oh and newbie_guy your wrong o2 are the exclusive carriers for the apple iphone in the u.k this is the same in ireland check it out for yourself http://www.apple.com/uk/pr/2007/09/180907_iphone.html
another iPhone plava.
voda_guy read the article properly it doesnt mention uk as you should now apple have the rights in the uk, and vodafone wont sell the i phone anyway, its too damn expensive to ship in.....
Re vodafone live on iphone. I'd guess that voda would have to completely overhaul its content to get it on iphone. It only works in my wap browser, and iphone dont have a dedicated wap browser.
A great opportunity for them to take advantage of the sdk to provide really innovative services if they take it. I am just gutted that it won't be in UK.
SWEET , in South Africa and can't wait, hopefully we get the 2nd version, a moers bit tired of idiot salespeople telling me that the HTC Touch is just as good... Salespeople don't B.S. your customers!...
BTW we got 3g hsdpa 7.2 here very cheap, no one uses it enough, pity our landline DSL is highest/slowest in world (Telskum)...not to mention our per capita being well low... we in Africa after all ;)...
Voda guy did you ever think they won't be sold through vodafone stores?
There are rumours these will be sold through Apple Resellers.
I work for Vodafone UK and can confirm we will NOT be selling the iPhone in either this carnation or a 3G variant. Sorry guys.
Gr8 News I'm waiting for 3G iPhone. But still 3G network not available in India. EDGE works very slow. Vodafone should launch 3G Service in India. :)
Despite the fact that I am not a fan of the iPhone, I'm still wondering.... did Vodefone forget about Romania? Orange forgot too. There is another thing I don't like at all of the handsets that passed the hand of Vodafone: All handsets have the same icons in the menu. How good that I can change them with skins and reorganize it, but all kind of handsets look much better with theyre original functions and original design!
If Apple don't release the (3G) iPhone on Vodafone here in the UK, I'm going to join many others who appreciate Vodafone's excellent coverage (and in my case, great support) and be very very upset. After waiting many months to upgrade from my excellent SE K800i to a new phone in the form of the 3G iPhone, if Vodafone do not announce they are to be supporting the 3G iPhone here in the UK, I'm going to get an LG Secret, which while no iPhone, has some great features in a sexy package. Apple, this is your call! (No pun intended.)
See I'm in Australia and I get Telstra and Optus where I live but no Vodafone. Apple have lost a sale but then they have lost many sales with the pathetic ignorance. I wish the Iphone a bad reception in AU and apple cease selling any of their lame products in AU.
i bet they fill it up with vodafone live software and it will lag and look ugly like the rest of vodafone live icons
earnestly waiting for its launch in India....its actually an intelligent phone in terms of net surfing n other applications. i ish if apple can ork on its bluetooth...it would be good to see iphone sending and receiving data through bluetooth..instead of attaching cables all the time.
Any chance this network competition will force the handset or contract price down? ... probably not!!!
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