nokia 3120 is a good mobile phone, which has a compact dimensions,and the pixels more deep than similiar product that nokia has been released before ,enriching of many features,but still has miss why don't put an infrared into this product?
We end up paying a lot more than we should be for these phones because the more new phones they bring out...the more they have to pay designers...the more they have to pay to get the production going...the more they have to pay for ordering new parts. Its just rediculous!
i totally agree with jason, i seriously see no point in producing 3120 when there's 3100..well some might say it's good to have variety, but this is no variety, it's just the'll just confuse certain customers
the best phone ever i have seen!!
As annoying as it is that Nokia continually flood the market with countless phones, all with none to slight variations, it does work for them. I work in retail for mobile phones. it is amazing how many people come in with a Nokia and ask when Nokia "x" is coming, even though it is the same phone that they already have, aside from the name change. Much to my disappointment, Nokia will undeservingly remain at number 1 for quite along time, due to the fact they flood the market with similar phones but keep the consumer constantly interested.
Almost a pure copy of the 3100 with hardly any features, 4 chord polyphonic ringtones, 4K colour screen. Manifacturers should stop pumping out brand new phones every week...instead they should spend more time designing a few really good ones than heaps of really crap ones. It will be easier for them to have only a few production lines open at once and leaving them open for longer & it will also help us customers by having fewer to choose from. Does anyone here agree with my comments?
Nokia, stop cheating customer's hard-earned money with your so called brand new model but backward features. If you don't noe how to make phone, close down!
brand neu product without no neu tech, its so nokia.
Yes I know, Samsung is going more overboard with top end clamshell handsets. All the manifacturers are doing it and its just stupid....all these phones are way too similar like this 3120 for example, it is a 3100 and nokia has spent thousands of dollars designing it and opening its production line when they could be rolling in the same amount of customers from their 3100.
nokia is still sticking to 4096 colour LCD
Jason! see the has much more phones at the same category, and those are more expensive than nokias' and I wont be happy without 7210/7250..and the 5xxx is for the siemen m-class..
p00r ugly duckling..
There are just way too meany phones that are too similar: Nokia 2100, 3315, 3610, 1100 & 2300 are all entry level handsets couldnt nokia make just one or two of these with all the features combined which are very similar and basic anyway?
Nokia 3100, 3120, 3530, 3510i & maybe even 6610 are low end to middle class handsets... they could do with just 3120 & 6610.
Nokia 5100, 3200, 7210, 7250, 6100 & 5140 are all middle to top end handsets. 3200 & 6100 should keep everyone happy.
Nokia 7610, 9500, 7100, 6810, 7600, 6600, 6620, 6220, 7200 & 6230 are all top ends which they could make do with 4 or 5 of them.
Who agrees with me now?
Im not saying they shouldnt make really expensive ones only....they should spend time releasingonly a few each year for every market some in the low end, some in middle class and some top end ones instead of heaps op top ends, heaps of middle class and heaps of low ends!
I like it, its much more elegante, than the 3100...
we need cheap handsets numb nuts not every 50 year old wants a camera fone nice one nokia i need more handsets like this to sell
agreed, nokia is shocking,SE will go ahead
Almost a pure copy of the 3100 with hardly any features, 4 chord polyphonic ringtones, 4K colour screen. Manifacturers should stop pumping out brand new phones every week...instead they should spend more time designing a few really good ones than heaps of really crap ones. It will be easier for them to have only a few production lines open at once and leaving them open for longer & it will also help us customers by having fewer to choose from. Does anyone here agree with my comments?
Ok Nokia, enough is enough.
Your friggin phones all look the same, all the same specifications, same crap screen (year 2004, 4096 just isn't real). There is no variety in what Nokia offers. BORING. UGLY. Get a better marketing plan, cuz you guys are going down.
drop those low-cost phones and start producing some real ones, with a better display-screen and camera.. the 6230 is brilliant, but they really have to make a new menu/interface!
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