how can sonyericsson say they a walkman phone with no 3.5mm jack? and whats up with nokia? no 8mpx, no divx, no winmo whats going on? even a blackberry has divx. blackberry and samsung are the only phones doing well at the moment
this is awesome 8mp by samsung will change my life
Dani, 04 Jan 2009We shall see which one as the better 8MP when this Samsung releases....against the camera king C905!c905 is not the 'camera king' haven't you read the thread SE have never been the camera kings when it comes to mobile phones!!!!
LG Renior is even better then the c905!!
SE fans: dont you feel shame at all ?!!!
what C905 ? is that suppose to compete with the ALMIGHTY i8510 or the full touchscreen and D1 video Pixon or with this model with CCD and touch screen or even the LG renoir?
its a "good" phone.... nice try SE and thats it. stop making a joke of urselfe comparing it to a real advanced machines
SE fan is so so so so so JEALOUS .
stupid boy .
samsung rocks .
We shall see which one as the better 8MP when this Samsung releases....against the camera king C905!
Samsung hasn't improved it's looks , this is only for a competitive model against Sony Ericson.
andy burgin, 30 Dec 2008Its been a Quite Xmas for mobile phones in 2008 an hope we see some more handset released,Sams... moreI think nokia & sony ericsson wait for better station to release their new cellphones and try too have better sells thwn the others.
i am expecting that samsung's next 8mp phone is a non-slider w/ xenon flash. i have to wait a little while for innov8 cool down it's price than to wait for the release of this one instead.
extremely ugly, no way in hell would a guy buy this crap
LoL. . . . . All of you guys makes me laugh, h0w Cme SE C905 way better to th0se high_end 8mpix 0f SAMSUNG?.. C'm0n. . . . Lets face it, im a SE fan also.. Im d0ne with it.. SE cnt make this c0mpetiti0n even m0re h0tter, what d hell 8mpix sens0r 0nly can sh0ot videos in QVGA res0luti0n? N0 TV_0UT Cable included in the retail package? Its clear that the INN0V8 is the m0st Greatest Cameraph0ne ever made, unluckyly it d0esn't hav media keys that makes INN0V8 0nly as best cameraph0ne but n0t best as multiMediaph0ne.
sony are the best
S.Sri, 02 Jan 2009Being a die hard fan amplifies loyality. However being insensate to ground realism is another.... moreBUT BUT havent you noticed how cheap Nokia's are made? Especially the XpressMusic series there soo cheaplyyyyy made! fair enough i agree on the features thing..but build quality?
The Sony Ericsson c905 is far better!
8-megapixel-camera doesn't mean a thing. u quite probably have greater pics from a 5-megapixel-camera by motorola zine ZN5 than on some 8-megapixel-cameraphone. no wi-fi (again!), no os, sadly. waste of money & time.
this samsung looking good but i feel to myself it ent ready for the Sony C905....the sony is working really really the wi-fi...
Fuji, 02 Jan 2009The navifation keys is making the phones image "cheap"...... isn't it?True, i didn't notice it before, but the navi button does make the phone look like a cheap knock off from some other phone in a way.
Fuji, 02 Jan 2009The navifation keys is making the phones image "cheap"...... isn't it?NO IT IS NOT !!!
The navifation keys is making the phones image "cheap"...... isn't it?
I meant Xenon
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