You are doing terrible things, Samsung.........Nokia must be having nightmares now!
talking is futil you'll see everybody will forget this phone and compare future phone with the sony ericsson's, nokia's and htc's one
Another 2nd rate, iphone wannabe from Samsung. This time with a bigger screen. Samsung, HTC, SE and Nokia should stick to making regular phones with hardware keys and keep the touchscreen operation to a minimum. That is where they're good at, instead of trying so hard to enter the iphone full touchscreen kingdom. Unless of course they could really come up with a cool touchscreen like the Palm Pre, then yes. But so far Samsung, Nokia, HTC and SE hasn't. What good are wonderful specs when they're executed poorly?! =) Iphone is still the king of touchscreens =)
Anonymous, 06 Feb 2009u r so untrue wit ur post.did u say lg,sammy,moto kick SE ass? u most be d best clown ... moreIf n81,i450,e8 use same hi end hpm 88 earphone they destroy w980..w980 gr8 sound quality coz hpm88! While n81/i450/e8 bundled earphone quality very poor! When w980 clearbas use nokia earphone u'll hear 60's radio sound quality..ok? It was proven by rmaa graph test using computer..which very2 precise while our ears can't hear all elements of sounds..poor walkman
Other vendors lost public atention coz this baby..
I8910 at the vip suite class
X1,N97,iPhone 3G,innov8,hd,omnia at 2nd class
N96,W902,N95,G810,touch pro at 3rd
Smart,Young,Richman will buy dis..
OMG! Samsung leads tech,smart engineer...of course their marketing strategy team as smart as their engineer..
And samsung has strategic cooperation with OS maker like nokia s60,android,winmo..hardware/cpu maker like ti,st,qualcomm, very smart like their smartfone
Joey, 06 Feb 2009Nothing we can talk about hikaru,coz it will appear in 2012 n too late while samsung introduce... moreu r so untrue wit ur post.did u say lg,sammy,moto kick SE ass? u most be d best clown factual wit phn peformance nt company finance.i guess u havnt found a phn dat sounds half as good as dat wicked w980i.wot a grump.
Bye2 X1..
Bye2 in peace coz..
The best s60v5 flagship is i8910 not N97 while..
The best s60v3 flagship is i8510 not N96
Anonymous, 06 Feb 2009Xperia X1 the best everu rock brother! x1 stil numero uno and others like nokia r chasin
darealbert, 06 Feb 2009e71-nokia still the best everface the fact nokia user.
darealbert, 06 Feb 2009e71-nokia still the best everXperia X1 the best ever
Kyuubi, 06 Feb 2009All your guys are talking about nokia being taken over by samsung but in retrospect who will b... morenokia dont do midrange its SE dat does that.
e71-nokia still the best ever
All your guys are talking about nokia being taken over by samsung but in retrospect who will be able to buy this phone....? HD/8MP camera/3.5G/ 3.8inch screen/touchscreen
there gonna loose money on this since people wont be able to pay upfront for it unless they make big bucks a year and is a High class working man or celeb
alot of your guys don't see that
and Nokia didn't loose the 3% cause of the mobile market's cause of the ressesion and alot of companies loose market shares of it so do a full analysis before talking cause it's not just Nokia's problems they lost money it's the whole world's problem that were loosing money
and by they way we never had a ressision in 30 years so know you know what crisis were in
that's why Nokia is still making Mid range and Low range fones for the people who are really suffering from the ressesion
Anonymous, 06 Feb 2009Says who!.lg is jst a copycat of every manufacturer dat is cool.lg is pathetic!thats true. totally agree with you, especially when you say "LG is pathetic"
SE-always, 06 Feb 2009Stop talking about this phone... you should listen to the storm of Hikaru! That phone is so mu... moreNothing we can talk about hikaru,coz it will appear in 2012 n too late while samsung introduce i8910 successor
Let's we talk about se financial crisis
SE cuts more jobs in 2009
SE dropping market share n then
SE Bankruptcy..coz..
Even small vendor like moto n lg kick se to bottomed rank..
Poor Walkman n cybershot
Take a look..n82/95/samsung g810/g800/lg viewty/moto zn5 destroy k850/c902 cybershot fam while sammy i450/rokre8/n81/n79 kick w902/w980..that's all we can talk about se..just crap vendor..hikaru/yurika just se fans imagine/dreams n won't be come true tech is obselete n far behind nok,sammy,lg n moto
Wonderkid, 06 Feb 2009As with still image cameras, while the i8910 may have some great features, the video quality w... morenw sum1 is talking real sense.bless u
As with still image cameras, while the i8910 may have some great features, the video quality will not come close to that even offered by a non HD camcorder. When will people learn that a small lens and low cost sensor mean the specified resolution is meaningless? For example, today, the Sony Ericsson K800i STILL produces the best images of any camera phone. Why? Because it has a large lens (take a look at the back of a K800i one day), a sensible sensor resolution (3mp) and for low light, an excellent flash. If Samsung can add a proper lens and sensor to this phone then we'll be talking. It would be great to carry the phone on holiday to shoot good quality HD video - and blog it.
eb, 06 Feb 2009Aaahahahahahaha! Samsung never beat sony ericsson?! Lmao! Even lg beats sony ericsson in 2008!... moreSays who!.lg is jst a copycat of every manufacturer dat is cool.lg is pathetic!
Gaby, 06 Feb 2009ofcourse it cant compare to i8910, or any other phone, because i8910 is a big crap compared to... morenumnuts, this records in hd, iphone can't even record video. Iphone crummy camera compared to i8910.
ND, 06 Feb 2009iPhone specs is so out of date now, it can't compare with this i8910, so don dreaming anymore,... moreofcourse it cant compare to i8910, or any other phone, because i8910 is a big crap compared to the iPhone.
I don't see where iPhone's features are outdated. All i see new in this i8910 is a HDMI port, and about the camera like i said, better buy a separate HD cam if you really need it.
Important in a phone is it's interface, it's user experience, best music player, best browsing, applications, games. A fun and vivid phone, like no other on the market.
So forget about your i8910, like i said, half a year and it will be forgotten, compared to the iPhone.
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