Guys, give it up. Iphone fans are just like Mac fans. It won't matter what comes out. To them, Apple will always rule. Imagine if Apple made the Icar. As long as it looks good and does one thing well, it will be the best car ever. Even if it cost 100K, topped out at 80mph, and got 10mpg. A new Gallardo would suddenly become an Icar wannabe.
[deleted post]You are the stupid one. Now tell me how you accessed gps in other countries and which country using your Nokia phone's gps. I am waiting for your answer, since you've been bragging about your Nokia voice guidance gps feature.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009i'm sorry kid, but do you actually think your iphone is better than an N82?? LOLOf course the iphone is way better than your N82 grandpa. I wouldn't even consider your N82. I don't even bother checking out N82 threads like you do here with the iphone =)
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009what phone nowadays can't send files through bluetooth??We iphone users have better things to do than transfer files via BT. That activity is for no brainers =)
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009xqbe tries so hard to promote Nokia's so-so camera because it is the only thing that his Nokia... morei'm sorry kid, but do you actually think your iphone is better than an N82?? LOL
Anonymous, 09 Apr 20094TAq tries so hard to say how GPS and camera is useless. any high end smartphone user would la... morexqbe tries so hard to promote Nokia's so-so camera because it is the only thing that his Nokia phone can do better, yet it is a useless feature for people who owns digital cameras.
What's silly is, he thinks that sending multiple sms and sending files over BT is everything as well. He does not even know that the iphone is getting those features as well comes the 3.0 release. Will his Nokia get multi-touch this summer? Will his Nokia get a better OS this summer? NOPE, hahahaha.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009Unbelievable how fanatics you iphone users are, so much jealous and you ignore everything wot ... moreOh please stop it with those biased YouTube videos unless it's official. I can find a YouTube video as well that would show the iphone as the clear winner if I wanted to. So please.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009The Nokia 5800 costs more than an iPhone in Australia because Nokia charge $A500 extra for 'co... moreWell the iphone costs more here i the US than the 5800, and I don't care how much it costs in other countries.
Yes, you can buy an unlocked iphone but risk losing its warranty, and also risk of other possibilities such as not able to acquire firmware updates, etc. So it's not worth it unless you really know what you are doing?
Nokia has nothing on the iphone, period. Nokia is only good in ringtones and themes and backgrounds. Kids stuff. The iphone has apps that are helpful to professionals. I can hear my iphone when it rings. You need to get your ears checked.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009people who buy phones with navi are not kids. They actually travel whereas kids tag along dadd... moreWhat? You said you travel across the ocean using your phone's navi? Like where? How do you access gps when you are in another country using your Nokia phone? Please educate us?
Da, 09 Apr 2009What i am basically saying is that the iPhone is twice as expensive as it's rival handsets. If... morePut into another perspective, is the almighty brand really CAPABLE of making a 3G touchscreen phone really worth US$700?
All I know is, other than its 88xx series, no matter how "high-end" the phones are with whatever top specs, the almighty brand seems to have passion on "plastic casing".
If the almighty brand is so capable, why did it take 4+ years to develop its first 3G touchscreen phone after its competitor?
If Apple is so ignorant for not listening to its customers, how about the almighty brand? Why made its fans to wait 4+ years to get a 3G touchscreen phone from the company? Or why didn't the company release any 3G touschscreen phone until 3G iphone is available?
Or was the almighty brand being incapable to make a 3G touchscren phone really worth US$700, so it can only charge US$400 for its 5800? (Yes, the almighty brand is ripping customers off where I live by charging some US$50~$100 more than other customers of 5800 around the world)
I am NOT an iphone user (wife is), and I'd rather NOT use a phone if the almighty brand is the only choice.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009Who compared the N97 to the iphone? which aspects did i compare, quote me on that. i clearly r... moreI said, a phone that is already OUT IN THE MARKET. Is the N97 out in the market? It's not.
Where is your census that 18 million kids bought the iphone? There's none. You're desperate and it's causing you to become more stupid =)
I never told you to take your Lexus overseas. I was asking you how often do you travel and how are you using your phone's gps when you travel. Tell me the countries that you have used your phone's gps at and how you accessed their gps.
Again, Canon cameras will kick your N92's ass any time, so I don't care.
Well let me throw your question back at you. If Nokia camera phones are that great, then how come people with Nokias still buy digital cameras? The iphone has a camera for random pics only, and it takes decent photos especially during the day. It is not meant to replace a digital camera.
I know exaggeration and sarcasm. But do you know what common sense is? You don't seem to have one =)
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009iphone guys, let's get clear with this issue, that you can't compare one iphone with nokia 580... moreWhat? Just because Nokia threw in a bunch of useless features into its phones it's now technologically advanced? LOL. Is that how you assess a device? Since when did Nokia incorporated accelerometers, proximity sensors, touchscreens, app store, music store into their phones? LOL. Nokia does not even have visual vm. And please, that 2.8 plastic screen just does not cut it as technologically advanced. And resistive touch? Ummm, that is old technology for touchscreens. You cut the crap. Nokia cannot even web browse decently compared to the iphone's effortless web browsing. So please.
What sophisticated software does your 5800 have? Have you checked the 30,000+ apps on the app store? And you said "emulate total iphone" and why would you try to emulate the iphone if it's an inferior phone? lol. Can you multi touch on the 5800? Nope. Does the 5800 responds to touch as intuitively and as responsive as the iphone? Nope. It's music player is inferior compared to the iphone's as well, and it claims to be a music phone, lol. Now why would I run windows on my iphone? That is totally stupid. But I do believe there is an app for that as well.
Actually, no Nokia phone can emulate an iphone even if you try because Nokia phones are not powerful enough.
Da, 09 Apr 2009I have a iPhone 2G and i am very happy with the phone, i only feel sorry for the iSheep that f... moreActually I wonder as if the new iPhone is really targeted MORE to "existing iPhone users" or try to capture "phone users of other brands"?
Guess the major difference is: Apple only has one model line called iPhone, vs. other brands, like the almighty brand, may offer "similar" phones with "minor upgrades" such as N95, N95 8GB, N96, etc...
How many users of N95 really "upgraded" to N95 8GB or N96?
Maybe that's how the almighty brand has been so successful fooling people around with phones of similar (upgraded) specs under "new model names"...then people don't think they're upgraded version but treat them as "new" phones, so no complaint...
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009By the way, sitting down and browsing the internet is a huge priority for kids. much more impo... moreWhere have you been? web browsing is important to a lot of people, not just kids. You wouldn't know that because your Nseries sucks at web browsing, lol.
As for the camera, I have my Canon that is better than your N95. Phone reception is fine on the iphone. GPS sucks on the N95, and again I don't need it for my car has a navi. The iphone's organizer is way better than any Nseries, especially with the iphone's 3.5 screen. 2.8 just doesn't cut it.
If you're smart, you would know that 3.5 is better than 2.8, but you're dumb =)
For smart iphone users, a contract is the best way to go, but of course dumbs farts like you wouldn't understand =)
iphone fun guys, let's get clear with this issue, that you can't compare one iphone with nokia 5800xm or N97, it's because nokia is way to much advanced technology compare to aple, but sure aple can try comparing against older phones so maybe aple get credit climing on touch screen but still they may beat aple, because almost 10 more things they do.. that even new aple update v30 cant do it, it just can't do, it's no tech inside iphone, so cot the crap!
The nokia5800xm can do lot of things, it's multitask in the same time, and now everyday is coming out new and sophisticated software, and you can run even Microsoft windows or emulate total iphone or palm in nokia N E 5800xm, and you will be able to have extra possibilities that ordinary iphone can't do at all..., but how about aple, can your aple do this things run s60 or Microsoft windows... newer, so forget iphone really sucks!
The funny part is that, very few nokia users are emulating in iphone!:-(
Check out this youtube video about nokia 5800!
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009As a matter of fact that's exactly what i am saying. There is no other way to convey it. Most ... moreWhat? Where did you get your census that most people who bought the iphone are kids? Where did they get their money to afford the iphone and its data plan? lol. Your desperateness is getting too ridiculous, lol. Well the iphone does have the ipod as one of its app and I don't see anything wrong with that. I think it's a great thing to merge an ipod into a phone. Other phones have mp3 players, why can't the iphone have an ipod feature? The iphone needs improvement, so what? Do you know any phone that doesn't need improvement? Just shows that you are just throwing anything to attack the iphone even when it's really stupid.
The contract comes with other high costs that kids cannot really afford unless they have parents who can. Also, kids needs their parent to sign the contract. AT&T would not approve a plan to kids. Your analysis is dumb.
Sorry, but the iphone's map app beats the N95 maps. The iphone's cpu runs 412mhz. Regardless, it's the actual performance that counts. The N95 lags in pulling up photos and web pages. The iphone renders web pages faster and pulls up photos instantaneously. Flipping photos is also a breeze with the iphone, while it's slow with the N95. So what if your N92 has xenon flash, my Canon camera is still better =)
Stereo headphones are for the ringtones? Sorry, but your brain is inferior, lol.
Oh please, the iphone is faster than the N95 in all aspects. Navigation on the N95 is poor and laggy. Scrolling is also slow on the N95 and zooming as well. Web browsing is a pain on the N95 and the screen is small, lol. You have to press some buttons with the N95 whereas you just swipe and slide witht the iphone, so how can the N95 be faster? lol. In your dreams, lol.
I said over 30,000 apps, not just games. How many does Nokia have? Oh so I have to google. How convenient, LOL. Try the App Store buddy, no more googling. And Nokia has been around for how many years now? And they never thought of an App store? WOW, how smart?
removing the sim while operating the phone is the weakest arguement ever. Try multi-touch, it's faster than anything.
The iphone just offers more than what the N95 can. I don't need sarcasm to say that.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009Well i dont know if the Iphone its for girls, but one thing i Know for sure, it cant stand wha... moreGuess you never read the "story" about the almighty brand's latest offering...5800 and ALL the problems that came with the phone...but the manufacturer would NOT admit the problems or offer any recall, even though it admit thousands of cases...
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009Oh so now XD is another Apple hype, lol. I guess that is all you can come up with. What flaws ... moreUnbelievable how fanatics you iphone users are, so much jealous and you ignore everything wot is better than iphone, that other people is making fun out of your ignorance and fanaticism just because you have been cheated well, raped off, paid to expensive and still paying your contracts!
See for your self this videos wot they tell or jock about certain products, it's really funny! read translations undertext.
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2009The N97 its way 2 complex for womens brain or for Iphone users!
girlies use the barbie Iphone... moreSmart people are the ones who can make others' lives easier...
Maybe some people are adventurous and like to spend more time to "explore" their phones, though there are (way more) people out there who enjoy simple lives...
[deleted post]So when did we start judiging a "phone's" quality base (merely) on its camera?
So soon Canon or Nikon can make the best long as they add a phone keypad and an I correct?
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