i think these new phones are great cant wait to get one
Thanks for your reply, but allow me to disagree with you on most of the points you mentioned. Firstly, regarding the cat scenario, why double pay for internet connectivity? I mean I’m already paying my ISP to provide me with internet for home use. Why should I be paying the MSP to provide me with internet while I already have it at home?!
Secondly, I know that you have to order food or drinks to use their Wi-Fi. You go to cafes to drink or eat or meet your friends, which will probably involve eating or drinking. I believe that these are still the primary reasons to go there. Having Wi-Fi is an extra that you can use to check mail, research a topic you’re discussing with your friends, or even show them a video or a blog that you’ve seen or read and found interesting. You don’t need your laptop to do that. And someone said earlier that Wi-Fi is ok if you’re taking your laptop and heading to a café to do some serious surfing! Now that’s cheap! Nothing beats the convenience of working at one’s own place using one’s own reliable unshared connection, enjoying one’s own mug, and one’s own bathroom! That’s just me I don’t know about you guys.
Thirdly: As for the unlimited internet access over your phone, well where I live the service sucks! They over charge you; you pay per KB, and they don’t have anything like unlimited access. Sure if I’m living where it only costs me $20 to subscribe I will do it. But that's if I'm only interested in internet connectivity, not Wi-Fi itself as a connectivity solution.
Fourthly: “You will not see IT people walking around with Prada or Armani fashion staff” True; but about managers and executives? In fact, the iPhone 2.0 is all about Cooperate features, such as full support for Microsoft Exchange, Mac Push mail, and wireless sync. Not to mention the possibilities Wi-Fi enabled devices can offer you in the future, such as ordering food in smart restaurants, reading information about artifacts when visiting museums, and much more. Maybe dedicated IT personnel will continue using ugly but reliable Hp solutions, but still there is a possibility that your company’s executives would love to have a gadget that both have the looks and can be a jack of all trades; very cooperate mindset.
For me I’d use the Wi-Fi in my own home to enjoy the internet connectivity I’m already paying for, in a café as I described earlier, and at my work place to manage my network. But again that’s just me! Being an Engineer, the first thing I learnt wass how to manage my resources; if you can acquire a legal, reliable and an efficient Wi-Fi connection to the internet, why pay for it?! The keyword here is "a Connectivity solution", not the golden path to free internet.
perfect design and i like the name too bcus starting with X..., phillip doesn't do this much in wirless but i thing this one will rock....
to Mohamed. MS mobile will not be put to waste just because a phone does not have wifi. Don't forget that this phone does have competitive internet capabilities. Regardless if a phone has wifi or not, as a high end user, I will subscribe to internet, so if I were to choose between a beautiful looking phone w/out wifi like this one, or a plain/generic looking HP phone w/ wifi, which one do you think I'd choose? Of course I'd choose the better looking phone. Tech's and IT personnels will get the phone that their company buys for them for corporate use, and it will not be a fashion phone like this one. It would probably be some ugly looking blackberry or palm treo.
To Mohamed. Wifi does not make a person cheap, it's the opportunistic mentality of needing to have it that makes that person cheap. In a very unlikely event that my cat destroys my PC at home, since I have internet access on my phone, even without wifi I could still access the web. Hotspot cafes use wifi to attract customers. You have to order food and drinks before they give you access, unless of course you're too cheap to even order anything. Add a couple more dollars and you could've subscibed to a monthly unlimited internet access. The corporate scene uses wifi for desktop PC's and laptop. As for IT phones, those phones are special ordered from phone manufacturers for commercial use for IT staff. You will not see IT people walking around with a Prada or Armani fashion phones, or even an iphone. Wifi is very useful for laptops, not cellphones.
I find it humorous that people are on here saying Wi-fi is crap, and on other pages of different phones people are quick to say a phone is crap if it doesnt have Wi-fi. Hahaha.
"And who said that this phone is meant to be a pocket PC?"
@to JP
It's true that this phone might not be powerful enough to be classified as a Pocket PC, if compared to Hp Products for instance. Nevertheless, still it's a smart phone with Microsoft Windows Mobile and therefore it's really losing a market share here. Tech's and IT personnel, geeks for short, would sacrifice a percentage of the performance for the looks. And since Philips is well known for their battery life, this device would have been on the list of interest for cooperate people, had it had Wi-Fi.
Excuse me guys, but I think Wi-Fi has nothing to do with being cheap. Several scenarios exist where Wi-Fi can be useful. For instance if you're living in Egypt in a household that has only one computer, your cat destroyed your laptop, and your brother has become a facebook addict, having Wi-Fi on your phone will allow you to connect to the internet through the ADSL gateway that you already have (Linksys WAG200G), through the ADSL subscription that you're already paying for! Cafes with Hot-Spots are increasing all over the world, some require a user name and a password to log on, and others don't. It depends on the authentication protocol used. The only drawback for that would be too many people using it at the same time rendering you with a lousy bandwidth. Also consider a Cooperate scenario where employees, especially IT guys who use that for the remote administration, connect to their computers and servers through the internal Wi-Fi enabled network, not to mention wireless Active-Sync. And since this will be a Microsoft Windows Mobile phone, I would say that definitely it misses out on something huge here. It is also competing with the iPhone 2.0 which will be Wi-Fi enabled. It also loses points when compared to other high-end phones out there. It doesn't always have to be about the internet; Wi-Fi is a connectivity solution that can be used in tons of ways!
to Jeroen. You are absolutely right. Wifi is too much of a hassle on phones. Internet access is very affordable and also much more convenient than wifi. You can even get basic internet for $5 a month. But I will not argue that wifi on laptops is a must.
there is wifi all over the world, and mostly i see, is a little lock or i have to get a subscription unless i am in some starbucks kind of bar.by the time i have entered the password, username, key or what ever, i am already tired of using it, while with a small monthly fee you can use your mobile acces point (if you like on hsdpa)
my phone is my modem that i use on many different places to surf the web on my laptop, i can even change my phone into an wifi acces point if i wanted to 8)
hotels, airports etc why use your phone? bring your mba or so!
Philips was not doing well in the rankings because of poor production & marketing, not because of wifi, lol. Samsung has high end phones like the F490 that does not have wifi either. And who said that this phone is meant to be a pocket PC? And I don't know of anyone who is a frequent web browser who depends on wifi for connectivity. If you really want freedom to connect whenever and wherever, get your own internet access, not wifi. Not all hotspots are free by the way. Don't be cheap. $20/month for full internet is not expensive.
Internet access should be standard, but not wifi. Wifi may not take up much space, but so does other features that the manufacturer deems more important than wifi to be on this phone. For high end users, wifi will not be that important because again, they will more than likely get their own internet access which will render wifi useless. It's simply a matter of including features that would make more sense to the targeted market.
Indeed a very nice effort by Philips, in spite of being completely made in china but ok.
Nice phone, reminds me the launch of the fisio line like the 820 some years ago remember? When Philips were litle ahead of the competion by relesing a mobile phone with a colour screen.
Nowadays this not that impressive, stil a liked the exterior, but let´s wait to see the inside.
The big question in, will it reach the European market or is this just another asian product that will never reach Europe??
No Wifi? No wonder Philips is barely inside the rankings. Other then the Samsung i710 that came out more than a year ago, I don't recall any Pocket PC system without Wifi. People who use Pocket PC systems need connectivity, and the freedom to choose the connection they want. I'm personally against manufacturers that force users to use their internet connections through their expensive providers. The KS20 is also a bad example with their Wifi disabled MS20.
I agree, nothing cheap about wanting wifi! Its a standard now,and in areas that only support GPRS and EDGE, the use of your own high speed internet access over WIfi is essential. Grow up dude! wifi chipsets in phones dont take up much space and for a high end phone its cheap of the manufacturer not to give it.
dude that comment is in da Hall of Fame, i so agree people take every phone apart and no matter how amazing it is their gonna focus on that tiny spec thats not there and most of the time its wifi, i know what it feels like i had the N73 and if i had a buck for every time someone said that it sucked cause it did't have wifi i would have hired a hitman to take them out
Nothing wrong with wanting wifi, but for some people to say that wifi is a must on high end phones are people who are indeed cheap. Internet is part of the game, not wifi. And if you're serious with that game, then get full internet access, and don't depend on wifi to save your life. Wanting wifi on a phone is not cheap, but making wifi a must just because you don't want to pay monthly internet access is cheap. If you can't afford $20 a month for internet access, then I don't see why you should buy a $700 phone.
I want WIFI. it's part of the game! It's not being cheap to ask for WIFI. it's the STANDARD nowadays. how can you label someone cheap for wanting something in a phone? grow up. Yes i am cheap but i'm willing to pay 700USD for a high end phone WITH WIFI.
Indeed, although these phones are probably produced in China, Philips is a Dutch company. Or at least it has been since 1891... :)
Nice preview though!
Philips sold their mobile phone business to a Chinese company a while back
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